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Deeq A.

Somaliland Vice President Urges Awdal to Contribute Militias “to the War Effort”

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Deeq A.   

Boorame (PP News Desk) — The Somaliland administration Vice President Abdirahman Sayli’i today urged people of Awdal to support Somali forces. “People of Awdal should contribute militias and other supplies to the war effort. We are under attack from forces who oppose our progress” said Sayli’i in Boorame.

Sayli’i was sent to his hometown where influential members of the community opposed the war Somaliland administration is waging against Laascaanood.

Sayli’i:” “People of Awdal should contribute militias and other supplies to the war effort.”Sayli’i: “People of Awdal should contribute militias and other supplies to the war effort.”

His remarks come in the wake of calls by the United States government to the Somaliland administration to withdraw its troops on the outskirts of Laascaanood.

The Somaliland administration foreign ministry demanded diplomatic recognition as the only option to end the conflict in Northern Somalia. The Somaliland administration claims to be a sovereign state on the basis of pre-independence borders between the ex-British Somaliland and the ex-Trust Territory of Somaliland under Italian administration.

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