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closing-ranks mentality

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The senior Engineer here at work is a Jewish man, the sustaining Engineer is another Jewish girl as well. They seem pretty decent and unconnected to Middle east politics or anti-islamic conspiracies. May be that is because they are the liberal jews who are out of favour with both the American Evangelicals and the die-hard zionists in new York and in Israel. The girl calls me "darling" lol, how sweet of her, this in fact as we discussed islam time and again and she said she likes many aspects of the religion but can't entertain the idea of not eating Pork :D:D


Anyway, contrary to our traditional suspicion of Jews, many are like the rest of mankind struggling with political issues and bigotry in their own communities. The Quran blames the part of the jews who killed the prophets and undermined his messengers and the message they carried while the same Quran praised those jews who embraced islam. As others pointed out, being a jew doesn't make one bad per se, it is what activities they are engaged in that makes a particular jew part of those blamed in the Quran or not. Would the Quran invite the Jews to Islam if they were bad by their being jewish by lineage? That is my opinion and I stand corrected if others have something different that contradicts me textually.



As for the resemblance, it can not be right. If we get credible leadership in the south, this secession movement will evaporate and disappear. It is all about ruling the country and pride, so someday soon, from the south, we shall get leadership who will address the grievances of the landers and who will give them leadership position they will be happy with. I don't think they will protest much if they are given the mantle of somali society. Hopefully, the sick among them who idolize the clan will be rendered voiceless by the sane majority who will see the value of staying home. Wixii jiran ilaahay ha caafiyo.

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Yes, those Jews who have no connectivity or don't contribute to the ongoing supression against the Muslims are not a target of mind. heck I dated one of them in High school( my ciyaalo suuq years).


However, the comparison which Cambarro made were about those Jewish zionists who are politically involved in Isreal and Somalilanders, that is where I took an issue.


Again, jews were just something Che put in my mouth, with the intent to blow this out of porportion, but hey I do agree with you on that xoogsade regarding the Jews ordinary citizens.

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Badgaduudoow, su'aalo.


Maxaa loogu diidaa the likes of Sifir, Jaamac Yare, Kaluun, Maareeye, Cabdalle Boos, Cabdalle Xaaji, Yuusuf Dheeg, Buubaa and practically kuwa la fikrad ah inay ka degaan Hargeysa and appear publically? [They can go there privately, and few of them do occasionally.]


Haddee goosashada lagu kalsoonyahay, maxaa loogu diidaa inay fikradooda si xor ah kaga dhiibtaan iyagoo joogo Hargeysa?


Haddee yihiin dad yar "farakutiris" ah, maxaa keenay cabsida weyn laga qabo inay ka degaan deegaankooda ay u dhasheen, kuna dhasheen xaqna u leeyihiin inay tagaan?


Haddee maamulka xagaas ka jiro leeyahay meesha "dimuqraadiyad" ayaa ka jirto, maxaa keenay in laga rookeeyo dadka fikirka midnimo aaminsan?

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Ms DD   

Xiin and Che


At least you understood the purpose of my post. Xiin, The reason I felt there was similarity was the fact that young or old Somalilanders are locked in a historic struggle with Somalia.


Somalilanders in the daispora try to give something back (more than a lip service) to their people. My boss attended the House of Lords a while back. A particular discussion was happening re; Somaliland. My sister was doing a course where she had to chose thesis for her medical course, and the lecturers found out that she was Somali and they told her the perfect subject of her thesis could be the growing link between Somaliland and UK NHS trusts. Another example of Somalilanders working hard for their people was the classmates I had from high school to university and how their priorities was so much different to students from other regions of Somalia. They were teenagers fundraising for schools, wells, or orphanage etc.


Jews were, in the past, a cliquish nation who harbored grievances against gentiles. This is what brought them together and gave them the drive to build their land. As Che mentioned, because of their past greivances, Landers share the same sentiments as this is what seems to have brought them together.


I am drawing a parallel between Jews and Somalilanders in terms of ethnicity and their close-rank attitude. I am not comparing Jews and Landers for their religion. How could I call a nation who is muslim Jewish? It doesnt even make sense. Lets not jump the gun.



Jews in general feel threatened and close ranks in the face of adverse. Please remember..I am not talking about their oppression of Palestinians, as that is another subject and not one that is remotely related to Somaliland. Jewish activists both within Israel and in the Diaspora have been strong advocates of rebuilding Israel. This is someway similar to Landers attempting to appeal to international community in an effort to completely restructure social and economic relationships.


Maybe..being overly-sensitive is another shared sentiments smile.gif



I compared Landers with Jews cos of their success. The struggle of Landers has so far been successful. Also the daispora Somalilanders are able to help financially and openly like the Jews whereas a Kashimiri cant support their struggle for a fear of being targetted as a terrorist.

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Eedo dropped a bomb :D


Badacse macalinka diig-kar ha isku ridin, if the secessionists where jews they would have got recognition by now. :D

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Ms D & D,


Maybe..being overly-sensitive is another shared sentiments [smile]

I see it's going to be a take-no-prisoners approach then. I'm just going to sit out in the bomb shelter for a while :D

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Ma anaad isu'ulaysaa waxaa loogu diiday. Mida kale hadii dadku ku yidhaahdaan ma iman kartid, dee ma iman kartid.


Cumar Carte Ghalib, wuxu uhaa nin aaminsan Somaliwayne, ilaa hadana Hargeysa wuu tagaa mar uu madaxwayne isku sharxo iyo markale. Isagu waxa uun aaminsanyahay/aaminsanaa, somaliwayne, laakin nimankale marka laga reebo Jamac Yare, waa calooshood ushaqaystayaal, kolba halkay ka shidan tay ayey uyaacayaan, dadkuna taas majecla. Sida awgeed ayey sida waraabaha ugu dul wareegayaan Somaliland.


Jamac Yare isaga in loo diido dhulkiisa maahan, kolay siyaasiin ayaa kadanbeeya waxaas, mid Stealth lasu'aali karo maaha 'the reason why that is'.


Mida kale, Buubaa ma midnimuu aaminsanyahay, Sifir yaa kugu yidhi midnimuu aaminsanyey, I thought of all people, you would understand these people don't really believe in anything, but are pure oppurtunists, who are taking advantage of the south as well as they would like to take advantage of Somaliland. well Somalilanders won't let them have it both ways.



Dhuc dhuc,


So how do Jews carry out their "attitudes" compare to Somalilanders, offcourse I know that you are not comparing us religious wise, you would be insane to say that, and even more for me to believe that.


However, to compare the actions carried out by the Jewish state vs. the actions of Somalilanders, doesn't even compare and it's really idiotic comparison. So yes you are even wrong in that comparison. I think your post was hypothetical last moment, emotionally charged, and not much based on reason or good observance as you claimed, but hey if it brightens your day, why not. Get your feet wet I say. ;)






yes I was. They ruined it though it was the end anyways.


The whole thing started with two guys fighting over a girl, then one guy being jumped by two, and those two guys being jumped on and so and so forth. That is how it ended in the last 30 minutes. Though there was not much harm done, the celebrations would be remember as disasterous rather than a 'anniversary'.


The people who had done this were bunch of 'gangsta wannabe' trouble makers who were there to just cause problems.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

Badacas...sure blame Che. On totally diffirent note, were you present at this event.



LoooooooooL@Xalimo cat fight

I just read what reported.


I have to say, I really laughed. The fight actually started between two guys for a girl.


the trouble makers had no distinct region, they were all mix of all regions of Somaliland, however they were thugs who were there to offcourse party and get ladies.

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Ms D&D

Your Jewish comparison is totally off the mark. Zionist's Greater Israel has a lot in common with Somaliweyn irredentism than Somaliland.

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Originally posted by Cara

Obviously Somalis think there's something wrong with being a Jew. So it's disingenuous of Ms D & D to use that comparison.
She could've compared them to the dozens of secessionist movements across the globe (Kashmir, Taiwan, the Basque in Spain, etc). They are all similar to some extent.

Good point Cara!

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Ms DD   





I wrote this at first:

It is clear that you feel uncomfortable reading AND comprehending what I wrote. Granted English aint my first or second language. However, you would do yourself more justice if you put forward a coherent argument against my view. So far you have merely told me to stop comparing the 2 entities because it upsets you! Although all I was doing is merely complimenting the progression and the unity of Somalilanders.


Stand up for your views! You have expressed concern that I am way off the mark and quite ridiculous. However, you seem unwilling to do anything about it other than grumble.

But I felt it to be too harsh.


Still never mind. It was just a mere opinion of one 'attention-seeking' woman. Nothing to fret over about.

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Okay now you have my attention.


So get a notebook and a pencil, take notes will ya.


Let me start off with your comparison first of all.


Firstly, I am very aware of how some somalis do accuse us of 'riding' as they say 'the victim horse'.



so let us examine that shall we?


When in 1991, the SNM took control of the North of what is known today as Somaliland.


For instances, the areas such as Awdal, Sanaag, and Sool. These areas are mostly inhabited by tribes other than the 'majority' tribe in Somaliland, which the SNM consisted mostly of.


The SNM did commit crimes against these people, but however on very low scale, at least much less than was expected.


Forexample, some sectors of the SNM, particulary SNM sects of Col. Ahmed Mire in Sool and Sanaag fronts killed some people who were previously accused of assisting the Barre campaign to supress the civilians in Hargeysa. He and his group were notably the only SNM sect that commited some crimes in those areas, some crimes were also reported of being commited in the WEst in Awdal, however not large scale as what went in Southern Somalia.


What did the SNM do from that point on?


They called upon all elders, leaders to attend the Burco conference to establish what is known as Somaliland today. Those who attended hailed from all major/minor tribes of the North, almost no one was left out of that burco conference.


Why am I going into some history?


Well it puts the claim of Cuqdad to rest


Secondly, Somalilanders are the only ones to elect, yes I am speaking in comparison to Puntland, to Southern Somalia, to Jabuti, to somali galbeed, and even to NFD, somalilanders which also accused of having cuqdad and drawbacks of what the previous dictator regime did, are suprisingly the only ones who have elected a man, who has record of commiting crimes against them Somalilanders, a man who served the previous regime's secret service (NSS) as their leader, and might even be reelected now once again. So once again, so much for having cuqdad.


I challege YOU old lady.


... to show, prove to me, when someone who is accused 'riding the victim horse', someone having a cuqdad takes the action to elect and implement those whom have commited crimes against them.


yes prove it to me, if you can't then drop the cuqdad and playing the victim card accusations.



As for the Zionists or let us even say the Jews in Isreal


It's very clear that you lack the knowledge or perhaps let us give you the benefit of the doubt that your observation was simply due to humanistic error. once again let me school, thus take notes ms.


There said to be just over 20 million Jews worldwid, only about 4-6 million of them live in Isreal, however others are scattered around the world.


one thing they mostly have in common though is to serve the interests of their Zionist state of Isreal in the middle East and to combat the enemy of the 'Isreali state'


Those in the U.S government have huge influence in the U.S government and in fact two of the men that got the U.S involved in the Iraq war were said to be Jewish, one of them currently being President of world bank, mr. Wolfawitz and another man which I can't recall his name.


on top of that, there are lobbyists, who lobby the U.S government in trying to convice them that there is dangers from the Muslim world facing the Isreali state therefore the power U.S government needs to do something about them.


All in all, these Jewish around the globe, think, dream, of how they would not only save guard their Zionist state but how they would also down play the Islamic teachings, how they would supress the Muslim and put them to sleep while keeping them asleep.


Isreal invaded Lebenon and caused great destruction on many livelyhoods, they kill without being asked or even noted innocent young Palenstinians and Nay the world doesn't do anything about, whY?


simple fact: their lobbyists, their influencial leaders in the U.S government as well as government around the globe are making sure, the crimes commited by Isreal go undetected , very simple.


On the other hand to shed little light on Somalilanders.


Somalilanders are not standing in the way for other somalis to reach peace, nor are they sending merciries to try to put a cork where there is possibility of peace coming about in Southern Somalia. Sure Somalilanders do at times sugar coat their history, may even add some lies, but who doesnt really?


Southern Somalia has been experiencing very difficult times for almost two decades now, and quite honestly Somaliladers aren't to blame for any of their misfortunes


furthermore, I would like to say that you need to review your last minute crazy thoughts and perhaps this time see how the TFG which is even supported by the Jewish senator of mr. Norm coleman fairs against the Zionist state.


Thanks for your attention

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