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General Duke

Kismayu updates: a popular uprising + other notes

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Kismaayo shareecada islaamka ayaa lagu xukumi, diyaraad qaad wadey wa tii dhashiika lagu ganay


Mida kale xoggaga qabsaday kismaayo kuma ekaanyaan kismaayo ee waxey uu sii gudbi meelo kale (baidoa imho), mog, etc


This was not a local uprising like Duke and co try to portray but fighters from the same islamic groups that are fighting the TFG in mogadishu.

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^^^Adeer you need to stop living in cloud cucko land. The fighters are the local kids who were fed up with Hiiraale, all the Shiekhs are the locals.


Yes Sharia law is needed and the Qad bans are a welcome. However this has nothing to do with the clowns fighting in mogadishu.

All politics is local adeer.


Also adeer we have been in touch with this groups since they went underground.. Thus all your secondary talk is nonsical.


Even the UN rep satates this was largely an inter clan fued.

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They are the same people that you called tribalists when they captured and released that Somali "parlimentarian". And yes( JIS) are resisting the EthiOS and TFG in the rest of the South, sometimes alongside the other groups. Been ha ka shegin nimanka, warya!

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^^^Adeer this group has done a great job, but resistance is local.


Anyhow we are on the same boat here, lets not get carried away Kismayu's liberations by its locals call it what you want is welcomed by Gen Duke, we have been waiting for 9 years.

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Jabiso is proving to be the new term adopted by the pro TFGs within the islamic movement circles whose main aim is to infiltrate Al Shababs and the IUC with their hiden agenda. They are not armed groups, just individuals within these different islamic groups united under the banner "Jabiso" meaning back-stabbers and supporting habashi plunder.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

quote:Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

if they turn out to be dowladiid, not long

Dude, you'd better hope like hell that all those in the Jubba valley don't get together and decide that your ilk is a plague on the @ss of humanity.. oo sharia law left, right and centre la idinku rule gareen..


Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

ya duke, do you know if the admin they are trying to build will be a "islamic" one imposing sharia?


Am columbus ohio, why fear some mullahs in kismayo? By the way Nephi, if we were to go back home, i have hunch you have much more to fear in the sharia Somalis now a days consider so fashionable. for example, if they administered SOL, this discussion between us would immediately declared HARAAM without a third partly male rep from your immediate family. So, as the ardent supporter of Somali shariah, who is monitoring this confo?

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NN, you made me L0L tonight. Luckily they don't monitor this site, but if they did I'd probably be brutally beaten for talking to a traitor.. :D . When/if I go to Somalia I'll be quite happy living under sharia law, y'know what they say "when in ROME.." most of their rules are fantastic, I like the idea of cutting off the hands of theives and beheading murderers and traitors. It doesn't seem so very bad to me at all.

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^^^lool. Allamagan adeer Jabiso is bigger than Al Shabaab and the fake courts its a real thing to help the locals and not kill old ladies cleaning street corners because Indaacde lost his fiefdom.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^I belive so far the locals have decided to play it safe, they are consulting the local clans with a view to create a new unified admin, many big players, businessmen from Nairobi & other parts of East Africa are on route to help.


The TFG has so far kept out of it, as it did before its a clan issue and this has nothing to do with Al Shabaab and other groups who are at "war" with the government.


So far so good, but it depends on the new leaders and how much power they want.

I think the TFG should go with that line that it's a clan issue. The Inhabitants of JUbaland will be able to sort out their differences and make peace in the meantime.

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^^^It is a clan issue, nothing to do with Al Kebaab heads and their clan wars, Hiiraale and his group have been ousted and the locals need to build a new admin thats in their interest.

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