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Bossaso: Puntland Hospital a modern project: PICS

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Puntland Hospital


Waa Isbitaal casri oo sanadkii 2005 laga furay Boosaso waxaana uu ****olay baahida kumanaan kun oo qof oo ka yimid gobolada kala duwan ee dalka waana la amaanay


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Dhaqaatiirta waayo aragnimada & aqoonta dheer leh ee Puntland Hospital waxay fuliyeen qaliimo culus oo ay aheyd in dalka dibadiisa loo qaado, waxaana Isbitaalku uu kaalin weyn ka qaatey in uu ****olo awood ahaan adeegyada caafimaad, iyadoo la adeegsado qalabka casriga ee Isbitaalka iyo Dhakhaatiirta qibrada iyo aqoonta


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Isbitaalka Puntland waxaa ka mid ah dhaqaatiirta ka hawlgasha dhaqaatiir isugu jirta Soomaali & Ajanabi, waxaana ay kala yihiin Dhaqtarka cudurada Guud, Dhakhtarka Cudurada Haweenka, Dhakhtarka cudurada caruurta, Dhakhtarta cudurrada sanka, dhagaha iyo cunaha (ENT), Dhakhtarta Jajabka, Dhakharta cudurada Neefmareenka & Wadnaha, Dhakhtar Sheybaariiste ah, dhamaan dhakhaatiirtan waa kuwa leh takhasus




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Qalabkan ama Mishinkan wuxuu ka mid yahay qalabka casriga ee laga isticmaalo Isbitaalada waa weyn ee dunida, waxaana Isbitaalka uu isku dayayaa in uu ****olo dhamaan baahida qalab ee looga baahan yahay adeegyada iyo hawlaha caafimaad, Waxaana Isbitaalka uu diyaariyey qalab kale oo casri ah shaybaar modern ah, Raajo ama XR tayo wanaagsan, qalabka qaliinka, qalabka indhaha iyo qalabka cabirka dhiigaga



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Puntland sidoo kale wuxuu leeyahay Farsamiye laga heli karo dawooyin casri ah oo lagu xafidey meel qabow, waxaana Farsamashiga kuugu diyaar ah shaqaale aqoon leh oo loo diyaariyey u adeegida bulshada & waliba macaamiisha gaarka ah ee Isbitaalka. Sidaasi si la mid ah Puntland Hospital wuxuu diyaariyey qolal loogu tala galey in la jiifiyo bukaanka, qaybta Gargaarka deg deg ah, waxaana Isbitaalku uu shaqeeya 24-ka saac, waxaana uu leeyahay koronto joogto ah.


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Hope future/recent university graduates can secure a position there.


btw in the group picture Bosaso looks really nice, they should have taken a panorama of the city from the balcony

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^^^Yeah, more home grown Somali doctors would be good. I wonder if they are part of the Quest programs for returning Somali doctors.


It looks really good mashallah.

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I think these guys have done well. People that visited the hospital recently were very impressed both with the service and cleanliness. ***I wonder what the MRSA rate would be*****


Healthcare in Somalia is all private currently and no one is interested in developing future Somali doctors/specialist because it does not make economic sense.

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Ninbrown the salaries of the foreign doctors are much higher than the rates of homegrown doctors, so economically speaking it WOULD make sense for those Somali private investors to stimulate the growth of homegrown doctors and nurses. There are plenty of universities in Puntland and the rest of Somalia they could draw from.


Ibti, what program?

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I wonder if they will view a Somali born outside Somalia a foreign and pay him/her the same salary as the ajaanabi doctors?


Horta,don't we have architects in Somalia, why are all the new buildings look the same?



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Adam: I'll dig up the link for you 2morrow inshallah. It is like a skill database for people who want to return back home, there are a few, the one run by the UN is called QUEST and last year they managed to send 80 people back in various sectors. The problem they were having were not enough applications. Its been running for two years now.

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Adam: specialty training is very expensive everywhere in the world. These guys hire cheap doctors from India/Pakistan and take the rest of the profit.


I agree in the long run it would make more sense economically to train your own, however, these guys are after the quick buck...everywhere is Somalia.

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