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Somali people die from hunger inside Saudi prison

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Wednesday, 25 January 2006, 12 hours and 55 seconds ago.


By andnetwork .com


At least five people have been reported dead and hundreds in bad conditions for hunger and maltreatment at temporary detention centres for foreign people in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The centres are deportation centres places where illegal foreign workers are detained before deporting back to their homes as what locally known (TARXIIL).


Muna Zubeyr, young Somali girl among the detainees of a Tarxil Centre in Jedah, Saudi Arabia told shabelle through the phone that some people in the detention centres dead for hunger and other bad conditions while they are detained for undisclosed time.


She said that people are given dirty food and no one cares whether they are in good conditions or not.


Muna also said that according to the narrowness of the Cells, people some times suffocate since some of them are too old to live in such inconvenient place.


“A cell of 4m.square is detained about 180 people and that is over crowded,†she said.


According to the over crowd, Muna said people sleep two shifts, some of them do sleep at night while the other group sleep in the day.

The young girl also stated, Saudi police officers maltreat them daily and beat them whenever they come into the cell.


“When we have asked the Saudi police to deport us to our country they told us that our Embassy is delaying our deportation period†she said.

She said that officers told them they would be deported when Somali pilgrims are finished taking them back to home.


It’s a common practice for Saudi Authorities to ignore the violations as well as rights depraving against Somalia poor community that go to Saudi Arabia to earn daily bread while their country is experiencing 15 years of anarchy.


Source : Shabelle Media Network, Somalia

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I love this, but who really cares what happens to the Somalis in Saudi Arabia when we don’t care about the Somalis in Somalia?


The Somalis have chosen to take the low road and suffer so let them suffer. Until we open our eyes and smell the coffee I would say we are a nation full of flies…


It won’t be a shock if all the Somalis get abused cuz they have always been abused in every country….Weak people can easily be picked on.

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

Cambuuro xumayaal

Xaa saas u dhahee, see camalkaa hee. Canbuur, LoL. 9516.gif


Soomaali anagaa dhulka is dhignay, runtii. Afarta meelba adduunka jug iyo jac ee nagu hayaan. Hadaaba anaga is dileyno yaa naga naxaayo hee?


Waa kaasaa maanta, laba milyan Soomaali shanta gees ee calanka ayaa abaar u dhimaneyso, wax juuq kaleh ma arkin ka ahayn hay'adaha caalamka. Waa u jeedaa maalin walba doomaha masaakiinteena laga tuuro oo Yemen u socdo, yaa juuq iyo jiiq kaleh hee? Koonfur Afrika eber ee naga dhigeen, yaa quuq ka maqlee? Kuwana saxaradii Liibiya iyagoo ugu socdaan ee eber noqdeen, markee Liibiya gaaraan Talyaaniga iyagoo damacsan ee badihii ku xaabteen.


Soomaali hadaa nahnay waxaa ku maahmaahnay:


Lankii aadiis dhooro aaroodiisna geed saaree.


Magoow hadaan anaga is dhoori weynay, oo nahnay dad dalkooda nacay wax dadkaas jecel hadaaba aragtid. Sidii taqsi camal na nalooga dheel dheelo, hana ka xaab xaabino markaas.

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