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Brothers, what is your preference ?

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^^^Of all the posts to choose from waxaad kala soo dhex baxdey mid in yar la isku yar kululeyey...Ma dagaal doon baad tahay this peaceful n beautiful weekend

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

Last Tuesday, I had a converstation with a sista I met at the gas station. Just 15 minutes into our converstaion, we were teasing each other when I suddenly got her attention with one simple quesion:


Why are the most "cute-faced" Somali sistas alway over-weight?


Boy, did I get a deep lecture from Kuluco (that was her real name) ...this is what she had to say ...


"I can tell you right now that being chubby (alright, I'll say it...'fat') is not necessarily a hindrance. As you can see, I'm 5'6', about 230lbs, well-proportioned, well-shaped. I certainly don't spend my nights all alone, crying into my coffee. I have male friends, dates, etc. More than my thin friends. It all boils down to personality and confidence - and hell yeah, good looks. If you're thin and ugly, you're just ugly. If you're fat and pretty, hey - you've still got that pretty thing going for you. If you're ugly on the inside, you'll be unattractive to people on the outside. My friends stand to the side, twisting their fingers, so scared, so frightened and insecure that they can't even start a conversation with a man. I'd MUCH rather be in my size 18 pants and be able to laugh and have a great time, meet attractive Somali brothers and date them than to be a size 2 and too meek and mild to even talk to that cute guy in the elevator.


This is what women don't want to hear. Your value and beauty doesn't depend on if your thighs rub together when you walk. Don't let yourself be manipulated with that b.s.


As far as what you Somali men think, not all Somali men like skinny girls. It all comes down to personal preference.


P.S. I'm in much better health (cholesterol, blood pressure, general well being) than nearly all the people I know."



I would say Kuluco was the most confident sister I have ever seen.


Now, the question is....Boyz, what is your preference? Do you like thin sisters or the not-so-skinny ones.


I certainly love Skinny, dying nomad queens. booty would be nice and some nice xabxabs but not necessary.

i have never seen this thread before...but i am just laughing so hard!!...libaax! say it like its. :D

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"I can tell you right now that being chubby (alright, I'll say it...'fat') is not necessarily a hindrance. As you can see, I'm
5'6', about 230lbs
, well-proportioned, well-shaped. I certainly
don't spend my nights all alone, crying into my coffee
. I have male friends, dates, etc. More than my thin friends. It all boils down to personality and confidence - and hell yeah, good looks. If you're thin and ugly, you're just ugly. If you're fat and pretty, hey - you've still got that pretty thing going for you. If you're ugly on the inside, you'll be unattractive to people on the outside. My friends stand to the side, twisting their fingers, so scared, so frightened and insecure that they can't even start a conversation with a man.
I'd MUCH rather be in my size 18 pants and be able to laugh and have a great time, meet attractive Somali brothers and date them than to be a size 2 and too meek and mild to even talk to that cute guy in the elevator.


This is what women don't want to hear. Your value and beauty doesn't depend on if your thighs rub together when you walk. Don't let yourself be manipulated with that b.s.


As far as what you Somali men think, not all Somali men like skinny girls. It all comes down to personal preference.


I'm in much better health (cholesterol, blood pressure, general well being) than nearly all the people I know."


*gag* :rolleyes: unfreakin-real. the gas fumes musta messed her up real good...confidence my left foot!

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^ Why gag? LOL :D Is it the rotund-yet-happy thing or the dating/confidence thing? She sounds a little on the chubbster side, but hey, if it ain't broke......

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^I'm not so sure it ain't broke though. 230 lbs is well into clinical obesity for someone who's only 5'6".


Maybe she's 203 lbs and 6'5" instead. Now that would be an Amazon of a woman. Like me :D

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^ Cara, always pegged you hobbit-sized! :D


Yeah, she's definitely on a path to cardiac issues but if her numbers are good and she's active (though unlikely), it ain't broke.

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^Meh, color me skeptical.


Hobbit-sized? You must be thinking of Serenity, or rather, Serenity in heels :D


I'm actually pretty tall for my height.

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Abuu Nuune, I can't believe you were in a fight in 2005 and I missed it.


That was the first time aan aqriyay adiga oo battle ku jirto ooba xanaaqsan, lol and of all the people oo dagaal lala galo, it had to be Val oo maskiinan eh.(dang it)



Ismahaan, how did you manage to post something in 2002, but it says you signed up in 2004, then you managed to reply back to everyone in 2007?(ghost from the past iska dheh)


and lastly:-


^^^Of all the posts to choose from waxaad kala soo dhex baxdey mid in yar la isku yar kululeyey...Ma dagaal doon baad tahay this peaceful n beautiful weekend

Adigi maaba hadloyso? 2005 rufiyaadnimadii aad bilowday, ilaa iyo hada aa wadaa, I guess you didn't want that side of you in la aqriyo.

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^Ismahaan is a time-traveler, like Dr. Sam Beckett in Quantum Leap.


OK, my preference? She has to be a woman, she has to be able to speak English, and she must be at least a Permanent Resident of Canada. Looks and body type aren't as important as those.

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