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General Duke

Cayn: I am ashamed of the Puntland admin.

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^^^What can I say to a clan obsessed man/woman like yourself? I supported the restoration of the Somali state adeer, and not any invasion of anyone, the Ethiopians, Ugandans and others supported a Somali government recognized by the world. Those who fought against them lied and cried out “Invasion”, “occupation” all the way from Asmara and are now saying they were wrong. No adeer I was not wrong, Sharif Hotel was wrong, Sharif Xasan was wrong, Al Shabaab were wrong, the fake Mujahids were wrong. Today we would have had a state, and not this nosnese that we are in.

I have not changed adeer, you have, the cowards here have, I am a Somali nationalist who tells the truth, the likes of yoursleve who reports on Ethippias election, yet want us to belive that ONLF are right, are those who need to soul search.

This incident in Buhudle is a travesty of common sense, and I am telling it as it, this is wrong and my people valiant defence is right, courageous and should be supported. Faroole will be held accountable.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Spare your crocodile tears Duke.

Are you now pretending to be from SSC clan adeer?

Go jump, your fake pretences and nonsical nationalisam has been exposed years ago...

Ethiopia is just a lame excuse, I dont care if its the white which of the west, you have been wishing for the wholesale destruction of Puntland for years
So chill grave digger.


Faroole has to answer for this nonsense, that has never ever happened in the history of Puntland.


The secessionist are not a problem, nor will it take much to deal with them. These Ethiopian troops and their tax issue should be addressed ASAP.


Puntlanders, have a right to criticise their government, we dont get Mugged, the leader who does not perform will be kicked out.


Faroole, has done well on some issues, and we have apllauded him for that. On this case he has failed and we will hold him to account, that is our right.


Zack the prsioner
Adeer you have no reason to even speak since you and most of your clan are citizens of Ethiopia, and regiseted to vote in Ethipia, and play a crucial role in the prison networks in Ethiopian.


You can not have your cake and eat it lad. Even your "Mujahids" are now in Goday singing a different tune.
:D:D:D @ The outburst



Ps. I agree with you when you say that Che dude is fake.

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^^^Forget Che, adeer he only gets sad when Ethiopia kills Somali's. The thousands that have died at the hands of the nonse called Al Shabaab does not make him sad.


The fake Mujahids in Boston have no clear understanding of Somalia.


They were fighting Yusuf government for clan reasons masked as "Ethiopia" and now what do they have.


Now they have more deaths in Mogadishu last 24 hours than all of North Somalia last year.

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The Zack   

Duke, spare us the non sense, we can tell that you are now feeling the pain of the xabashis finally. Just admit it. If you were a nationalist Sharmarke wouldn't have been the only person you support in the TFG. Don't make me dig SOL's archived record, it won't take me 10 seconds to bring 10 threads of yours supporting Xabashi invasion on Xamar. It doesn't matter what names you call the then invasion.


Again, sorry to hear you are ashamed now :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Forget Che, adeer he only gets sad when Ethiopia kills Somali's. The thousands that have died at the hands of the nonse called Al Shabaab does not make him sad.


The fake Mujahids in Boston have no clear understanding of Somalia.


They were fighting Yusuf government for clan reasons masked as "Ethiopia" and now what do they have.


Now they have more deaths in Mogadishu last 24 hours than all of North Somalia last year.

^^ I fully agree surprisingly. Dude has no position, the worst character on SOL (even much worse than you are). Atleast we know what you're about, his like our Norf lol.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Duke..In your world, only clan makes any sense. And the same goes for above little dhabadh!l!f.

In your world pretending to be from clan X, while being ashamed of being from clan Y, is the rage. Get a backbone and stop the hate adeer, your stance is rubish at best.

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Duke, spare us the non sense, we can tell that you are now feeling the pain of the xabashis finally

what utter trash, adeer I never supported agression even when you and your likes were singing for the clan courts of Mogadishu, I was warning you.


Now did you vote in today's election with your kinsmen? :D

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Originally posted by Peace Action:



What is the reality today.


1-You have no problem with using Ethiopian muscle to kill your owm people?


2- If you call that real politic, then how about alleniating SSC people who you want to help with your secession.


3- By gloating about the killing of SSC people, does that show clearly that your whole enclave is bent on revenge when and if you can.


4- The Puntland admin has failed the SSC people and that is fact acknowledged by all of us but that is not a victroy for secessionst because the people of SSC are resisting your wicked secession from Somalia.

1. Firstly, there is no one using Ethiopians. But I understand why you would like to inject Ethiopians into the Sool and Sanaag issue. Be a man, take on the chin, and face the facts. There is no need to scapegoat your defeat on Ethiopians. :D


2. Real politics is the reality on the ground. There is no Puntland administration found anywhere in Sool region and that in itself is a victory.


3. Civilians and kids are being given health boost in Laascaanood, just in case you didn't know. ;)


4. If Puntland administration wasn't decisively defeated by the Somaliland Administration, the local boys who supported Puntland would not have the need to organise themselves. The fact that they are trying to take the matter on their own hands is a result of the reality on the ground that Somaliland has created. :D

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