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this is getting old..

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currently there are at least 6 topics open concerning Las Anod with the same number of respondents...don't you think it's getting bit boring covering the same points over and over again?

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u know u should understand something about current crop of somalis ..they are hooyo programmed..(oleman is like garbage sitting at a corner in the diaspora world with mouth full of pills..hes lost in his own world)


most of these ppl couldnt even find la couple of months, even if their lives depended on it. However, a 5 min discussion with hooya, all u hear is, yup haha haha, thats my land (shaking his head up and down).


this ppl have no idea wat color of flies fly around la! even though there is suffering and war there, u never hear anybody saying, hey can we send this lil money or food or clothing to this suffering somali ppl...? nooooo


but how many Xs u here same folks haffing and buffing about la this la that!! if u were really from there, wont cut the crap and scream f-this, i am going home and fight.


correct? something is not on the dime hear! may be a lil dna test will prove this.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

^^Nope just shows this section is dominated by the P and S landers........or they just are the loudest.

loooooooooooool :D

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what are you on sxb?


I am just saying it's getting boring discussing the same thing in what was 6 topics now make it more than 10.

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msl:Red Sea: Modareetorka bolitikaal sakshanka dhanka xisaabinta qodoba isku mowduuca ah maa lagaa dhigo -- Waa iga kaftan - smile.gif

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