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Can a Mixed Islamist-Secularist Be Successful ?

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^^ Don't know whether Sharif Xassan and Xuseen Caydiid are Secular or not. Can't see what's in hearts but when I judge the book by it's cover - one of my weaknesses btw - their foreheads are stumped with "weasel" and "void" respectively.

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MMA, brotha i think you miss understand what it means to be secular or seculrism in general. secularism is just the belief that faith has no place in certain public institutions such us those of government. understand also that there are varying degrees of secularism. moderate secularist belief in the separation from faith of only few instition while those who believe in its extrime version believe that faith has no place in public life. So being secular does not mean your anti-religion when you say that "However, the waranle warriors were not necessarily anti-religion [as the basic definition of secular is]". so when you divide your society into clergymen and laymen or waranles and wadaads, that is secularism.

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"Secularists" and "Islamists" probably singing Soomaaliyeey Toosoo in today's conclusion of shirka.

Well, that is the beginning of the problem, it is where the confusion starts from.


As long as you admitted there are secularists and Islamists in the conference then we can discuss this issue further.


As i said before, to Libarate Somalia (or to sing soomaaliyeey toosoo) is an objective but mixing what cannot be mixed is the starting of the failure.


Now, Al-Shabaab are out of the window and they are singing their own song somewhere in Somalia and outside.


Others like Abubakar Cadaan are singing deals with the tfg and their co.


Here in Asmara we have all those who have different ideologies and backgrounds. I'm not even surprised if the CIA or FBI are also involved.


What kind of war can Secularists and Islamists share ??


What kind of government can secularists and Islamists build ?


What kind of political ties will they have with the rest of the world ??

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