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Funny, Somalis Migrate to Yemen then Fight Against the Gov

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Ina Bucur Bacayr, suunka dhuuqso waryaaa-- anigana mar dambe ha ii booteenin!


Post what you will concerning the Sayyid's poetry which he directed at the old kingdoms of the east. But at the end of the day, we all know who the Sayyid abused the MOST, both linguistically and militarily, and which every competent reader of the great poet can vouch to be true is REER SHANKAROON.


So go ahead Red Sea. Share with us this poetry you speak of. And I promise-- so help me God-- that for every single line you quote in derision. I will pellet you with a dozen or more from the same very Sayyid, lampooning the heck out of reer Bucur Bacayr and associating them with the lowest possible forms of cowardice, mental retardation, backwardness, and general imbecility. :D


The ball is in your court, Mr.Red Sea... :cool:

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