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Anglo-French-Italian Agreement regarding Abyssinia

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Whoever was objected to the struggle of Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan, should glance this treaty. You will definately realize that Sayid actuated our spirit of nationalism. He was an icon in Somali history and a hero forever.


Debate on this historical context of Somali territories is welcome.



Anglo-French-Italian Agreement regarding Abyssinia


After prolonged negotiations, France, Great Britain and Italy signed , on December 13, 1906, a treaty regulating their respective rights in Abyssinia. The treaty guarantees the integrity of Abyssinia, and the maintenance of the status quo. In case future events should make impossible the maintenance of the status quo the three signatory powers agree to act only in concert. Great Britain obtains the assurance that nothing will be done to modify the course of the Nile and its tributaries; Italy is given a free hand to construct railways from Eritrea to Addis Abeba, and from there to its colony of Benadir; to France is assured control of the proposed and partially constructed railway Jibouti to Addis-Abeba, though the directorate of this railroad shall have one member each from Great Britain, Abyssinia, and Italy. The Emperor Menelik has expressed his satisfaction with the terms of the treaty.



[Anglo-French-Italian Agreement Regarding Abyssinia

The American Journal of International Law © 1907 American Society of International Law]



". . . in August of last year [1895] Ras Makonnen wrote to the Habr Awal tribes around Hargeisa claiming them as Abyssinian subjects and calling upon them to destroy small zareeba built there by Lord Delamere, which he

said was Abyssinian territory. . . ."



(Vol. 7, Letters from Aden, Political Agent and Consul of Somalia Coast to

Consul General, Cairo, no 746 of Sept. 21, 1896).

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