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Why so much hope on meeting the TIGRAY?

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Kulankii saraakiisha Ethiopia iyo guddiga xabad joojinya oo natiijo la'aan ku dhamaaday

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Mogadishu 25, April.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Guddiga Xabad joojinta Beelaha Hawiya iyo saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia kulan ay maanta ku yeesheen magaalada Muqdisho ayaa natiijo la'aan ku dhamaaday.


Afhayeenka Guddiga Xabad joojinta Beesha ****** oo Shabelle u waramay ka dib kulankii maanta ay ku yeesheen Hotel Saxafi ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa uu sheegay in kulankaasi aysan ka soo bixin wax natiijo ah, isagoo sheegay in halkaasi aan looga dhawaaqin wax xabad joojin ah.


Afhayeenka waxa uu intaasi ku daray in saraakiisha Ethiopia ay wateen Mowqif u gaar ah oo ay ku sheegeen in ay doonayaan xubno Alqaacido ay ugu yeereen, waxaana odayaasha ay arinkaasi ugu jawaabeen in aanu jirin wax argagixiso ah oo gabaad ay siinayaan isla markaana ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku soo duulaamo ku soo qaadeen qabaa'il.


Kulankaan ay qaateen odayaasha beelaha ****** iyo saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa waxaa sidoo kale ka qeybgalay xubno wasiiro ka tirsan dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia sida uu sheegay Afhayeenka oo ka gaabsaday in uu carabaabo.


Kulankaan oo dadweynaha ay ka sugayeen natiijo wanaagsan oo ku aadan xabad joojin ayaa dib loo dhigay ilaa maalinta berri ah, waxaana ay aheyd ujeedada koowaad ee looga hadlay kulankaasi sidii saraakiisha Ethiopian ka ah ay warbaahinta uga hadli lahaayeen isla markaana ay si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqi lahaayeen xabad joojin rasmi ah.

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Tigray, Amxaro Wayoone? We are winning, we are doing this and that>?


So why meet with them?, Why call on them?

Why the need for a ceasefire with a bunch of @###$$%% ?


Ah and lets not use the love of the people, when these clowns were atacking Kismayu, Baidoa & Galkacyu they did not care for ceasefires.


It was against their fait then :D

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^So you would want the shelling to continue or are you pissed off the fact that they are dealing with the masters rather than the stooges.


Adeerkaa he is not even on the picture, the deal is between the resistance and the occupiers and there is nothing wrong with that....

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what will gedi and yeey do if this group is able to come to some kind of agreement with the gaalo? to gedi and yeey and the people that support them this is a clan war, so what will they do when the gaalo start arming both sides?

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Originally posted by Dhubad:

or are you pissed off the fact that they are dealing with the masters rather than the stooges.

Exactly..! That is what this whole thread is about....annoyed to the core that they,the TFG, are limited to their role.'by-standers'.

Besides the engaged elements in this conflict are invading Tigre and Somali resistance..kuwa aan weli sharaftodi beciin, kuwa xornimada jaceel o aan adonsiga uu adeegiin,kuwa hadey noqoto baahi ama dhereeg, colaad ama nabad, jaceel intaba in ay la kulman ayago xor ah, kuwa tallada sarta xukunka iyo aminaada Alle (SWT) o aan u baryo teegin , kafilladna uu donaan kufarka.

Hence if the above two agree and resolve matters without engaging in anymore armed conflict the validity of TFG will be thinner than the paper is written on, if however as expected it continues, for sure Inshallah, justice and righteous will prevail and tigre will be kicked out, thus yet again the vaidity of TFG is no more. Therefore Duke knows waxa dowladaan dabakadhilif la hadal hayaba wa inta uu dagalku socdo.

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My apologise to you lads, for the hope you put into your enemies is quite amusing.


Talks that we only ever hear from one side, any Ethiopian officers comments?


Talks that you base some hope on when the political leaders are determined to finsih of the job, Yey, Geedi and even Zenawi have said the job will continue untill finished.


Juje ammazes me for one who thinks that fruad like that of Ahmed Diriye is a quality of national leaders. The fact that Juje yesterday was supporting the TFG with all its Ethiopian support while today he is against due to some new found love for Mogadishu.

The TFG is winning simply because its enemies are being decimated.


Very simple, the guns are pointing at the coilition of looters, war criminals, scrapmerchants.

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tigree and their goons can kiss where the sun dont shine... u got anything else. and they will pay big time. what goes around comes around.


its an old lesson!! take notes.

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^^^Exactly what goes around comes around.

So all the crimes these groups commited against the Somali people is coming to haunt them.


Like the kid who cried wolf. Claiming to be religious might have worked, fighting to keep the loot wont.

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