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Xaaji Xunjuf

Nur cade Sacked by C.yusuf

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BAIDOA, Somalia (AFP) – Somalia's president announced Sunday he was sacking the cabinet but the premier challenged the move, in a fresh bout between the two rivals that further threatened fragile peace efforts.


"As of now, I have sacked the prime minister and his current government and I will nominate a new prime minister within days," President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed told reporters.


"The government of Nur Hassan Hussein was unable to perform its duties and I am obliged to save the country," he added.


Nur Hassan Hussein was sworn in in November 2007 but has been at loggerheads with Yusuf in recent months, notably over ongoing efforts to strike a reconciliation agreement with the Islamist-led opposition.


Hussein replaced Ali Mohamed Gedi who was forced to resign after months of a bruising power struggle with Yusuf, a veteran warlord who has headed Somalia's transitional administration since its inception in 2004.


According to the transitional federal charter however, the president alone does not have the power to sack the prime minister and needs the parliament's approval.


"The president was speaking in his usual personal capacity, contrary to the rules and regulations, as he is not mandated to sack the prime minister of the transitional federal government," Nur Hassan Hussein told AFP.


"I will have my own press conference later in the day to explain my position at this critical juncture," he added.


Yusuf expressed confidence that parliament would validate his decision.


"Most of the parliamentarians will endorse my decision to dismiss the prime minister," Yusuf said.


"Should parliament reject my desire to look for a new prime minister, I will comply with their decision and the current government will continue its tenure," he added.


Somalia's transitional parliament is based in the town of Baidoa.


In September 20008, Hussein survived a vote of no confidence after being accused by some lawmakers of embezzling state funds.


Yusuf assured that the UN-sponsored Djibouti peace process, which aims at bringing the country's more moderate Islamists back into the fold, would not be harmed by Hussein's dismissal.


"The national reconciliation will continue as it is without the current government," Yusuf said.


But many observers argue that Nur Hassan Hussein, whose performance is generally seen as a major improvement on his predecessor's, was a crucial partner in the reconciliation talks.


"My government will continue to operate as mandated by parliament and the transitional federal charter," the prime minister said.


"I'm urging the Somali people and the wider international community not to panic and not to assume that there is a power vacuum. My government will simply continue the search for peace," he told AFP.


Nur Hassan Hussein, 70, is a former army officer who studied in Mogadishu and trained in Italy, specialising in criminal investigation and international law

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Dee cabdilahi yusuf wa nin xiiniyo wa weyn. and mar walba cabdilahi yusuf marka la yidha way oo dhamaatay he comes back and qeybta 4.5 ka so horjeeda wakala diira again. Marna geedi marna cade. very funny

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In other words, Abdullahi Yusuf has bribed enough parliamentarians to be confident of a no confidence vote in parliament.


Usually this happens when he has collected a majority of Boosaaso's port money. Hence the recent visit to Puntland and the quiet "campaigning" days in Baydhabo?

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Madaxweyne Yuusuf “Laga bilaabo maanta waxaan xilkii ra’isul wasaarenimo ka qaaday Nuur cadde, saddex cisho gudahood ayaana ku soo magacaabi doonaa ra’iisul wasaare cusub”


Madaxweynaha DF Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa goor dhoweyd shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada ee magaalada Baydhabo waxaa uu shaaca kaga qaaday inuu si rasmi ah xilkii uga qaaday ra’isul wasaaraha xukuumada federaalka Somalia Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur cadde), isla markaana uu diyaar u yahay inuu soo magacaabo Ra’isul wasaare cusub ee soo dhisi doono xukuumad kale oo ay yeelato Somalia muddo sadex cisho gudahood ah.


“Waxaan la wada soconaa mudaneneyaal iyo marwooyin in dalku uu ku jiro marxalad adag oo ka dhalatay karti darada, qiyaamooyinka, maamulka xumada iyo musuqmaasuqa kuwaasoo ka dhashay xukuumadii u dambeysay ee dalka talineysay, taasoo xitaa ku guul dareysatay iney wax ka qabato waxyaabihii u qabsoomay xukuumadii ka horeysay sida, dhaqaalaha, siyaasada, maamulka iyo amniga, sidaa darteed waxaan go’aansaday inaan xilkii ra’isul wasaarenimo ka qaado Nuur cadde anigoo eegaya maslaxada iyo badbaadinta Qaranka Somaliyeed oo uu xil buuxa iga saaran yahay” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Yuusuf oo ka hadlayey shirkaasi Jaraaid, isagoo dhinaca kalena sheegay in DF ay sii wadi doonto ka qeyb galka shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee Jabuuti, balse aysan aqbaIi doonin qodobadii ugu dambeeyey ee lagu gaaray shirkaasi oo uu xusay iney khilaafsan yihiin axdiga ku meel gaar aa ah ee Somalia.


Hadalka madaxweynaha ka hor ayaa waxaa afhayeen u hadlay uu goobta ka aqriyey wareegtadii ka soo baxday xafiiska madaxweynaha DF ee xilka looga qaaday RW Nuur cadde “Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Somalia ka markii uu arkay qodobka 14-aad ee axdiga ku meel gaar ah oo awood u siinaya inuu magacaabo xilnkana qaado RW Somalia, mas’uuliyadna ka saaran tahay ilaalinta qawaaniinta dalka u taala, markii uu arkay in wixii ka dambeeyey 30-kii bishii July ee sanankan uusan ka jirin dalka gole wasiiro oo yeeshay Kooram buuxa oo uu go’aano ku gaari karo, illaa xiligaana uu dalka xukuumad la’aan ahaa, markii aan ku amray ra’isul wasaaraha 1-da Novembar ee sanadkan inuu soo dhiso xukuumada tayo leh uuna diiday taas, lana dhaafay xiliga axdiga ku meel gaarka ah uu ogolaanayo inuu xukumad ku soo dhisi oo aheyd muddo bil gudaheed ayaa waxaan xilkii ka qaaday RW Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur cadde) oo 22-kii bishii Novembar ee sanadkii 2007-da aan u magacaabo in uu xilkaasi ka qabto” ayaa lagu yiri wareegtaasi ka soo baxday xafiiska madaxweynaha.


Dhowaan ayey aheyd markii madaxweyne Yuusuf oo la hadlayey Idaacada VOA-da uu sheegay inuusan awood u laheyn xilkana ka qaadi karin RW Nuur cadde, waxaana dad badan ay isweydiinayaan sida ay arintan ay sharci u noqon karto iyadoo axdia ku meel gaarka ee DF u qabo in RW ay xilka qaadi karaan oo klaaiya marka xildhibanada baarlamanka ay ay u codeeyaan arintaasi 3/2, waxaana iska cad in arinta ay sii hurin doonto khilaafka u dhexeeya madaxweynaha iyo Ra’isul wasaaraha oo mudooyinkan soo jiitamayey, iyadoo talaabadan uu madaxweynaha ku sheegay inuu xilkii kaga qaaday RW ay u muuqato mid jar isku tuurnimo ah oo burbur u horseedi karta waxa ka sii haray DF Somalia.

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I guess it's a done deal! Poor Nuur Cade.





ishii bugtooy ku bikaacso: ;)


Ragii u durbaan tumayey Nuur Cade oo ahaa ninkii lugta jiidayey hormarka iyo hanaanka iyo geedi socodka nabada, ha ogaadaan inuu maanta qax banaan ah uu ka taaganyahay siyaasada soomaaliyeed. Taasoo keentay isagoon daacadnima ah xilkii loo dhiibey uga bixi waayey, markii uu hagar daamo iyo laba digleyn uu kula dhaqmay xukuumadii uu madaxda ka ahaa. Nuur Cade, ma ahayn shaqsi usoo jeeda in Soomaaliya nabad galyo iyo kala dambeyn lagu soo dabaalo, marka it's about time the old man dismissed him.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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The President has sent a clear message to Addis Abbaba, I am the boss, this is my government and F you.


Yuusf Yey got rid of Nur Cade and Ahmed Abdisalaan, Addis Abbaba's new boot lickers, not in Garowe, he did in Baidoa, a border town full of the Ethiopian troops


Nur Cade was the most incompetent, senile servent of government ever to represent Somalia. He made the warlords look dignified.


Anyhow Mr President you have stood up to all challanges and Mesfin, and Melez are in dire confusion tonight.

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Inkastoon su'aashaas u waday hebelka kale,

Ishaad ka tuurtay aabbo.


Is qabqabsigan bilaa ajandaha ah,

wax walba ka filo weeye.


Originally posted by Cirdey:

No really. It was a clear sign of desperacy; one which may at last spell the end for many things.

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