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Hiiraale: Era of governance has begun, time to disarm Somalia.

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Barre Hiiraale Oo Meel Fagaare Ah Kala Hadlay Dadweynaha Kismaayo

Jan 02,2007

by Kismaayo-GEDO-NN

Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee Soomaailya Col. Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) oo maanta ka hadlay isku soo bax balaaran oo lagu taageerayo dowladda federaalka oo ka dhacay magaalada Kismaayo.


Wasiirka oo ka hadlay arrimo badan ayaa markii ugu horeeysay u mahadceliyey shacabka gobollada jubbooyinka sidii weynayd oo ay u soo dhoweeyeen magaalada Kismaayo kadib markii ciidadama dowlada federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiya ay ka saareen kuwii midowga maxkamadaha gobollada jubbooyinka.


Sidoo kale, wasiirku waxaa si rasmi ah ugu dhowaaqay inaysan jirin Isbaheysigii dooxadda Jubba oo uu ka arrimin jiray dalka Soomaliya, haatana laga gudbay xilligii hogaamiye kooxeednimada, hub ka dhigis balaaran lagu sameyn doono dalka oo dhan.


Wasiirka gaashaandhigga ayaa u sheegay inuu yahay xildhibaan iyo wasiir ka tirsan dowladda federaalka, waxii haatan ka bilowdana ay dowladdu ku dadaali doonto sidii wadanka Soomaliya loogu soo celin lahaa nabadgelyo iyo xasilooni dalka uu caanka ku ahaa. Col.Hiiraale ayaa si rasmi ah ayaa waxaa kale uu sheegay in ciidamada yimaaday gobollada jubbooyinka ay yihiin kuwa dowladda federaalka ee aysan ahayn kuwii dooxada jubba oo mar hore kale burburay.


Mar uu ka hadlay maamulo loo sameeyo gobollada jubbooyinka ayaa sheegay inay dowladda federaalka oo kaliya ay maamul u sameyn karto gobollada jubbooyinka, isaga oo meesha ka saaray inuusan doonayn inuu maamulo gobollada jubbooyinka, gobolladaasina ay rasmi ah ugu dhaqmi doonaan siyaasadda dowladda.


Sidoo kale, waxaa ka hadlay dibadbaxaasi Xildhibaan Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xiddig oo sheegay in shacabka gobollada jubbooyinka ay qeybta kaga aadan horumarinta iyo xasiloonida dalka Soomaliya, loona baahan yahay in ayga oo isku duuban ay garab istaagaan dowladda.



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Kismaayo: Dibad bax lagu taageerayo dawladda federaalka oo ka dhacay Kismaayo.

Talaado, January 02, 2007




Kismaayo(AllPuntland)- Dibad bax ballaaran oo ay kasoo qayb galeen dadwaynaha Kismaayo ayaa maanta ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada Kismaayo,gaar ahaan beerta xoriyadda ee bartamaha Kismaayo.


Isu soo baxayaasha oo ruxayay caleemo qoyan ayaa socod ku maray waddooyinka waawayn ee Kismaayo, ayagoo kadibna isugu soo aruuray beerta xoriyadda, halkaasi masuuliyiin kala duwan ugu qudbaysay.


Kooxa Baambeeyda ayaa ka dhex muuqday bannaanbaxayaasha ,kuwaasoo garaacayay astaanta calanka Soomaaliya.


Wasiirka gaashaan dhigga dawladda Soomaaliya Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale), iyo xildhibaan C/rashiid Maxamed Xiddig ayaa dadwaynihii isku soo baxay la hadlay.


Barre Hiirale ayaa dadwaynaha uga mahad celiyay sidii ay magaaladaasi ugu soo dhaweeyeen ciidamada dawladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo uu ku sheegay ciidan wax wayn la qabtay dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya.


Md: Barre Hiiraale wuxuu sheegay in dawladda federaalku ay diyaar u tahay inay iminka bilowdo dib u soo celinta nabad galyadii dalka Soomaaliya lagu yaqaannay.


Wuxuu Barre Hiiraale dadwaynaha ka codsaday inay ka shaqeeyaan nabad galyada, asagoo xusay in dawladdu ay bilaabayso hub ka dhigid baaxad leh.


Xildhiban: C/rashiid Maxamed Xiddig ayaa asaguna u gudbiyay shacabka Kismaayo salaan uu uga siday madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya iyo raysulwasaaraha iyo golayaasha dawladda.


Wuxuu sheegay in hadda wixii ka danbeeya dadka goblku ay ku shaqayn doonaan siyaasadda dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya, wuxuu sheegay in qabiil iyo dhib oo dhan ay dhammaadeen.


Wuxuu ugu baaqay in dadwaynaha Soomaaliyeed inay iska saaraan kalsooni darada haysta ee dhinaca dawladda.


Xiddig wuxuu sheegay in shacabka looga baahan yahay inay ka qayb qaataan horumarka dawladd, asagoo sheegay in shacabku laf dhabar u yihiin horusocodka dawladda.


Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa ka muuqday jawi daganaansho iyo in dadka Kismaayo ay u hamuun qabeen inay dawladdu timaaddo Kismaayo.


Waa bannaanbixii ugu horeeyay ee ka dhaca gudaha Kismaayo , laguna taageero dawladda, tan iyo markii maxkamadaha gacantooda ay ka baxday Kismaayo.


CCC Farayaamo


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Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:


Let him disarm his kins first.

then let him abide by the rules of the TFG by returning back to the Army barracks in Mogadishu.

As I spoke with Kismaayo, the celebrations on the street overwhelmed the voice on the other end. Why do you deny the populace their happiness? :D

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I had some bitter discussion with some people about the reason why the Clan Court terrorists vacated Mogadishu (to salvage its residents and their hanti) only to fight in the Jubbas and risk the livelihoods of the Somalis there.


Do you also believe that it had nothing to do with strategy nor goodwill, but qabiilism at its most rotten form.

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^^^Maybe or maybe not sxb, but ya ka caqli xuun?..........xassan turki and co what qabil are they? and many other fighters, suppliers, supporters........they went Jubbs and turki's old hideouts because unlike cities (xamar, kismayo and w/out popular support from populace) it is mountains and many areas to fight, hide and stage guerilla attacks.....sxb its true bad apples in icu those that changed shirts but they are no longer there I think.... a triblist would not scarfice and fight for islam... but the many believers within the icu will dont get that twisted....and they will fight until their objective (islamic state) is established inshallah.

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Khalaf there were times those objectives were in reach,only should they have taken peace.Bad elements with in them or not,they failed for their sole principle was pivotted with the qabiil idea.Now,if they have any sense left,they would spare those boys and take the amnesty they have been provided with,since they have already caused the deaths of many youths.They are done,its time they realized that.

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Great news, Barre has spoken well. But its up to the TFG now not to fail the people and build national institutions so the warlord, clan courts era will be a thing of the past.

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Captain X bro, I am new to somali politics but not to world politcs. that objective to rule by the law of Quran is what provided the pretext (excuse) to invade somalia (planed long ago i think) the icu never wanted war listen here I know they were not prefect!


most somalis on either side fail to c the big picture man and they are stuck on interests (qabil)...even the so called icu supporters. think about this: Pakistan and India. A lawless region in pakistan declares islamic sharia and stablizes it.......a temporay gov backed by Indian troops with the blessings of the international community (da west) fights these "terrorist group" inside pakistan "defeats" them and installs a gov of their choosing, indian troops will stay in the captial islamabad to save guard this gov........what would be your view if this was pakistan (a muslim country)...would u support this :confused: dont be blind brothers!


And watch these videos xalane:

google video: America's campaign to suppress islam




peace out.

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Brother Khalaf,they say that actions do speak louder than words,the ICU was waging war on every where and on the other hand they were saying they wanted peace.How is that peaceful?

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About the pakistanian issue,Pakistan is a nuclear armed nation and so is India.They always had issues,and as of what i think,i think the pakistanians are weak and wicked.However,the blame is not on india but on pakistan.Remember ,Pakistan is allied to the west and they have been a major burden on the adverseries of the occupiers.No difference at all.

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