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Statement from the Embassy of Eritrea regarding US Accusations in the Press

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Finally, Eritrea does not need policy lectures from others on complex issues that it has been addressing long before others, and one that requires a lot more than the issuance of self-indicting labels such as “extremistsâ€, “terroristsâ€, and “fundamentalistsâ€. Such statements merely expose ones own prejudices and motives.



Statement from the Embassy of Eritrea regarding US Accusations in the Press


The Embassy of Eritrea regrets recent statements in the Press attributed to Dr. Jendayi Frazier, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in which she inaccurately characterized the situation in Somalia. The Embassy of Eritrea categorically rejects the unsubstantiated and irresponsible statements, which are devoid of facts and evidence, and takes this opportunity to once again re-iterate Eritrea’s position on Somalia.


Had the TPLF regime respected its commitments to Agreements signed and had the United States fulfilled its moral and legal obligations by enforcing the Final and Binding decision of the Eritrea Ethiopia Border Commission as called for by the Algiers Agreements it witnessed and guaranteed, we would not today be talking about a “border issue†that has already been legally resolved. The matter is no longer about the legally resolved border conflict, but rather an issue of occupation. Accusing Eritrea and making fantastic claims will not absolve it of its obligations, nor bring peace and stability to the region.


In addition, regurgitating unsubstantiated allegations and pointing fingers at Eritrea to cover up the TPLF regime’s admitted transgressions, after weeks of vocal denials, will not advance the cause of the Somali people and can only lead to further escalation and intractability in the Region. The problem in Somalia is the intervention of forces, namely Ethiopian, in Somalia’s internal affairs under various pretexts. Eritrea has never relied on proxies to defend Eritrea’s peace, security and stability, and is not doing so in Somalia today.


Finally, Eritrea does not need policy lectures from others on complex issues that it has been addressing long before others, and one that requires a lot more than the issuance of self-indicting labels such as “extremistsâ€, “terroristsâ€, and “fundamentalistsâ€. Such statements merely expose ones own prejudices and motives.


The Embassy of Eritrea calls on US authorities to maintain their neutrality and avoid actions and rhetoric that could have weighty consequences for the entire Region.


Embassy of Eritrea

Washington, DC

20 October 2006

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Eritrean Embassy in US


This is Ministry of Foreign Affaris press releas-


Press Release: Eritrea rejects Jendayi Fraser’s Press Statement

By Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Oct 20, 2006, 17:23




US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Jendayi Fraser's statement to the press in Nairobi on the 19 th of October 2006 , alleging that “ Eritrea has opened another front on Ethiopia by shipping arms into Somalia †is pure fabrication.


The timing of her statement against the Government of Eritrea is not surprising or secret, and it is not new.


Its objectives are:-


1. to cover up the failure of America 's policy and activities in Somalia,

2. to hide the failure of US support for Somali “war lordsâ€,

3. to justify the US administration's disinformation campaign about “terrorism†in Somalia , and

4. to create a pretext for the invasion of Somalia by its agent, the regime in Ethiopia .


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Asmara , 20 October 2006

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