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Kismaayo Airport held by Pakistani and Oromo army, Gedonet reports.

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Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Kismaayo

Sep 26,2006


by B/Xaawo-Gedo News Network


Waxaa weli ka socda gudaha magaalada Kismaayo bannaanbaxyo xoog leh oo ay shacabka reer Kismaayo ku diiddan yihiin maxkamadaha beeleed ee qabsaday magaalada Kismaayo, waxana dadka reer Kismaayo oo tilmaamaya dareenkooda ay habeyn iyo maalin dhagxaynayaan gaadiidka dagaalka ee ay wataan maxaakiim beeleedka iyo ciidammada ajnabiga ah ee ka kala socda waddamada Afganistaan iyo Pakistan iyo weliba oromada.


Garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa iminka gacanta ku haya ciidammo isugu jira Pakistaaniyiin iyo Oromo, kuwaasoo wata gaadiid u gaar ah,
iyada oo sidoo kale gudaha magaaladana ay ku dhex mushaaxayaan gaadiid u gaar ah tiiyoo dadka reer kismaayana ay dhagax tuurayaan.


Xasan Turki oo isagu ku sugan Kismaayo ayaa waxa uu ku gooddiyay in ciddii

mudaaharaadda oo dareenkooda ku dhex muujisa gudaha Kismaayo ay xabbad ugu jawaabayaan, waxana ay xabsiga u taxaabeen dad badan oo dumar iyo odayaal u badan kuwaasoo ay mudaaharaad ku soo qabqabteen, tiiyoo qaar ka mid ah ay lugaha iyo gacmaha ka garaaceen.


Dhanka kale waxaa isa soo taraya hanjabaadda loo geysanaya dadka ku nool xaafadaha magaalada ee iyagu aan ka qayb qaadan mudaaharaadyada, waxana taasi ay kalliftay in dad badani ay ka walwalaan noloshooda, isla markaasna qaar ka mid ah ay ugu hanjabeen in ay ka baxaan magaalada.


Sidoo kale Cayroow oo isagu ka qayb qaatay duullaanka la isu soo bahaystay ee

Kismaayo lagu qabsaday ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Seeraar uu dili doono haddiiba uu Kismaayo sii joogo, laakiin Goobaale uu isaga dhex noolaan karo, arrintan ayaa waxaa loo arkayaa raad gadasho ay ku banneysanayaan dhiigga beesha Sade, iyada oo ay ku heshiiyeen in hubka seeraar iyo Goobaale laga qaado si loogu muujiyo beesha caalamka in isbahaysiga laga wareejiyay kismaayo, waxase la og yahay in ay labadan ninba (waa seeraar iyo Goobaale) ay hadda hawl ka wadaan gudaha Kismaayo.


B/Xaawo-Gedo News Network



Are Buulo Xaawo News boys topping the dayniile rubbish?

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Kismayo: Demonstrations turn violent in Somalia


Monday, September 25, 2006


Associated Press Writer


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Fears of regional conflict soared as angry demonstrations against Somalia's radical Islamic militia grew Monday into deadly violence in a southern port city, and the militia for the first time acknowledged getting help from foreign Muslims.


Ethiopian forces, meanwhile, arrived to support the internationally recognized government in its face-off with the radicals. Witnesses saw about 300 Ethiopians in a convoy of 50 armored trucks in Bardaale, 40 miles west of Baidoa, the only town held by the weak government. Islamic forces believe Ethiopian troops aim to cut off their route between Kismayo and Mogadishu.


"The incursion of Ethiopian troops into Somali territories is a declaration of war on Somalia," Sheik Yusuf Indahaadde, national security chairman for the Islamic group, told The Associated Press by telephone from Mogadishu. "We call on the international community to urge Ethiopia to withdraw its troops from Somalia. If that doesn't happen, the consequences of insecurity created by Ethiopia will spread to neighboring countries and to East Africa as a whole."


As it has established authority in the capital and across much of the south starting in June, the Islamic group's strict interpretation of Islam has sparked comparisons with Afghanistan's ousted Taliban. The United States has accused the Islamic group of sheltering suspects in the 1998 al-Qaida bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden has portrayed Somalia as a battleground in his war on the U.S.


Islamic militiamen wearing white headbands opened fire on several thousand people demonstrating against them in the port of Kismayo, 260 miles southwest of Mogadishu, killing a 13-year-old boy, said resident Abdiqadir Filibin.


Two other children were injured, witnesses said on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals. Sporadic gunfire could also be heard in other parts of the town.


The militia had seized Kismayo, one of the last remaining ports outside their control and Somalia's third-largest city, on Sunday without a fight.


"They are ... al-Qaida and we do not want them," said Halimo Mohamed, one of the protesters in Kismayo. "Theirs is not a religion. They are terrorists."


But some Somalis have welcomed the order the Islamic group has brought to a country where the transitional government has struggled to assert authority since if was formed in 2004 and which has had no effective national government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another, throwing the country into anarchy.


Hassan Turki, leader of the Islamic militia, told a demonstration in support of his group in Kismayo earlier Monday that foreign militants were helping his fighters.


"They are your brothers in Islam," Turki said.


Turki, who is rarely seen in public, is on U.S. and U.N. lists of suspected terrorists for having alleged ties to al-Qaida.


In an interview with AP Monday, Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi said "terrorists" dominate the Islamic group.


Gedi, speaking in neighboring Kenya, called on the U.N. to partially lift an arms embargo to allow for the deployment of African peacekeepers, a move the radicals oppose.


The African Union has endorsed a plan by eastern African states to deploy peacekeepers in Somalia to protect Gedi's weak, internationally recognized government.


The U.N. Security Council was expected to meet Monday to discuss a partial lifting of the embargo.


The Islamic group and Gedi's government have agreed to a cease-fire, but the Islamic fighters have continued to advance across the country. Gedi accused the Islamic group of violating the nonaggression agreement.


Gedi would not comment on reports of Ethiopian troops entering Somalia, but did say he expected neighboring countries to protect his government.


Witnesses had reported several deployments of Ethiopian troops in support of the government in recent months. U.N. officials have confirmed the presence of a small number of Ethiopian troops around the town of Baidoa, saying the force was intended to defend the government and Ethiopian interests in Somalia. But Ethiopian and Somali officials repeatedly have denied any Ethiopian troops have crossed into the country.


"No Ethiopian troops have crossed the border into Somalia," Ethiopian foreign affairs spokesman Solomon Abebe reiterated Monday. The Islamic group "violated the peace agreement by occupying the port city of Kismayo. Anytime the (Islamic group) takes a wrong step, it is well known that they use Ethiopia to hide their mistakes."


The Islamic group has been able to use Somalis' long-standing suspicions about Ethiopia to fan opposition to the government. Ethiopia and Somalia fought a war in 1977 to 1978 and view each other as enemies, but Yusuf is a longtime ally of Ethiopia.


Source: AP, Sept 25, 2006

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Allah Soomaalidaaneey - qabiilku ku fogaaday ila arka ....mar hadii warlord Hiiraale la saaray, Kismaayo la xoreeyay oo xabasho iyo kikuuyo ineey ka soo degto laga hor degay ....maa dad alloow qaadataan waxii sax ah kana fogaataan caadifadda qabiil iyo weliba wax xun tashiilka is tiraahdaan "copy & edit" kaad ka dhigataan ineey wax idiin soo celinaayaan? ama kooxdiina ama qabiilkiina wax u taraayaa? ma is tiraahdeen internet -cyber worlordism ineeysan cidna wax u dhimeeyn waxna idiin tareeyn ileeyn ragga ragga ah ee uu hor kacaayo halyeeyga weyn ee hor ilaah u hanqaaday waa shiikhunaa al-xasan al-turki oo eey dhinacyadda kaga jiraan dhalinyaro soomaaliyeed oo hor ilaah u kacay maalgelin abuukar cadaani, geesinimo shiikha weyn ee wax kasta ka hortaga qaacidddadana ekaanshaheeda marba dhinaca sax ah u dira, waa shiikhunaa Al-Yusuf Indhacadde....

Mahad waxaa leh eebe waa soon waa bil barakeeysan .. waa banaanbax fantasiyo iyo qaddiyad islaam wax kaliya ee meesha ka socon kara ...

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^Adeer, this is the first the Courts have admitted foreign fighters are in their league. Most people would say that gives legitimacy to groups with Ethiopian backing, no?


You can not bring one, and cry about the other. ;)


We await

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Sxb, stop spining the truth. Gedonet explicitly reports that the airport is currently under the control of Pakistani and Oromo army. I see no mention of Oromo or Pakistan in that AP report you posted. What's Gedo's sources? Are they Geedi's propaganda machine now?

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^Turki admitted foreign fighters are a large part of his league.


Gedonet alleges the airport is controlled by foreign fighters.


Can you disprove foreign fighters do not control the airport since your reason for posting this topic was to allege foreign fighters were not in Kismaayo (though that has been proven to be null and viod)?

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Turki did not exist a number of years ago when Morgan was fighting the JVA and Inda cade.. Funny how he has come back to haunt the boys from Gedo...


IndaCade put it nicely, when he said that they put Hiiraale in Kismayu, we wait for what Mr Hiiraale does now...


As for Turki, the man is honest..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Turki did not exist a number of years ago when Morgan was fighting the JVA and Inda cade.. Funny how he has come back to haunt the boys from Gedo...


IndaCade put it nicely, when he said that they put Hiiraale in Kismayu, we wait for what Mr Hiiraale does now...


As for Turki, the man is honest..


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And why should I not enjoy this mayhem,the same that condoned the illegitimate take over of Kismayo some years back, and turn it to a coal warehouse are crying wolf.

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Its all about money, these guys are just sticking up da stick up kid. Its all about the smuggeling business between Kismayo and Kenya, Uganda and further.


The Coal trade is passe, thats why the ICU has already outlawed it. They are now looking at the general East African trade. Thats why Kismayo is important, plus now the banana plantation will be in full operations, they have a large market and one front left. The Baydhabo TFG front, so they will concentrate all their power on that.


Their short term goal= take out Hiirale and take over Business (Kismayo taxes, Kenya smuggeling, create one front).


Mid term goal = take out the TFG in Baydhabo and 'unite' Somalia south of Gaalkacyo, procliam a caliphate(They alreday got pirate flag), a council, they are just one step away from proclaiming the caliphate.


Finally Unite of Somalia under their rule


Take back the lost territories


and ofcourse unite with the Ummah, (that is ofcourse if greed and clannism dont get in da way smile.gif )

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qofkii qabiil ku fogaado waa qof jiran. all of sudden hornafrik joined the ranks or the clannish minded folks like Duke. how pathetic! I can't wait the da the courts attack and capture all these x-land fiefdoms and liberate all somalis against the worlord subjugation.

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^On the contrary no sxb. Life is not black and white; it's not you are either with the Courts or you are with xaqtirnimo. I am speaking out for the same reason the Kismaayo populace is speaking out. The people are under occupation.

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under the Islamist occupation? you prefer under the warlord occupation? who were in cahoots with the tigre lackeys? which would have made kismaayo the launching pad for Kikuyu, tigre and ugandan troops?

sometimes you got to think beyond the somali clan rivalry..16 years of warlordism is doesn't matter who dominates the islamists or not...what matters is there is a change happening and better changes are about to come ..all the octogenerian clannish warlords, the ramnents of the ex-regime, the colonels all have to go...soon the beardos and islamist will go but they paving the way for something new, something revolutionary...hate to see dumb warlords, military men and odayaal xun xun ineey soomaaliya u taliyaan..inshallah this revolution will spread on all corners on the country.

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I have seen your double hypocrisy adeer, save me the trouble now. If the "Islamic Courts" were from "Caasho Yusuf"'s people, I chance to think what you would have said about it.


As you may have noticed, I don't use the world "Islamist" because I tend to think that is insulting to Muslims sxb. Islam is a way of life as well as a religion. People who practice Islam are Muslim, and those who do not sxb, are lax Muslims to me. Extremist/Islamist is a way to isolate people who follow their religion as all Muslims are required to do.


Now sxb, what true Islamic movement can undertake plans to invade 500 km away but, instead of actually bringing their cause 90 km away, gives flimsy excuses for denying the people the right to taste what the movement has espewed? What entity invades during Ramadan which would excerbate the already large loss of innocent life and destruction to property that would occur? What entity sxb? Especially towards a peaceful city?


Barre was prepared to fight until the last moment even while giving the Shabelle interview when the invading forces were mere miles away. It was that interview and the resolve of the said man that forced important and influential members of the Kismaayo populace to convince him to botch whatever efforts and save his people. Even men such as Ugaas Hussein of Puntland were pleading with him that a noble and temporary leave would be the only reason the city and its people would be saved. Barre was more then made aware that the responsibility of the people were his and not the invaders.


You can go and call Kismaayo right now if you have relatives there sxb. The whole city knows what it took for the men to gracefully evacute and it is because of that gratitude that the people of Kismaayo across all clans are in civil unrest and screaming "Barre Diid, Dooni Meyno".


Will Barre be back? Stay tuned sxb.

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And he choose to ran a chicken! well some think he did us all a favor of sparring us of senseless bloodshed..but at the sametime ...hornafrik ...they say af waa kanaa meey lagu aamee? some pple are great abdi bilayaal while the others are the ones who change things with their might, money and minds...for me the ICU is the best thing that could happen to Somalia. Kismaayo was a great city and to let it be at the hands of IGAD is unthinkabe..sometime what one needs is to reason and to not be bit emotionally subjective..we know we all look things at clannish lenses. I would support any clan that is for change and for islam...islamism is a term we use here in the west and it fits of those estreme elements who want to force pple to 7th century way of life.

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