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General Duke

AT is no enemy of Puntland

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Fame or no fame, I will keep on highlighting the negative role of what you falsely call "unionists" - the Puntland political class. What I won't do is go beyond that, because it is not right.


You have no issues with secessionists alone. As far as I understand with Sheikh as well. With ONLF, with Galmudug and soon with Makhiiri's. I hear the Suldan is already in Hargeisa.

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Originally posted by Karaar Aadan Ruukoow:

Fame or no fame,


You have no issues with secessionists alone. As far as I understand with Sheikh as well. With ONLF, with Galmudug and soon with Makhiiri's. I hear the Suldan is already in Hargeisa.

You are indeed a simple man, adeer first of all don’t try and divide a single family, Makhiri’s are key players in Puntland and thus your desperate and weak calls to divide the family is laughable and highlights your weak stratagem.

How does Hargaysa gaining advantage if any over Garowe benefit you? :D:D


Like I have stated, you are no enemy of Puntland, or should I paraphrase it, you [ONLF]my dear lad are so weak you could not be an enemy of Puntland.


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I hear the Sultan of Makhiir is in Hargeisa from media portals. You have already lost, I would rather say failed the SOL elders. Is that not going to shrink the horizon of your state?

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I don’t even know how that is of any relevance to you? :D Remmeber the Makhiri’s are founders of Puntland and as such are no different to any other community, thus your futile attempt here and silly wishes will not change the realities on the ground.

Go speak to Gen Ilka-Jiir, or Garad Ali Ciid, about the communities position, or go jump of a cliff.

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I hear Ilka-jiir is on the brink too.


By the way, I didn't want to say it before since it is personal. But since it is going that way anyway, is it true you do not support the Shariif Government because you lost your ambassadorial post? Is personal ambition shaping your political position?

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I don't need to ask anyone. Of course JB can confirm the Suldaan is in Hargeisa disgruntled. The relevance of Ilka-Jir will dimish overtime unless he manages to win something for his constituency. And it is unlikely the shares will pass those next to the cooking pot. Remember Amin's cow? (who is milking it?)


Duke - If I were you, I would have passed the remainder of my life in quiet mosques since the only way you can get back your decorated diplomatic status is via partonage. And that doesn't seem to be happening soon, if the Sheikh Sharif insists to pull the shots. Why you endlessley talk about Puntland is because like most of the professional somali politicians, the next bread for you could be from there. When can you rely on your personal capabilities and not on the shoulders of clan?

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Originally posted by Karaar Aadan Ruukoow:

I hear Ilka-jiir is on the brink too.

you do not support the Shariif Government because you lost your ambassadorial post? Is personal ambition shaping your political position?

You hear far too many voices in your head, its amusing that these voices tell you what you want to hear at all times and you use them as factual evidence to present to people. Get some help lad, and its not personal.

As for the Ambassadorial position, I am far to ambitious and young to have taken such a post even if offered by Yey, let alone a hostage in Villa Somalia.



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As for the Ambassadorial position, I am far to ambitious and young to have taken such a post even if offered by Yey, let alone a hostage in Villa Somalia.


how dare you could refuse an offer from Yey?

Yey makes offer that no one in their right mind could refuse - he invinted the expression "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse" :D

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