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15 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

yes no funding from somalia should ever be condoned by Somaliland

Well done Somaliland government

I wish these Habro would have shot at us and kill us as they did to Laacaanood for all those years. Just like a rat , Inta ay naqaniinaan ayey na afuufaan.

tens of millions were received in the name of Somalia, yet this major project from African development bank was nixed.

Awdal is 95% us. We have people in Wajaale, Gabiley all the way in Agabar which is a dozen mile from Hargeisa. This XX is now claiming AWdal a mix of clans false.

A fascist clan has no mercy. We have to prepare to fight.

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You can’t claim awdal for one clan and when u are challenged on this narrative say it false won’t make  false don’t the Jesus clan live in a sizeable part of awdal which is now called selel well if we remove selel yes then ur majority. The lughaye district is also a shared district. . The only two district where u the majority is the borama district and baki district 

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9 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Muse Biixi never learns


The guy right to say that we have got no bigger enemy than Ina Biixi himself. Somaliland's salvation is dependent on his permanent departure from our public life. 

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19 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Muse Biixi never learns



What a bunch of emotions on geeles part what is he trying to achieve here  but lets see how it goes his uncle tried to test ina cigaal and he was defeated  not sure what  he wants to achieve here.  Djibouti can make all sort of agreements with Ethiopia , But SL is not allowed to make such an agreement  what a hypocracy 

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2 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:


What a bunch of emotions on geeles part what is he trying to achieve here  but lets see how it goes his uncle tried to test ina cigaal and he was defeated  not sure what  he wants to achieve here.  Djibouti can make all sort of agreements with Ethiopia , But SL is not allowed to make such an agreement  what a hypocracy 

Djibouti did not give 20 KM coast line to Ethiopia.

Ethiopia wants ownership of a port and naval base. Only an insane person would agree to that.

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13 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

The guy right to say that we have got no bigger enemy than Ina Biixi himself. Somaliland's salvation is dependent on his permanent departure from our public life. 

His departure will go a long way, but everything needs to be re-examined. It is clear the entire system is not working anymore and not every community sees Somaliland the same way.

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The relationship between the Hargeisa based sessionist and Djibouti was based purely transactional. There is no strong foundations to keep it. One day they are the enemy of the Habro, then the next day they are Walaalo. The same goes with Irir Samaale, Lafta Naga, and now the beloved Axmaar. Despite years of preferential treatment, if you ask ask the Hargeisa clique about Djibouti, the would swear that their neighbors were always their arch enemies. 

Finally, HSM had declared Goonogoosatada as a threat to national security like Al-shbaab. We presented a document way back in February to the threat of that entity in terms social cohesion, economic development and national security of the Somali people including those in Hargeisa and Burco. 

Constant arresting of Somali visitors at airport by wearing Somali flag arm bands or a blue Dirac, sent both men and women to jails. In return they have created enmity and mistrust among Somalis. In terms of economic development huge swaths of land in the region containing gold, mineral and other resources could be developed just like those controlled by Al-shbaab in the south. Finally, we emphasized that this threat shouldn't be confronted  because more powerful states than Ethiopia could take over Zaylac and Berbera which might lead total colonization of the homeland.

Waxaan aad uga hadalnay khatarka goonigoosatada Muuse Biixi hogaaminayo oo saameyn karta jiritaanka dadka Soomaaliyeed. Yet, due to the Muqdishu Xadhig Jiid and never ending quarrel might have led them to overlook our concern. I hope HSM and company had seen the light now and we could see eye to eye about Hargeisa threat.

The first order of the president should be the firing of the separatist ambassador in Mogadishu deputy premier Saalax who is appointed By Biixi, and then go from their and fire the other ambassadors in foreign capitals. We could finish this thing before the fake elections.


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What fake elections.  Salaax can’t be just fired he is there on the 4,5 quota. The deputy prime minister always belonged to the landers with the inception of the tfg it was like that .  Buuba my late uncle  was under the tfg later on it was Mohammed Omar then it was fawzia then it was Tadhese ama mahdi guleed . This doesn’t change   As for jabuuti and sl they will sort out their issues they always do  jabuuti has to many problems  and enemies to create another enemy  Eritrea is lurking. Bussines isn’t going well  Ethiopia wants to re range the port issue . They wish. Not to create another problem in the region 

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Awdal is finally getting a big momentum

iOG finally behind them, I predict another 25th of August, if secessionist don't leave these people alone 

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Calm down awdal isn’t laascanood. And the borama clan isn’t the Garaad clan. And sl has possible cards against Djibouti   Iog dictatorship is about to end maybe a few more years the affars want a momentum I see a possible allliance between biixi and afewerqi since Asmara was backing affar rebels against djibouti . Nonetheless  I am hearing Djibouti denied claims that it supporting dawarsi rebels inside somaliland so it’s all good today foreign minister of Djibouti spoke and he says he wants to continue to have good ties with Somaliland . Also the lies that somaliland diplomatic office in djibouti was closed was also busted somaliland diplomatic office in Djibouti is still intact . Nothing here guys

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Delusional Xaaji. Where do the Canfar settle to attack Djibouti? Inside Awdal?

When thing I would say is that Awdal Movement will not stop whether Djibouti supports us or not. One thing the last few days taught me is how fragile the Hargeisa regime is. Faysal Waraabe is wearing black headband to mourn and as usual all over the place. he is insulting the HAG community and declared to offer his services to C/laahi Dani. At the same time he supports the song that declared " Axmaar baa iga Garoowe iyo Xamar". 

We didn't even fire a bullet yet all the cry iyo Kakacaay. We the Awdalites are resilient really, all we need just start the fire crackers and this regime will collapse.


  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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Djibouti rejects Somaliland's accusation of supporting anti-Somaliland movement group

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Monday July 1, 2024

Djibouti (HOL) - The Minister of Finance of Djibouti, Ilyas Musa Dawaleh, has denied Somaliland President Muse Bihi's accusation that Djibouti is hosting a rebellion against Somaliland.

Minister posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday that Djibouti will always remain a beacon of regional dialogue, not a place of regional fragmentation.


"Regretting false and baseless accusations coming from Somaliland officials. Djibouti is a place of togetherness and regional integration. An anchor for regional peace and stability. Not the other way round. Let us make it crystal clear, we will always remain a beacon of regional dialogue, not a place of regional fragmentation. We value the principles of togetherness and always remain out of our neighbours' internal affairs," he added.

Dawaleh urged the Somaliland officials not to involve Djibouti in their internal politics or campaign agenda.

"Keep in mind, yesterday we were accused of supporting Somaliland against the SSC Region," he said.

The relationship between Somaliland and Djibouti has deteriorated since Somaliland and Ethiopia signed an MoU, allowing Ethiopia sea access and a military base in exchange for potential recognition of Somaliland. Djibouti saw the agreement as an economic threat.

Despite Dawaleh's denial of Somaliland's accusations, leaders of the Awdal State Movement (ASM) are currently in Djibouti. On Sunday night, they held a party there. The movement opposes the Somaliland administration and advocates for Somalia's unity.

However, talks between Somalia and Ethiopia on the diplomatic rift, facilitated by the Turkish government, are expected to start in Ankara in the coming days, as delegations from both countries arrived in Turkey in the last few hours.

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