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Why would he want that he just paid a successful visit there within huge turn out and welcome 


The sanaag war didn’t happen though because the Garaad clan elders chickened out and got scared  since they know they are a minority in ceerigaabo they can’t start trouble they know their place . It’s all good status quo is fine with us 

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1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Why would he want that he just paid a successful visit there within huge turn out and welcome 


If this was great why send hundreds of soldiers in every corner of the city? They just arrested six women from Xays women's organization who were preparing to protest. And why arrest Mohamed Abiib who has the support of many people? 

He want to demoralize the people by targeting those they look up to. Damn it why not target this warlord in the road?

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1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Why would he want that he just paid a successful visit there within huge turn out and welcome

Just so you know it, leaving behind death and mayhem in his wake is not anyone's definition of "successful"; let us see how long it takes before bullets begin flying in Awdal. Out of curiosity, has there been a city of more than 20,000 inhabitants, where there had not been deaths, armed militias, and uprising in the triangle during his tenure?


And now he is arresting MPs, who under the State's Constitution have immunity whilst serving in the Parliament.


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Muse didn’t arrest him the intelligence service did along with the rru we have no idea why he was arrested . Reer awdal are peaceful loving folks waligoodqori may ridin in their life I am not expecting them to do that now. Nabada caana leh

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5 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Muse didn’t arrest him the intelligence service did along with the rru we have no idea why he was arrested . Reer awdal are peaceful loving folks waligoodqori may ridin in their life I am not expecting them to do that now. Nabada caana leh

Nagadaa ninyahow. Let's be serious, no high profile gets arrested with Muse's permission. Same goes for every Somali region.

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"Maxamed Abiib tol miyuusan lahayn. Hadaan system u jirin reer Somaliland oo xildhibaan xasaanad ku laheyn, dareenkiisana cabiri karin, shacabku xagey joogaan. 

Reer Awdaloow nagu soo biira. Dastuurka DFS ma odhan laba gobol xuduud ha lahaadaan.  Cirka iyo badaan isku mareynaa"

Garaad Mukhtaar

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41 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

Apparently, Muse's cartel accessed  Abiib's phone.

the somaliland sirdoon have some evidence he was dealing with groups in somalia



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15 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

"Maxamed Abiib tol miyuusan lahayn. Hadaan system u jirin reer Somaliland oo xildhibaan xasaanad ku laheyn, dareenkiisana cabiri karin, shacabku xagey joogaan. 

Reer Awdaloow nagu soo biira. Dastuurka DFS ma odhan laba gobol xuduud ha lahaadaan.  Cirka iyo badaan isku mareynaa"

Garaad Mukhtaar

Garaadkan xanuunka haya weyna subxaan wa qaadiir waxan oo dhan wa duriyad ka carar hahah,, U do know that his mother lives in Hargeisa and he cant even visit her she is actually close related to Ina Biixi sub sub sub sub  clan wise



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