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1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

Next revolution against secessionist has started 


If u listen to the video where ooyaye visited awdal today. He no where near  said anything that opposes the quest for state hood for somaliland matter intact he re affirmd the the sacred statehood of somaliland listen to it . There is nothing there really there is no indication that he is willing to join dawarsi state 


So don’t jump up and down to early

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45 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

If u listen to the video where ooyaye visited awdal today. He no where near  said anything that opposes the quest for state hood for somaliland matter intact he re affirmd the the sacred statehood of somaliland listen to it . There is nothing there really there is no indication that he is willing to join dawarsi state 


So don’t jump up and down to early

Xaaji, it is step by step process, I could see blue flag but no secessionist flag

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THese kids don't want Somaliland at all. they used this opportunity to vent and proclaim Somalia unity. They even called AAbo Hassan Sheikh although President HSM doesn't care about them. This Habro project is going down.




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8 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Arafat I explained all the occasions where somaliland officials met. With somalia officials when farmaajo and faisal met. It was given approval by the somaliland government under the pretext to bring back gallaydh to somaliland that was it all the other the first time somaliland took part of a conference where there were somali mamuul gobeleed siilaanyo was called out . What other occasions do u have other then the talks 

Listen to Faisal. ”Hadii la xisaabtamo oo la Isbaar baaro cid nabad galisa ma jirto”. Let us await the trial and see how strong your case is and let all the facts surface, and let people can make their own judgement of it all. 

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5 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:


Abiib seems to have found the voice of the Awdalite youth. Prosecute him and his crowning is officiated as the leader and perhaps even the Nelson Mandela of Somaliland.  

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7 hours ago, galbeedi said:

THese kids don't want Somaliland at all. they used this opportunity to vent and proclaim Somalia unity. They even called AAbo Hassan Sheikh although President HSM doesn't care about them. This Habro project is going down.




I doubt they care about any sort of Somali unity. They haven’t even see. These people in south in their entire life u first need to know or hear about the poeple u wish to unite with . I mean if they were they would have fought for it long time ago . I mean Qof wuxusan rabin lugu ma Khasbi karo of the majority of reer awdal youth want to be ruled by the bunker and not bay hargeisa way cadaysan lahayen to be honest they know know no mansab no jaggo no respect they will gain in the bunker meesha lagamaba yaqaano 

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Xaaji, in Awdal, what percentage are pro SL and what percentage pro Federal govt? And do you believe they should be forced those against secession?


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Its very simple I think the overall people of awdal support the quest and independence and statehood of Somaliland close to 80 percent if not more . The only thing that the reer awdalite advocate for is more representation with in the Somaliland government . Those that go to Mogadishu are so significant those that go to Mogadishu for seats are really just a few  dr beyle former finance minister of the bunker came back to Somaliland prof samatar came back after a failed presidential campaign bid . His brother is there still how ever but no awdal person holds any significant post in Mogadishu, actually the biggest traitors that the koonfurians love to use are those from the duriyad clan and they get the most significant positions in the bunker by the koonfurians. Though I do believe. That there are allot of people from the awdal community who don’t originally hail from awdal but hail from. Ethiopia or jabuuti and who also reside in the west have big hatred for anything related to Somaliland some just have a clear clan hatred and feel inferior to the noble duriad clan mostly they reside in the west and they are the one that are clapping their hands for the downfall of somaliland.  But they don’t even hail from somaliland majority of them have their relatives either living in. Harowo iyo awbarre or their kin are doing junior jobs for geele and the Jesus clan in jabuuti  these are the so called parasites somaliland is dealing with mostly wa qurbajoog calooshu tagantahay Laakin walagaga xaarsiinaya.

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Maakhiri1, this Xaaji is out of touch like most secessionists . The youth are 99% percent anti Somaliland. There were no one single Somaliland flag yesterday.

Last night in Borama Abiib himself was denounced after he campaigned for chairman Cirro, and the youth are insulting him already. Abiib misunderstood the message the youth were sending. It wasn't about party or saving the fat man called Cirro. It was a message of defiance and Awdal independence. These youth are looking for leadership and we have to find a way to direct that energy, we know they are all Awdal State. Imagine if they had guns in their homes like the SSC?  the city would have been liberated and the RRU chased out of the city. 

I see huge opportunity to expel the militia from Borama in the future. our first priority must be stop any fake election boxes arriving in Awdal. Everyday people asking us when, but I see change coming sooner than we think.

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Thé only person that is out of touch with the reality is you galbeedi . The youth there didn’t also wave the satanic flag of the bunker either. Doesn’t proof anything . The majority of the Awdalite people have no interest to separate from the main land of somaliland had they wanted that they would have done that long time ago it wouldn’t take 3 decades to fight 


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