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Helpful hand extended to civilians fleeing violence.

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Dadka ka faa'ideystay deeqdan ayaa kala ah :-





1) Kaxshiiqaal 500 qoys


2) Xerooyinka Ceelasha biyaha 1000 qoys


3) Dayniile 835 qoys


Total 2335 qoys.


Lacagaha lagu iibiyay deeqdan raashinka ah waxaa ku tabarucay :-


1) Shirkadda Xawaaladda Dahabshiil $ 15,000


2) Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed Aarhus Denmark $ 5,000


3) Shirakadda Diyaaradaha Jubba Airways $ 3,500


4) Sirkadda Xawaaladda Qaran Express $ 3,000


5) Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed Begen -Norway $1,000


6) Sirkadda Xawaaladda Amal Bank $ 1,000




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