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Somali Man Has His Hand Amputated By Al Shabab

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A man convicted of robbery by a court in Somalia’s Islamist strong hold port-town of Kismayo had his right hand cut off. Mohamed Omar Ismael stole $90 from a saving account, local reports said.


Mohamed was sentenced to the amputation of his right-hand, and the punishment was carried out in public in the city center where a large crowd of people watched on as Islamists carried out the sentence.


This is not the first time the Islamic group known as Al Shabab, who introduced strict form of Sharia, or Islamic Law, carried out this sort of incident, it was just last year when they amputated a young man named Yusuf.


Under strict Sharia law, theft is sentenced by severing their hand. The death penalty is meted out for murder, rape, armed robbery, apostasy and drug trafficking.


Al Shabab control much of southern Somalia and are carrying out hit-and-run-style war against the weak transitional government of Somalia led by Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. Al Shabab are said to have foreign fighters in it’s ranks and are backed by Egypt, Iran, Libya and number of nations in the Gulf.


Egypt which has long policy of waging proxy war on Ethiopia using Somalia, Eritrea and Rebel groups inside Ethiopia to secure the Nile fresh water flow is said to be the main trainer of Al shabab fighters. Similarly, Egypt blocks Somaliland’s international recognition so as to maintain a unified Somalia that can destabilize Ethiopia.

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inaa lilaah ,just for $90. :(





How come a convicted murder can be spared if the diya is accepted but not when a young man like this is willing to pay back the $90 he stole.

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Ina'lilaahi waa inaa Ilahayhi raaji'un....


JB, this pictures are too graphic, take them off and never post such pictures again please, don't give us nightmares, if don't have feelings remember others do...


Moderator please remove these pictures...

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why hide from what is happening back home, if anything reer muqdishu should know what si in store for them.



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