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Mogadishu Vs Jowhar!

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Since the relocation of the interim Transitional Government to the city of peace and tranquility

(Jowhar), Mogadishu has shown weakness and tearful sentiments. Jowhar has ringed to her sisterly city to understand more about her security situations:


Jowhar: Hello, this is Jowhar on the line, what's up?


Mogadishu: Eeh, eeh, eeh I have been crying for almost fifteen years. I suffered internal conflicts

without end. My people had abandoned me , i have no any other option, but to cry.


Jowhar: My heaviness of my heart, I want to know more about the root cause of your



Mogadishu: I am totally isolated and stigmatized from the rest of the Somali cities. I lost my

status as the capital city of Somalia. I became a graveyard. I am the most abhorred city of Horn of Africa.


Jowhar: Oh, Oh, you were the pearl of the Indian ocean, the city of sails, and the most

peaceful and attractive city in east Africa. What makes you cry so loudly?


Mogadishu: I faced unsafe and insecure circumstances. I lost everything i had and i became the

target of specific persecution. I am hopeless and helpless and have nobody on my

rescue. I became the most dangerous city on the globe.


Jowhar: I am concerned of what makes you so unhappy?


Mogadishu: I granted a temporary permanent residence for armed militiamen in order to overthrow the military government, but they turned wild, killing my people, raping my girls and seizing the land and houses of my innocent, unarmed civilians. They became the most notorious robbers ever known in the Somali history.


Jowhar: Are they still there?


Mogadishu: yes they are, they are known as†belligerent bandits. They always rub me up the wrong way with hostilities, obliteration and demolition. I lost my serenity and I became the most abominated city of the old Benadir region.


Jowhar: What languages do the warlords speak?

Mogadishu: "Distraction†I am completely devastated. Where are my major buildings? Where are my places of interest? eeh eeh they had wiped me out. I am suffering beyond any bound, I faced sheer disaster.

I was cut off from the rest of the world. My International Airport, my ports and bridges, my roads and schools are not functioning. I became the least good looking city of Africa.


Jowhar: Can anybody visit you to asses your damages?


Mogadishu: No, No, please. I have daily fights, brawls, clashes and scraps. I became the most feared city on earth.


Jowhar: You were the beloved city, the capital of our country, and the pride of our people. How can we help you?


Mogadishu: Those who used to care me are either died or fled to Europe, America or Australia. I have my enemies inside me who has caused my downfall. Let me shed my tears i am the most detested city of the continent.


Jowhar: You were a lovely city, your local name is Xamar cadde, and you had attracted and received thousands of heads of states, what can we do for you?


Mogadishu: I dont blame any foreign army, it is my children who has caused my distraction. Leave me alone, i know i had brought upon my self the wrath of god. I deserve to be called the dark city of East Africa.


Jowhar: Who has cursed you and what atrocities you had committed?


Mogadishu: My warlords had callously looted my treasure. They had caused the death and separation of thousands of Somalis only because of their membership to their clans. I am the most unfortunate city of the southern of Somalia


Jowhar: Who is in-charge of your daily affairs?


Mogadishu: The wicked wealthy man- Mr. Ato. The talkative drug dealer - Mr. Qanyare and the illiterate oppressor -Mr. Muse Suudi Yalaxow.



Jowhar: We swear the Almighty God; we will never leave you along. We shall restore your dignity. Please be patient you will be liberated soon.


Mogadishu: I am very glade to know that you had made a tangible progress in every aspects of life. I acknowledge the smooth freedom, your booming city, and the infrastructure you enjoy. Please convey my greetings to Mohamed Omar Xabeeb who has won my admiration.



By: Abdirizak Ali Ismail

New Zealand

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