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General Duke

False predictions...

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The defeted lot of ?? If my memory serves me well i think this word was familiar in many past post by one "TOLSTOY" Its really amazing how another era has revived the word in a different perspective but to same application. But tolstoy was little bit more specific by linking it with time. "Defeated lot of Yesteryears". I will suggest the new users to do the same but instead of Yesteryears should say yestrweeks or month then if at all the supposedly victorious group would sustain for years we can reach to that realm of yesteryears. hope that Proffessor Tolstoy will not file a suite against these violations.

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^'defeted lot' is according to addis today.Only those st-pid enough would fall for that.If Addis declares to be victorius than, the Somalis would be the losers.It's rather absurd to say WE have won,unless you are an xabashi.


It has been only few months,don't loose patience.Let us see where it all ends up.As always victors is with the Xaq ku dirir,the rightous warriors,and not with infidels and their Munaafiqeen.History tells me that.


nabadshe,The SL admin. you dearly support is also another puppet of the Xabashi, so keep up the nac nac, you and the rest of the daba dhilif will see where their fate ends up pretty soon Insha Allah.


Meel xun baa kuu danbaysaa if you dont' start getting your act together.

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^^^Adis overcame Asmara, Djibouti and its rebels groups. The TFG overcame, the warlords, clan courts and its local anti-government groups. Its as simple as that. Your anger stems from the ignorance of the subject matter, you belived in the hype and thus can not fathom the reality that has dawned. False predictions, thats what they were..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The tanks and the armour from Ethiopia was nothing compared to the Eritrean, oromo and outside support for the courts, thus the truth is that one ally defeated another.


As for the government it is real,
has elected its new speaker working and in control. Though your clan centric psyche which tells you are Ahlu-Bait will not let you realise the truth.


Instead you make another false prediction, Puntland is stable, so is Somaliland, so will the south be insha Allah, there is nothing speial about that area..

Your points are ever getting screwed up.Where and when did have we seen Oromos and Eritrean armour or military personel,are we getting that desperate, to even tell naked lies right in front of us???!



Do you have any evidence.I am speaking of thousands and thousands of Ethiopian troops with their tanks,and air power.


The new speaker? you should have read what a member of your daba dhilif group had to say about that today.In case you dont' know,he said it was all Ethiopia's plan.Ethiopia hired him,after firing the only bright individual of the TFG.


As for me being Ehlul beyt or Yonis put is, A shiica,well take it as you wish.

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Second reply to your latest reply.


You don't make any sense.Whatever Addis overcame isn't your bussiness to worry about.That is their bussiness,or are you defending your master,how cool?


The reality on the ground states,the truth isn't hidden,ignorance is with he who blinds himself of the truth.The term ignorance thus suits You of the two of us.


That Xaq will prevail over dulmi is something known to have happen in history,ti's the way it's.Not a prediction.kabish.

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^^^One must not live in denail my dear boy, the fact is Eritrea, and the groups listed above were instrumental in the running of the clan courts. Otherwise what relationship would there be between Aferwarki a Judeo Christian aristocrat to Xasan Dahir and IndaCade? The UN monitoring group and even the world powers knew of the involvement of these gorups.


Even in SOL we had people with name such as Oromia crying out for the clan courts, thoguh they have vanished as soon as the kitchen got hot. Umar Hashi, Sharif Xasan and the other clowns were part of the "defeated lot"...


I never said you was Shiite, oh no, you can even claim to be from Mars, it matters not to me saxib.


PS: Adis is an ally, like Nairobi, Kampala, Sana and so on. We have many allies, and the Eritreans played a little game and they and their friends were overcome by us and our friends..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The UN monitoring group and even the world powers knew of the involvement of these gorups.

The same UN monitoring group and the world powers that knew of the involvement of 720 ICU mujahideens in helping Hezbollah's victory over Israel?

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More other false predictions are being projected by self-appointed geo-political pundits. Most likely from now on,their regional predictions will fall on a deaf ear unless they look closely into the situation and conduct interviews with competent experts and historians like Said Samatar or Ismail Ali Ismail. They can learn from their scholarly articles as well.

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You can't refute the fact that the onslaught of the Ethiopia with American help won the war.But then again your the same person said that there where no ethiopian troops.Who's prediction was wrong?To embarrass yourself even more you are using the UN Monitoring group as evidence.......Perhaps you think colonel Afgaduud won the war?

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^ You think MKA is the only joke on this forum Abu_Geeljirow? You have a short memory indeed.


The tanks and the armour from Ethiopia was nothing compared to the Eritrean, oromo and outside support for the courts, thus the truth is that one ally defeated another.


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"Same old, Same old. Ethiopia attacking somalia again. Fighting Mad Mullahs again. World powers supporting her again. Other Somalis helping them again. Because they accuse the mullahs of being clanists again. Some things never change." Abu_Geeljire

History has indeed repeated itself.

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And here is General Dukes Greatest Somali hero of all time:Mr Abdullahi Yusuf admitting that the U.S.A helped him. These documents clearly show that the invasion was blessed and probably planned by Mrs Frazier and her allies from Adiss Ababa.


Perhaps MR General duke thinks that Colonel Afgaduud is the leader of Ethiopia or that Colonel Afgaduud defeated the islamic courts who where being aided by "thousands" of mighty Eriterians and Oromos?


Or are we to believe the Un Monitoring report which said the I.C.U and Ilitaxad hardcore Salafi movement fought alongside a millitant Shia organisation which doesn't allow sunnis into it's military movement?


Can Mr General Duke or anyone else here come up with any logical evidence that there where indeed Thousands of Eriterians aiding the I.C.U?



Can they prove that Eriteria like Ethiopia sent 20 000 troops to somalia to engage in warfare?


Can they prove that thousands of Oromos where aiding the I.C.U and providing them with logistics like the Abysnians where?


Can they prove that Eriteria bombared southern somali like the United States of America?



Can General Duke deny that the United States of America blocked of all port access to the I.C.U?


Can he deny that the Kenyan army closed it's border?


Did Oromia or Eriteria engage in this war in a similar manner to Ethiopia,American and Kenya?



Did the Eriterian parliament declare war on any movement inside somalia like the Ethiopian Parliament did?

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