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United States Policy on Somaliland

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^^ He does make some very strong and accurate points tho. Consider this passage:


Well, I think, the tragedy of the card-carrying TFG’s supporters such as this fellow by the name of Mr. Dabshid, is that they do not see the sheer irony that they are in the midst of it…


By that I mean, here we see the occupation of Somalia – or at least the Banadir region – and we see the daily carnage that the said TFG are responsible for, in which it’s Ethiopian’s helpers are currently doing it.


Yet, we behold, the endless inanities that passes itself off from the lips of these wretched supporters of this TFG, which is telling us in Somaliland – just feel the thickness of that temerity – that what they are doing to Somalia is essentially an acts that will advance the noble goals of Somalinimo; and therefore, they are dead-set against the notion of Somaliland's independence; for it weaken the larger Somali’s interest (whatever that may be, in the first place).


When in fact, if ever, anything has weakened the notion of the interests of the larger Somali society, is the fact of this TFG and its Collaborationist agenda that they are implementing in Somalia


But, then, again why argue with sheep-like another Yey-iste of SOL; given that their whole being revolves around swallowing whatever nonsensical mendacity that Col. Yey could passes to them; particularly, as the Gospel truth of the politics of Somalia, in any given day.


And if he says to them the occupation of Somalia by the Ethiopian’s are the root of Somalis salvation and indeed the quickest way to safe-guard the "Territorial Integrity" of then Somali Republic; then, in their collective thinking the occupation of Somalia is the best thing that could happen to Somalis; end of discussion…


These are the political retarded-like arguments that we are daily condemned to be confronted with, with no respite in sight; and still they expect us to take them seriously.


Did I ever mention to you, by the way, even in passing, that all these people could ever really get from me is nothing but a Contempt laced with a forlorn pity on their behalf; particularly if ever I happen to have the misfortune to run in to one of them right here of SOL, whilst he/she is talking about Somaliland and whatnot, whilst at the same time, he/she is essentially belly-dancing the Ethiopian's occupation of Somalia in right here of SOL.


But, there you are any way; and one will be hard-pressed to come up with a better specimen that could really fit in the description of a brainless drones of any passing age of humanity.


Given that the said TFG’s supporters that are in SOL makes the uncanny imitation of being equal to, in every sense of that word, to those brainless drones that I have spoken about

I may disagree with Oodweyne on almost everything else, but as a destroyer of the flimsy rationalisations(is-qancis) of the TFG supporters, including the so-called 'neutrals', he has no equal. Dabshid, Baashi and the rest of Is-Qancis brigade might as well pack their bags and call it quits, they stand no chance.

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^^But in the same breath the man is hoping to replace the very people (Yey, and co.) whose supporters he harshly rebuked as far as their current relationship with Pentagon or Ethiopia is concern. He wants to be closer to the Intelligence community, as they call them, lest his service to them might win him some sort of recognition from them. And in that verse, he has no clothes really. Haku daalin, adeer!


Welcome back brother!

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Frankly speaking, I would be more inclined to take them seriously if they were advocating for a PAN Abyssinia ideology (Haile Salaase's ideology). That is more fitting than anything else. redface.gif



Read here about Mohamed Cabdille Xassan's son and his relationship to Haile Salaase's PAN Abyssinia Project. The author is no other than the heavyweight Axmed Maxamed Adan (Qaybe) from Buuhoodle.



Xiin: "the man is hoping to replace the very people (Yey, and co.) whose supporters he harshly rebuked as far as their current relationship with Pentagon or Ethiopia is concern"

In what way does Somaliland want to replace the warlord ridden TFG, xiinow? Is Rayaale being groomed for Mogadishu?


Surely, you are not suggesting that having a healthy and matual relationship with other countries is bad at all?


And surely, you are not saying that, Somaliland can't defend itself and is so desperate like the overly Defeated Lot, that they will run to Xabashi to defend themselves? :D


Maybe quoting Cadde's famous admission comes in handy to put the point across.



Cadde Muse :
Anagaa u yeeray Amxaarada iyo Ciidanka Ethiopia waxayna difaacayaan Dhulkayaga anigu dantayda waa aqaana, hadii aan qariyo oon been ka sheego soo ma noqonaayo nin beenaale ah, sidee baa ii aaminaysaan waxaan ahay m/waynihii dalka. Waa loo wada jeeda barqo cad ayay yimaadeen oo soo galeen gudadaha dalka.




I was the one who asked for the Ethiopians and their army to come to defend us. I am a man who knows what is best [for the country]. How else can you trust me if I lie about their presence? They came inside the country in daylight and everybody knows about it.


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For me, it always was and still remains about recognition. Once Somaliland crosses that Rubicon, I was always ready to fall right behind it. I don't at all apologise for my well-thought position.


Besides, fellow countryman, it takes all sorts to make a nation. I endure your jingoistic madness; why wont you tolerate my pacifism? ;)



It's not just the tip of my toe I'm showing here, I'm wading in right up to my knees now. :D



It looks like Somaliland is riding on Kosovo's coattails. Both America and the European Union are ready to recognise Kosovo as soon as it declares its independence! Seeing that the major opposition to such a declaration was that it would (potentially) set a precedent for other separatist entities to also want to redraw old borders, it would nevertheless mean that if Kosovo can do it Somaliland could too! Don't waste your time gazing at Mogadishu, Addis or Washington. Pristina holds the key...

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^Say what? Somailand recognition? Now in the year 18, the dream continues, what amazes me the most is how it can never fell under the table for a single day, shall we give a rest, this boredom...

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I see my old pal still doing what he does the best and that is tororog -- an avalanche of verbal dhooqo peppered with borrowed phrases and presented in ornate, diffuse and convoluted essay-like style -- one trick pony! This often repeated macaluul argument has no substance awoowe.


Seriously what is it that you are trying to say here - that now secessionists are collaborating with Ethiopia and Neocons -- and now Pentagon has acknowledged that dismembering Somalia is an attractive proposition that suits the national security of the States and its fight against terrorism!!!!!!!!!!!


Silly me for I thought collaborating with these forces was the very sin that you have been accusing Inna Yey to have committed! The thing is though that most of the young and impressionable kids in SOL don’t get your point -- and who can blame them given the fact that one has to read a chapter to stand a chance to get IT.


Let’s get the record straight lest you think you have the high moral ground when it comes to staying true to the phrase ‘we will do whatever it takes to attain the golden cup; we’ll get there “by any means necessary”!’


The two main accusations leveled against Inna Yey and the TFG he heads stem from two sound arguments namely using foreign muscle (neighboring rival and national foe) to pacify local hot spots AND his willingness to get the job done at the expense of the very people he wants to rule. This is a robust case against the TFG and it will make a pretty interesting discussion if folks ask why that is the case. How come Somalis go that far to attain state power?


However you, of all people, are not in position to level that sort of accusation against anyone let alone against TFG. You are SNM sympathizer and pro secessionist at that. If you were willing to collaborate with Mengist junta at the height of the nationalistic war why are you objecting to TFG’s “success” of having the same enemy, the one that empowered you to take Burco and Hargeisa, empower them to take Benadir? No another verbal avalanche needed here old pal just simple pointed answer will do.


You call the demise of fifty thousand of your kin as necessary casualties in order to get rid off of oppressive regime, you hid behind your kin’s shelter after provoking the army, and engage them in urban setting -- all of that to attain power, change clan equation, or as you now say to “reconstitute” lost independence -- at the expense of innocent Somalis.


Your position being that one has to do whatever it takes to defeat a foe -- including collaborating with the enemy and endangering civilian lives -- my man Oodweyne you (quintessential SNM secessionist) and Inna Yey have the same OS -- diff versions yes, diff circumstances -- but same darn operating system buddy.


It should be noted that Inna Yey and the TFG he heads and you and the clannish entity you root for are competing for the same support of Neocons and their regional bulldog. It is a rat race like no other. Let’s wait and see who makes to the finish line.

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^^Baashow, waxaad isoo xasuusisay the poet of Hawd who once said:


Badho oloshey waa loo godlaa waase baaqimo'e

Baqal kuma hargalo meel sanguhu maray bariistiiye'e

Bal ogaada reer hebel baa soo buraanburay'e


Oodweyne, has lost this argument really, and his long posts are akin to the buraanbur the poet described… siduu usocday buu dhex fariistay…

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Maybe Somaliland will be the base for Africom.

I thought it would be Dijbouti considering its more friendlier and long relationship w/ Uncle Sam. Somalia is a major stragetic spot, so its no brainer America is heaivly interested and will play a major role as an influncer in the Horn of Africa. I don't understand why people tend to ignore this point, and instead focus on small arguements? Anyhow, as for Somaliland's indpendence, that all depends would it serve America's (ie the West) interests if SL was granted indpendence, or would it not? I am in the opinion it would not and would cause more problems in the region, hence reason for America's reluctance to embrace the idea. But federalism, regional autonomy is most likely in Somalia's future. We shall see insha-Allah.

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Originally posted by Baashi:



However you, of all people, are not in position to level that sort of accusation against anyone let alone against TFG. You are SNM sympathizer and pro secessionist at that. If you were willing to collaborate with Mengist junta at the height of the nationalistic war why are you objecting to TFG’s “success” of having the same enemy, the one that empowered you to take Burco and Hargeisa, empower them to take Benadir? No another verbal avalanche needed here old pal just simple pointed answer will do.

The SNM didn't bring Ethiopian foot soldiers into the country. They did get weapons, though from the peek of the wars in the North, htey were without Ethiopias' support after Siyad Barre signed treaties with Mengistu.


However, his point (oodwayne) that Abdullahi yusuf if he were man enough should have gotten weapons if he wanted to from Ethiopia and fought head on. But Abdullahi Yusuf went on different level by coming along with Ethiopian tanks and his pal Geedi coming in Ethiopian chopper to Somalia's capital.


There is absulately no comparison.


Midi hub ayuu soo qaatay, wuu naf baxay waanu adkaaday aakhirkii.


Midina hub, ciidamo aanu lahayn ayuu yidhi kaalay iiqabta dalkaygii.

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^ :D


My man Oodweyne I'm still waiting your answers for the dhooqo your slinging won’t fill the void. It is really simple my friend. You played the collaborationist card and it just so happened that there are decorated clan warriors in your house who had committed the same deed not long ago. Damn all the devils or if you want to spare your devil from damnation expect others to do the same. I'm damning them all without an exception. Call spade a spade friend or simply shut cantrabaqashka up!


Now be a good sport and give it a try! What in the green earth makes you think that those who cross the border in the height of national war and rode on enemy tanks and fought along the enemy against the nation are not “collaborationist” of the worst kind? How dare you ask such silly question is not gonna cut it buddy.


You are not off the hook friend. The hefty price the secessionists paid in invoking the wrath of the Somali army, provoking the soldiers garrisoned in the military camps only to run into the residential area -- was that necessary casualties the clan has to pay in “reconstituting” the independent British protectorate?


There are those who say the similarities between Somali factions and their blind pursuit of political dominance is a fact in Somali politicking. There are no exceptions. Inna Yusuf tells tall tales of “reconstituting” the lost state, bringing back the law and order, and leaving the office with Somalia that once existed functioning albeit in an intensive care hospital room.


The interesting thing is his folks believe in him just as the likes of Red Sea and other confused secessionists believe in your tall tales of secessionists being different from the rest of the crowd that crossed the line in search of support to destroy their state so they can carve out their own fiefdom.


Don’t get mad friend , have a shaah :D

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Originally posted by Baashi:


Now be a good sport and give it a try! What in the green earth makes you think that those who cross the border in the height of national war and rode on enemy tanks and fought along the enemy against the nation are not “collaborationist” of the worst kind? How dare you ask such silly question is not gonna cut it buddy.



During the height of 1977-78 war eh? :D


If we speak of enemy collobrater, history will tell that it was indeed Abdullahi Yusuf and his SDF later named SSDF that first rebeled and did so during the time you speak, time of conflict with Ethiopia, '78.


It was he Abdullahi Yusuf and his SDF/SSDF that brough the first ever Ethiopian army battalion across the border and successfully taken control of towns in Mudug before Siyad Barre declared state emergency.


Little history 101 if you don't mind. :D

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^^You need to work at it a bit harder still…chew on these TWO FACTS…



1) You are priding yourself on the potentiality of Pentagon handlers coming to your side and employing you to do the dirty job of a) collaborating (in a more effective way than you currently do) with Ethiopia to serve US’s interest in the region, b) getting on the project of hunting and apprehending those Islamists who are thriving in lawless Somalia, as those Pentagon agents would put it.

2) Those whose slander you’ve been excelling did the exact same thing and still do.


^^^The difference is THEY have the working relationship with the Pentagon, while you don’t. Irony [it's lost on you i know] is that you are disclosing your desire to get that relationship, and still have the nerve of shaming the Yey's of this world into eternity for it :D !



Need I tell you that shallow writings and long posts hardly substitute for a solid argument, yaa Oodweyne!

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^^Let me simplify it for you adeer: assuming that you know what the Americans or Pentagon for that matter are looking for, what are you, or the entity you so inflexibly support, offering to satisfy America’s well defined goals in the Horn? As a reminder, and lest you drift again, here are America’s goals in the Horn.

1) Contain the Somali conflict so it does not seep into the neighboring states.

2) Deny al qaida and its sympathizers a foothold or a heaven in the chaos that’s Somalia.


Wa ku kaas…


Ps—easy with your obsession with Baashi’s royal Macawis. He tells me it cost him a fortune…

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