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Study: Africa Will Suffer Most From Global Warming

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Study: Africa Will Suffer Most From Global Warming


November 25, 2006 9:15 a.m. EST



Som Patidar - All Headline News Staff Writer

Nairobi, Kenya (AHN) - A recent study conducted at the Kenyan Tsavo National Park has revealed that Africa will probably be the continent to suffer the most from global warming.


Historical accounts of how climate changes affected African tribes in the past were used in the study.


Giving reasons for the results of the study, Dr. Lindsey Gillson said: "Severe disturbance events and rapid environmental change tend to occur infrequently, but can have a lasting effect on both environment and society. This was nowhere more evident than in the case of the Maasai."


"It is important to use long-term historical and palaeoecological data to try to understand the frequency and effects of extreme events, and the way societies and ecosystems respond to them," Gillson said.




Garaad Jamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jamac. ayaa la filayaa inuu shirar kala duwan la yeesho dadweynaha soomaaliyeed ee ku sugan Gobalka Ohio gaar ahaa Dadweynaha ka soo jeeda Puntlland oo uu garaadka u yahay.


Garaad Jamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jamac oo ah Isin ka mid ah Isimada Puntlland kana mid ah kuwa ugu da'ada yar ayaa waxaa aad loogu amaanay

wax qabadkiisa intii uu garaadka ahaa isagoo ku guulaystey in uu heshiis kala dhex dhigo Beelo ay xurguf dhex martey.


Garaad Jamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jamac ayaa soco ku kala bixiyey Gobolda Sool iyo Sanaag iyo gobolo kale oo ka tirsan DGPL.

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