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Ethiopian army will leave Somali soil “only when Somalis make peace among themselves

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What's wrong with statement, ya?


It is a classic statement made by every stooge( messenger in this case) that has implemented the policies of an occupying entity. It's like when we were told that Iraqis would enter a civil war if the Americans left. Many intelligent people pointed out the country was already in the midst of a civil war and the situation has never been worser . Similarly, messengers of the occupiers argue that Somalia will fall back into anarchy, chaos and famine if Ethio forces withdrew. The fact of the matter is that Somalia is in the midst of the most brutal war experienced over the last 17 years. Could Somalia get any worser with our without Ethiopian forces? The only argument for their stay is that their little messengers will get overwhelmed, humilated and chased all the way to Adiss Ababa with the little dollars they managed to scavenge.


This particular gentlemen appears to be playing a dirty script( of course written in Adiss Ababa, or was it Baidoa?). His aim is to portray the resistance groups as anti peace and totally against reconcialition.Because they have demanded that all foreign forces withdrew and will never put down their guns until they do so. Anything short of that or somewhere in the middle is clearly unacceptable to them. This man clearly knows he doesn't have the capacity or power to tell Ethiopian to leave or do otherwise. However, he constantly regurgitates to the media, " Ethiopians will leave in 24 hourse if only.....". Only a fool will swallow such arguments!

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Listen here you fist wavers,


I do not trust Ethiopians and their word. I do no believe that they will leave in 24 hours. I do not believe they will ever leave unless they are kicked out. But for them to be kicked out we should be united and fist-wavings and screaming whatever slogans you guys have today won't make them leave or change one bit of the reality on the ground in Somalia today.


If you want change in Somalia, first change your tune. First tell me and fellow Somalis why we should support you in your case. Why is it in our interest to support you?


You tell me about Muqdisho, Somalia is bigger then Muqdisho, What about the people in all the other provinces? Where is their JUSTICE?


Where was their JUSTICE when they were being murdered in the streets of MUQDISHO in the 90's?


Where is the JUSTICE for people of Bay and Bakool when they were being starved to death? Where is the JUSTICE for the people of Shabelle when they were being enslaved?


So understand SOMALIA is bigger then MUQDISHO. Every faction is looking out for nr.1 so come up with a message that appeals to all.


Why should a Somali from another province support these forces that are fighting the Ethiopians? WHY? Think about that question horta and when you have figured out the why, ask yourself HOW can you get the support of the people from all provinces?


Honestly I think that you two guys are too lazy to think or are only interested in fist-wavings.


The 6 months of heaven comment is a classic Socodbadne. Heaven kulaha? Heaven for who? Isn’t Muqdisho supposed to be the capital of the Somalis? How diverse is the population of Muqdisho today? Is it my capital when I can't live there? Talk to me in a language I can understand, why are my properties still occupied? Why hasn’t anyone addressed that issue for the past 17 years? Talk to people in a language they can all understand.


First the surwaalgaabs should talk to their fellow Somalis, first they should get the real support of the people and for them to get that, they need to talk, negotiate and reconcile the Somali people. Only then they will be able to have real effect. Otherwise they will bleed to dead and will end up as just another clan faction.


GJ_Goate, thanx for calling me a stooge :D . If I am a stooge then you’re an id*ot.


Let me put it in bold for all those folks that are too slow to catch up.




We do not have to go to Qaahira, Khartuum, AdisAbaba, Nayroobi, Rome, Washington iyo London. We don’t need to stay in fancy hotels for months. We don’t need foreigners to mediate or even observe.


If we want peace we know how to find each other.


Now by all means continue to your fist-wavings.




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"Ethiopian army will leave Somali soil “only when Somalis make peace among themselves "


It is reasonable remark, we could not run our country peacefully nor utilize our naturals let them do for us dee...

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me, I clearly understand your point, and agree with you, but many Somalis I have seen are like these guys here, and can't comprehend what is wrong with Somalis. I don't like the blame game, sometimes I think there is something wrong with Somalis by nature.

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@Me, I didn't call you a stoog! I meant the notion of, " occupiers are here because we can't get along" is invoked by every dhabodhilif known in history. Indeed, Somalis need unity and reconcialition. That is not disputed by anyone. I was referring more about the aim of misleading people and trying to demonize the resistance, by implying that they are against peace. When the onyl thing they are against is Ethiopian troops.

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Originally posted by MyOwnBoss:

"Ethiopian army will leave Somali soil “only when Somalis make peace among themselves "


It is reasonable remark, we could not run our country peacefully nor utilize our naturals let them do for us dee...

you mean like the run and utilize the Ocaden region?

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Originally posted by GJ_Goate:

@Me, I didn't call you a stoog! I meant the notion of, " occupiers are here because we can't get along" is invoked by every dhabodhilif known in history. Indeed, Somalis need unity and reconcialition. That is not disputed by anyone. I was referring more about the aim of misleading people and trying to demonize the resistance, by implying that they are against peace. When the onyl thing they are against is Ethiopian troops.

Who is misleading the people?


Isn't it the responsibility of the resistance to take the moral high ground to advocate for peace, to work towards Somali unity?


Isn't that the resistance responsibility and the resistance is not doing what is expected of them.


The resistance is loosing the momentum. the resistance should do more with this golden opportunity. I just hope they have got what it takes.


The real war will be fought not on the streets of Muqdisho, but in the hearts and minds of the Somalis. Excuse my cliche.


Bombs won't win this war, but transparance, accountibility and the vision to lead the whole nation.


Making promises and sharing your vision will win more supporters then beheading soldiers.

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Your missing the point've gone into completely different territory( morality and unity lectures).......another maybe bro.....

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^ I complete with agree with GJ and some of what me says.


until we get rid of the xabash...... there is not time for politics or hearts & minds (the wadaads do not have a PR arm all their resources are tied up)


by all means........ when the current problem is dealt with ......... let's ask the wadaads some tough political questions on what their objectives are for governance and how they would extend the benefits to every part of the country ........ but after the current problem is solved

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I think ME is right in most of what he/she said.


This is my strategy for peace and withdrawal of the ethiopian troops.


First the people -the rebels- must denounce violence and agree to join in on any peaceful resolution talks without silly conditions that cannot be met for whatever reasons.


If they need more time to organise themselves into a properly organised and effective force to be reckoned with-one that can demand resonable conditions be met, they ought to ask for it and i believe most somalis will back them up on this.


They ought to come up with a clear plan that will not favour any and that will help unify us and give us all direction and a sense of belonging. And liKe me said transparency is very important in order to win the trust of all somalis.


If it is a nation they want build they ought to know that governments can not be oposed by the use of violence and that many a times people compromise on everything including power in so that oder may not be compromised. Order is the greater good in many cases and chaos the worst evil and how best to a set a people on the right path than to agree that no one may use violence as a means of pursuation.


The oposition is loosing valuable support simply because they are not trained and not displined.


No one must waste lifes of somalis including the government but remmember the government has legitimate authority to use force and the rebels not. If we are to be bounded by rules then the the rebels must devise a different strategy to achieve their goals and we are tired of all of this deaths and destructions. Let us for once learn to do things the right way.


Sending kids to war ill equiped and barely trained and without proper leadership and faced with oponents that are stronger than them and enjoy alot more support, is equal to killing them


In all honesty me said it all.

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Originally posted by Aduun iyo aakhiro:

I think ME is right in most of what he/she said.


This is my strategy for peace and withdrawal of the ethiopian troops.


First the people -the rebels- must denounce violence and agree to join in on any peaceful resolution talks without silly conditions that cannot be met for whatever reasons.


If they need more time to organise themselves into a properly organised and effective force to be reckoned with-one that can demand resonable conditions be met, they ought to ask for it and i believe most somalis will back them up on this.


They ought to come up with a clear plan that will not favour any and that will help unify us and give us all direction and a sense of belonging. And liKe me said transparency is very important in order to win the trust of all somalis.


If it is a nation they want build they ought to know that governments can not be oposed by the use of violence and that many a times people compromise on everything including power in so that oder may not be compromised. Order is the greater good in many cases and chaos the worst evil and how best to a set a people on the right path than to agree that no one may use violence as a means of pursuation.


The oposition is loosing valuable support simply because they are not trained and not displined.


No one must waste lifes of somalis including the government but remmember the government has legitimate authority to use force and the rebels not. If we are to be bounded by rules then the the rebels must devise a different strategy to achieve their goals and we are tired of all of this deaths and destructions. Let us for once learn to do things the right way.


Sending kids to war ill equiped and barely trained and without proper leadership and faced with oponents that are stronger than them and enjoy alot more support, is equal to killing them


In all honesty me said it all.

Your strategy is a what gives the " rebels" no choice in the first place. You want to destroy them, besiege them and make submit with the help of Ethiopian tanks. But you deny them the right to defend themselves against this aggression! Maybe a better strategy would be for them all to report to Adiss ABaba and personally apologise tO Meles Zenawi, so he can pardon them?

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^^ Even more ludicrous than that.

First the people -the rebels- must denounce violence and agree to join in on any peaceful resolution talks
silly conditions
that cannot be met for whatever reasons.

This is what he calls 'silly conditions'.


Silly Condition #1: Stop killing us.


Silly Condition #2: Stop raping us.


Silly Condition #3: Stop blockading the food and medicine, charity from the Aid organisations. We want to live.


Silly Condition #4: Get out of our cities, our farms, our villages. Get out of Somalia.


Silly Condition #5: Stop destroying our buildings. Stop poisoning our waters. Stop burying nuclear waste in our soil.



The sheer jaahil-nimo and epic, truly epic doqon-nimo spewed on these boards makes one wonder: Miyeey meer leeyaheen kuwaan ? or are their writings the product of a marqaan-high jaat-infested brain ?

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GJ Goate


Astaqfurulah why must you say such things. I am pro life not an extinguisher of life and that is exactly what i thought i was doing. I am protesting people being careless with life and jumping into war as if is not the last resort.


You do agree i hope that firstly any somali life or any life must be enshrined and saved if possible


And secondly that a government is everywhere in the world the only authority allowed to use force any other use of force apart from self defense ofcourse is prohibited and for a good reason.


I do not agree with the government having been forced to seek ethiopia help in controlling its own citizens. Most are oposed to ethiopia's involvement because of our history and that is understandable.


But now that that is the case dont we need to move on and who must then compromise more in your opinion.


I personally think the rebels ought to try other methords and wherever else they would certainly have been dealth with as criminals. I wouldnt call them criminals but their methords i.e. violence is not to your benefit or anyone elses however symphatetic we may be or even share their view.


It is their action rather than their cause that makes them wrong and if you believe in governments as able to do alot of good and the evils of lack of gov are amply evident then procedure must come before love.


Love is good but it is nothing without justice and justice is served better for all under the law

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silly conditions are those that say we wont sit and talk without first the ethiopians leaving the country.

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Again for those of you who are slow.


The resistance should fight the Ethiopians and their dabodhil*fs by all means necessary.


The most effective way to kick them out is if they face a united Somali front. The resistance should work towards building that united Somali front.


The aim is not to kill for the sake of killing, the aim should be to win this damn war. The aim should be to bring peace and justice to Somalia.


Waving fists and screaming bloody murder will not solve the problems. Find a solution to our internal divisions will solve it.


What is so hard to get about that?


To the one that said the resistance arms are tied, are their brains also tied? and whats this PR stunt your talking about? is reconciling Somalis a PR stunt?


You guys are turning into those that your saying that your opposing.


So yes Meles is right when he says the Ethiopians will leave when the Somalis find peace amongst themselves, when we find peace amongst ourselves we will find unity and when we find unity no one will be able to stop the Somalis. Lets not disagree with him for the sake of disagreeing.

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