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ICU faces what they dreded most. Governing as Orwellian as any other

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ICU was trying to avoid governing the places they control. All ICU wanted to do was have perpetual wars and ICU doesn't have to answer any questions of governing. The Wadaads didn't want to get into the messy and sometimes unclean works governments have to do.

Well now they are stuck in the territory they hold, cannot expand the war to other regions by deception, so they have to govern. The name they gave to the tax is as Orwellian as any western government.



Somalia’s Islamists begin collecting taxes in Mogadishu’s markets


Aweys Osman Yusuf

Mogadishu 11, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) –For the first time since they took control of the capital Mogadishu, Union of Islamic Courts has begun collecting taxes from some business areas in Mogadishu.


Islamists in Karan district, north Mogadishu, have been seen collecting taxes from people trading in livestock.


Shiek Nur Tukuda, Islamic Courts chair for Karan district, said the taxation is meant by collecting money for the jihad or holy war against foreign troops in Somalia. “I received the order to collect taxes from the Islamic Courts financial department that has issued a decree,” he told reporters.


Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts encouraged people to take part in the jihad war they officially declared on Ethiopian troops in the country. Business people were urged to voluntarily offer the finances needed in the jihad, but this is the first time they announced a tax collection since Mogadishu fell into their hands nearly six months ago.


Islamists said they were planning to impose the taxation, which will be renamed as “the contribution money” in other bigger markets in the capital like Bakara market.


The transitional government started collecting taxes in Baidoa several months ago.


Islamists presented the mount of tax money on livestock: a goat trader will pay 5,000 Somali shillings ($7cent) while a cow trader will pay 10,000 ($14cents) and a camel trader will pay 20,000 ($1.05) Somali shillings.


So far, there was no opposition of the taxes imposed on the traders in Mogadishu.


Islamic Courts vowed they would clear all Ethiopian troops away from the country following the approval of UN draft resolution on lifting the arms embargo on Somalia and letting regional peacekeeping forces be deployed in the country.


Ethiopia rebuffed that it has thousands of combat troops in Somalia, but admitted it has several hundred military trainers and advisors at the government’s temporary headquarter of Baidoa to train government soldiers and protect the government institutions and senior heads.


Somalia’s transitional government was formed in 2004 with the help of UN and international community after protracted negotiations, but remained powerless ever since it moved to Somalia.


Experts fear that Somalia could become a battleground for long time rival enemies, Ethiopia and Eritrea, which fought their border battles in 1998 and 2004.

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Welkiat keep on dreaming it seems that you are not only satisfied in oppressing Ethios especially those in Somali region but are madly obssessed in importing your culture to Somalia proper.

The thing is what goes round comes round.

Its end of the road for your fellows.

they have gone down in history as the most vile and uncouth subhumans.

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