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21 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

Delusional Xaaji. Where do the Canfar settle to attack Djibouti? Inside Awdal?

When thing I would say is that Awdal Movement will not stop whether Djibouti supports us or not. One thing the last f to offer his services to C/laahi Dani. At the same time he supports the song that declared " Axmaar baa iga Garoowe iyo Xamar". ew days taught me is how fragile the Hargeisa regime is. Faysal Waraabe is wearing black headband to mourn and as usual all over the place. he is insulting the HAG community and declared

We didn't even fire a bullet yet all the cry iyo Kakacaay. We the Awdalites are resilient really, all we need just start the fire crackers and this regime will collapse.


I never mentioned anything about launching an attack on Djibouti using Afar rebels or employing Awdal as a base. My statement was that Somaliland has various strategies it can utilize, including leveraging the Afars against the Djiboutian government. I did not specify a particular region within Somaliland for such actions. I merely suggested that Somaliland and Eritrea might collaborate to support the Afars, thereby complicating matters for Djibouti. However, I believe this course of action is unnecessary as for now , as Djibouti has declared no interest in supporting non existing  entities like the Dawarsi state.

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It might be unnecessary alright if Omar Geelle gets his way. The latest news is the HA businessmen or the Muuse clan oligarchs who control the Djibouti business were ordered by Omar Geelle to leave town or force your cousin Muuse to abandon the MOU. Knowing how Muuse is loyal to his clan more than anything he might as well accept that deal and keep his business interest intact in Djibouti.

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20 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

It might be unnecessary alright if Omar Geelle gets his way. The latest news is the HA businessmen or the Muuse clan oligarchs who control the Djibouti business were ordered by Omar Geelle to leave town or force your cousin Muuse to abandon the MOU. Knowing how Muuse is loyal to his clan more than anything he might as well accept that deal and keep his business interest intact in Djibouti.

is very loyal to his clan, BIIHI may abandon this whole thing, before Abiy

I think Somali gov, should try to force Biihi, thru Awdal

The whole SL is clan mafia, like drug cartels, and if there financial is threated, they will come running to  talks.

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2 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

I think Somali gov, should try to force Biihi, thru Awdal

It is the best option, but in Mogadishu we have a leadership that doesn't think beyond the next election or some other mundane issues.

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17 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

is very loyal to his clan, BIIHI may abandon this whole thing, before Abiy

I think Somali gov, should try to force Biihi, thru Awdal

The whole SL is clan mafia, like drug cartels, and if there financial is threated, they will come running to  talks.

   Somaliland represents a national cause, one driven by the people and for the people. The notion that the Somaliland government could be thwarted by something as trivial as currency or similar impediments is utterly preposterous. Somaliland stands as a robust nation, built on a solid foundation. For the first time, the country is under the leadership of a military figure who has risen through the ranks of the  SNM. We have moved beyond the era of bureaucrats and diplomats; the military leaders of Somaliland hold the nation's best interests at heart.

There is no somali govt there is a toothless bunker administration that have no cards left they used all their cards tried to remove the ambasador and consulates there is nothing left  no cards left for the bunker what can they do now , if Ethiopia calls out their bluff. 

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You must be very proud of the political moves of your esteemed commander and his sidekick Faysal Waraabe. 

Here is the latest major policy announcement from the all powerful Waraabe yesterday. By the way what is this black head dress?


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13 hours ago, galbeedi said:


You must be very proud of the political moves of your esteemed commander and his sidekick Faysal Waraabe. 

Here is the latest major policy announcement from the all powerful Waraabe yesterday. By the way what is this black head dress?


Xaaskiisa see ugu dulqaadato la yaabanahay neefkaan, especially when she married him when he was a known alcoholic in Xamar and considering her background - aabaheeda sheekh caan ka ah gobolka Baay ahaa and very respected. In fact wuu u diiday ayaa la yiri markuu soo doontay. They lived in sarihii dowladda African Villaje ee Taleex, the dowlad uu mar walba uu caayo today, the same dowlad he worked for until its very collapse in early 1991.

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How would a girl from the rural area of bay reject a prince of hargeisa for marriage she should have been  proud a noble proud prince of hargeisa wed her and took her away from the poverty faisal is an engineer from one of the most aristocratic families of hargeisa on both his mother  and father side . By the way he didn’t say anything bad  about koonfurians which can be viewed as an insult  the Ethiopians been given hawd and reserve area was bad but first of July was the worse time in the history of Somalilanders labba goor bay khasaareen wagaas, thankfully we had the generation  prior to faisal or even the one that were his age oo u kacay  Somaliland during the snm. And corrected the mistake and error the generation before made which was uniting with te koonfurians for they will never be forgiving what they have done to the future of Somaliland luckily they are all dead now ,

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Ururka Hillaac oo metela Awdal waxa loo diidey in uu ka barbar tartamo Kulmiye, Ucid iyo Waddani, si doorashadu u noqoto mid loo dhan yahay, waxa i soo baxday in SL aan la wada lahayn oo ay u xidhan tahay dad gaar ah, waxaana dhab ah wixii uu sheegey AUH Prof.Cali Khaliif Galaydh iyo reer Sool - anigu marka waan ka hadhay doorashooyinkaas oo ah kuwo xaaraan ah, reer Awdalmna waxa aan leeyahay ha aqbalina in aad noqotaan 'Muwaadinka labaad'.

They even lost the support of Samatar.

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There is no Hilaac party without Prof. Samatar. This kid is delusional if he thinks he could win anything after the departure of its founder. 

If they really wanted to accommodate him, the same tribal council could have recommended to add Hilaac to the other three. Waddani and the opposition doesn't want a dark horse to spoil their votes.

Anyway, I am very glad Prof. Samatar is out of the picture. Our next move is to probably threaten the remaining Dinosaur called INa Rayaale to quit and go to France and stop saving Biixi. 

Waa in Reer Awdal State u hanjabaan oo dhalinta Borama Joogtaa fariimo adag u diraan. Haddii uu joogsan Waayana Talaabo adag laga Qaadaa.

It is time to expel Ina Rayaale as soon as possible. Fariintaa ha la is gaadhsiiyo.

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