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Epic piracy in Puntland.

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Talaado, July 15, 2008





Waxaa soo fool-leh toban-sano guuradii ka soo wareegtay abuuritaankii maamul goboleedka Puntland. Intii toban sanno ah, haddii la bar-bardhigo Koofurta iyo Bartamaha Soomaaliya, waxa ay Puntland ahayd meel lagu naalloon karo. Arrimaha Puntland ay ku ammaanayd ma ahayn guulo ay ka soo hoyisey horumarinka bulshada, dhaqaalaha ama daah-fur cilmiga sayniska. Guusha Puntland waxa ay salka ku haysey ama ay ahayd dadaal ay muujiyeen adoyaalka dhaqanka, siyaasiyiinta, culumada diinta, ganacsatada iyo bulshada rayadka ee Puntland kuwaas oo shanta gobol oo Puntland ay ka koobnayd u jeexay jid nabadeed.


Indhawaalahan, Puntland waxaa ka soo baxayey sawir aan qurux-badnayn: Puntland waxa ay noqotay xarunta burcad-badeedka Soomaaliya, taas oo waqtigan gaartey heer fadeexad ah oo aad loola yaabo. Masuuliyad markii la sheegto, xisaabtan iyo filid la filayo xil-gudasho ayaa la socota. Maamulka Puntland isku heli-mayo in uu sheegato in Puntlnad ay tahay deegaan nabadeed, ku dayashana mudan iyo in Puntland ay noqotay xarunta burcad-badeedka Soomaaliya..


Puntland waxay ku khasban tahay in ay xaqiiqada u soo daadagto xalna ay u hesho fadeexada burcad-badeedka ee deegaanadeeda harraysay.


Burcad-badedku waa dhibaato baaxad-weyn, magac xumada ay u soo jiiddey Soomaaliya oo sumcaddeedu horay ay u dhaawacnayd ka sokow, falalka burcad badeedku waxa ay caqab ku yihiin gar-gaarkii caalamiga ahaa ee u socday masaakiinta iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed ee bahaan.


Xaalku waxa uu hadda marayaa in deeqda Hay’adda Cuntada Adduunku (WFP) ay u baahan tahay ciidan galbiya marka ay biyaha Soomaaliya soo gaaraan. Taasina waxa ay la mid tahay, qof qaniinyo goosanaya gacantii quudineysey! Foolxumadaasna magacii Soomaaliya ayay sharaf-dhac weyn ku tahay.


In kasta oo tabar-darri weyni ay haysato Puntland, haddana sababtu waxii ay doonto ha keentee, Puntlnad si weyn ayay uga gaabisay in ay wax ka qabato dhibaatooyinka burcad-badeedka. Waxaaba jira in masuuliyiin Puntland ah ay saxaafadda u qirteen (BBC-da) in qaar madaxda amniga ee Puntland ka mid ahi ay lug ku leeyihiin gacanna siiyaan burcad-badeedka


Waxaa waajib Puntland ku ah in ay soo af-jarto dhaqanka u dabacsanaanta burcad-badeedka iyo dhaqanka burcadnimada oo dad reer Puntland ah ay u ban-bexeen. Waxaa maamulka Puntland khasab ku ah in ay xiddida u siibaan goobaha burcad-badeedka laga hoggaamiyo ee guud ahaan deegaanada Puntland gaar ahaan xeebaha Eyl oo falal burcadnimo aad loogu sheego. Ka baaqsiga ay Puntland ka baaqsato, wax ka qabashada arrinta burcad-badeedka, waxa ay Puntland ku caddaynaysaa in ay tahay hungo iyo magac kaliya ah ee aan maamul iyo hannaan dowladnimo midna ka danbayn.


Si arrintaan burcad-badeedka xal loogu helo; Puntland waxa ay u baahan yahay:


Dowlad iyo shacabba in aysan u kala harin in burcad-badeedka loo arko khatar ammaan oo ay tahay in la dabar jaro. Inta aysan Puntland u boodin kuna qamaamin qoddidda saliidda shidaalka (taas khilaaf ka taagan yahay iyo su’aal; in gobol qudha sida Puntland uu isku gooni yeeli karo hantida qaran), haddana waxa maamulka Puntland la gudboon, in ay wax ka qabato burcad-badeedka oo magaca Puntland iyo kan Soomaaliyaba xumeeyeen, kaas oo markii xal loo helo aya suurto-gal noqon karto in shirkadaha shidaalka qodaa ay Puntland madaxa soo siiyaan.


Bulshada caalamka iyagana waxaa looga baahan yahay in ay arrinta burcad-badeedka siiyaan ahmiyadda ay leadahay. Waxaa habboon in la ogaado, in kasta oo burcad-badeedku dhibaato weyn ku hayso ummadda Soomaaliyeed, haddana caqabad weyn in ay ku tahay ganacsiga caalamka iyo gurmadka deeqaha caalamiga ee u socda goobaha baahidu ka jirto.


1) Bulshada Caalamku waa in ay u dejisaa qorsho dhammays-tiran dhibaatada burcad-badeedka, kol haddii Soomaaliya aanay awood u lahayn in ay sugto ammaanka xeebeheeda.


2) Waxaa waajib ah in qorshahaas lagu daro in la sugo ammaanka biyaha iyo xeebaha Soomaliya oo si sharci darro ah looga kaluumaysto sun iyo qashinna loogu daadiyo (taas oo ah mar-marsiinyaha ay burcad-badeedku ku doodaan in ay ilaalinayaan).


3) Bulshada Caalamku waa in ay gacan siiyaan maamulada gobolada sida Puntland iyo maamulka Soomaliland (deeq, tabar, iyo qalab intaba) si ay wax uga qabtaan burcad-badeedka.


4) Bulshada caalamku waa in ay gacan ka geystaan abuurista maxkad caalami ah oo la soo taago dadka lagu soo qabto falalka burcad-badeedka.


Dadka Puntland waxaa la gudboon in fursadda sanad-guurada tobnaan ee ku soo aaddan ay uga faa’iideystaan in ay dib isugu noqdaan si ay xal ugu helaan dhibaatooyinka wajiyada badan ee goboladaan hasyta, gaar ahaan arrinta burcad-badedka.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008




We are approaching the Tenth Anniversary of the creation of the Puntland State of Somalia. For a full decade, compared to the rest of Somalia and particularly South-Central Somalia, Puntland has been a relative success story. This success was not due to a spectacular developmental achievement or scientific breakthrough, but rather a collective effort by the elders, politicians, religious leaders, business people and civil society of Puntland, who charted a peaceful course for the five regions that encompass Puntland.


But of late, another more precarious image is emerging out of Puntland: It’s becoming Somalia’s hub for piracy activities, which is becoming increasingly brazen. With responsibility comes accountability. Puntland can’t be a model of stability and a save haven for notorious pirates at the same time.


It’s time for Puntland to come clean.


Piracy is an epic problem, affecting not only Somalia's already tarnished global image, but the very humanitarian assistance destined for the destitute and the needy. WFP ships, for example, need protection to deliver aid. It's like biting the feeding hand--- a moral shame for our country.


Despite its limited resources, Puntland has, for whatever reason, fallen significantly short of cracking down on pirates. In fact, in some cases, Puntland officials admitted to the media (to the BBC recently) that senior security officials are aiding and abating pirates.


Puntland needs to end this culture of impunity for pirates, and the culture of complicity in among its ranks. It needs to destroy the foundations of piracy in places like Eyl. Failure to do so will reduce Puntland to another amateur start-up.


To tackle this problem effectively, Puntland needs the following:


Public and private citizens should join forces to make piracy a security priority that needs to be destroyed. Before Puntland jumps on the wagon of oil-drilling (which is controversial, given Puntland’s unilateralism on national resources), the administration needs to remake the compromised image of the region, before oil companies can flock there.


The international community needs to get serious about piracy. Although the issue is mostly affecting Somalia, its hampering global trade and humanitarian delivery. The international community needs to (1) devise a strategy to comprehensively address this issue, cognizant that Somalia is incapable of protecting its own territorial waters. (2) Create a task force whose primary job is to protect illegal fishing off the coast Somalia (an alibi used by pirates). (3) Assist local administrations, including Puntland and Somaliland (in the form of training and aid), in combating piracy. (4) Create a special tribunal to try pirates.


Puntland should use its upcoming 10th anniversary to shore up its collective creativity to solve the multifaceted problems hovering over its head, and particularly the epic piracy problem.

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Che already post the above article.


Public and private citizens should join forces to make piracy a security priority that needs to be destroyed. Before Puntland jumps on the wagon of oil-drilling (which is controversial, given Puntland’s unilateralism on national resources), the administration needs to remake the compromised image of the region, before oil companies can flock there.


The international community needs to get serious about piracy. Although the issue is mostly affecting Somalia, its hampering global trade and humanitarian delivery. The international community needs to (1) devise a strategy to comprehensively address this issue, cognizant that Somalia is incapable of protecting its own territorial waters. (2) Create a task force whose primary job is to protect illegal fishing off the coast Somalia (an alibi used by pirates). (3) Assist local administrations, including Puntland and Somaliland (in the form of training and aid), in combating piracy. (4) Create a special tribunal to try pirates.


Good recommendation. The pirates may become rich in this criminal activity but they will become monsters that will be difficult to control.

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