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General Duke

Kismayu: TFG delegation ultimatum to militias..

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Wafdigii dawlada FS oo go,aan qoraal ah gacanta uga dhiibay kooxdii qabsatay magaalada Kismaayo


( ka socday dawlada FKMG ah oo gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay go,aan qoraal ah gacanta uga dhiibeen kooxdii qabsatay magaalada.


Waxaana hadda shir weyn uga socdaa magaalada Kismaayo rag ka mid ahaa wafdiga oo ay ka mid yihiin Col C/risaaq ***** Biixi iyo Gen Axmed Warsame oo sida lagu wado kooxdan ku qancinaya inay si nabad ah magaalada uga baxaan soona wareejiyaan hubkii iyo rasaastii ay qaateen.


Waxaa magaalada Kismaayo gaaray wafdi ka koobnaa ilaa 16 xubnood, oo uu hogaaminayey wasiirka arimaha dibada Max’ed max’ud Guuleed (G/dheere),oo ay ka mid ahaayeen wasiirka wasiirka Kaluumaysiga Xasan Abshir Faarax,W/ku xigeenka G/dhiga Salaad Cali Jeelle iyo koox xildhibaano ah.


Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa dooraad si lama filaan ah ula wareegay melayshiyaad horay uga tirsanaa ururkii isbahaysiga dooxada Jubba,ka didna ku biiray ciidanka dawlada, oo sheegay inay doonayaan inay iyagu magaalada gacanta ku hayaan iyagoon haba yaraateen ka hadlin wax nadaam dawladeed ah.


Dhinaca kale warar soo baxaya oo aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya inay arinta dagaalka shidayaan rag ka tirsanaa midowgii maxaakiimta iyaga oo si dadban malayshiyo beeleedka u tusaya in beesha ay ka soo jeedaan magaalada lagu gabray maalmulkeedana aan loogu bura dayn.


R/wasaare Geedina waxaa uu sheegay in dagaalka magaalada Kismaayo uu xiriir la leeyahay kan lagu kan ka socda magaalada Muqdisho iyo kii lagu soo weeraray degmada Dhahar.


Xarunta wararka

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Surely there must have been a war after 23 militia get killed, weapons confiscated and one group fled the city? Hence that is why TFG delegates traveled all the way from Mogadishu/Baidao to calm the situation down.....

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^^^A war with 23, highly unlikely number deaths, though riots have more deaths in some Football matches.


The TFG delegation is here to reslove the issue, which as I have said is not a big deal.


To compare it to the Mogadishu battles is absurd, wishful thinking and no more.

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^^Dhubad, to talk to TFG supporter like that, you must forget reality and talk to them on their level, then they will understand. For example:




Is it true that TFG minister of defense liberated Kismayo from a puntland clan militia?



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^^^The important thing about Kismayu is that.

1. The admin of the region and city will not change

2. The clan millitia will be sent packing either through dialogue [prefered] or by force.


That the TFG controls the city as its interior Minister has proven today.

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To compare it to the Mogadishu battles is absurd, wishful thinking and no more.

If that is the case how come your Government thinks otherwise, for example Gedi said the two wars are related? or he is not "normal man" :D

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^^^Come on even you must know that Geedi is trying to score some heavy political points.

His comments were for the external players and support structures and not for internal consumption.

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Awoowe, how did a band of rag-tag boys capture the city from the "impressive" TFG army? lol Tell me what happened to the "united army" of Somalia. ;) Disoriented? Crumbling before our eyes? Morale issue?


Awoowe, bal si yar iigu sharax oo sidii dhagoolkii iiga jaahil bixi. lol

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^^^I am not a member of the TFG.




The Kismayu issue is one of neglect and over conidance as well as some deceit on the part of some people.


1. Most of the TFG army left the city a few weeks back, most went on to Mogadishu, Baidoa and other parts of the Juba's.


2. A few days ago the governor of the lower Juba left the city on a working visit to Afmadow and Dhoobley he took the remaining bulk of the forces.


3. The TFG created a palamilitary forces of 100 to support the police in tackling the armed groups of the city.


When the clashes started some of these groups supported their clan millitia and this is the reason Afgaduud took his troops to the outskirts of the city.


Now the troops are coming back from all quarters, those in Afmadow, Baidoa and some even from Mogadishu.


They neglected Kismayu and that was a mistake, I doubt it will happen again though.

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^^^ Duke, the source of the promblem is qaclistic Afguduud and as long as he is there these things will come back over and over....

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^I am not a member of the TFG.




The Kismayu issue is one of neglect and over conidance as well as some deceit on the part of some people.


1. Most of the TFG army left the city a few weeks back, most went on to Mogadishu, Baidoa and other parts of the Juba's.


2. A few days ago the governor of the lower Juba left the city on a working visit to Afmadow and Dhoobley he took the remaining bulk of the forces.


3. The TFG created a palamilitary forces of 100 to support the police in tackling the armed groups of the city.


When the clashes started some of these groups supported their clan millitia and this is the reason Afgaduud took his troops to the outskirts of the city.


Now the troops are coming back from all quarters, those in Afmadow, Baidoa and some even from Mogadishu.


They neglected Kismayu and that was a mistake, I doubt it will happen again though.

Duke cut the spin. Your childish regurgitation does not work here. No one left the city but the governor knew to run as soon as Afgaduud was taken out because of the way he has been acting. The appointed mayor had no reason to run because he had no reason to fear.


Afgaduud, Ilayaas Badal, Koojaar and other qashin did because when push came to shove, action spoke louder then words.


Do tell us here why Abdulahi Yusuf did not succeed in having Ethiopians sent to Kismaayo as he asked for? Also, do tell us why it was the Ethiopians themselves who asked Isaak Biixi to go there and calm the situation? Do tell us also the reason Isaak Biixi's visit was masked as a "TFG" one by Yusuf and Gheedi to not make the TFG look irrelevant?


If I remember correctly it was you that said "there is a force headed from Baidoa right now".


Neglect and deceit ku ye. Ninyaho waxaad u baratay inaad meel aad doontid propaganda la timaadide meelaha qaarkood ha moodin in layska oran karo waxaadu doontaa. smile.gif

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