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Shiekh Sharif Shiekh Ahmed has a way with the ladies

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Rememeber the days when his group did not even look at Somali women, due to their religious beliefs?



The two great Shiekhs of our time, Shiekh Sharif & Maulana Yusuf IndaCADE.



"I am ready to die for my beliefs?

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Spain:Madaxweyne Shariif oo dhoola cadeynaya ayaa gacanta ka salaamey wasiirada Gaashaandhiga Spain (Sawiro)

Posted by admin on September 28th, 2010


Madrid( Gaashaandhiga Spain Carme Chacon ayaa si diiran usoo dhaweysey Madaxweyne Shariif, madaxweynuhuna isagoo dhoolacadeynaya ayuu gacan qaadey oo salaamey wasiirada ka dibna waxey isuraaceen goobtii shirka(Sawirada hoos ka daawo) Kooxda Xiriirka Caalamiga u qaabilsan Soomaaliya uu ka furmayey oo ku taal bartamaha Magaalada Madrid.

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Can someone please explain to me what the above is supposed to mean?


It's not that we are questioning the handshake but what we are rather questioning is Sharif's principles in here. Before he would not shake hands with any Somali women and now he's all over the place getting closer and closer!


Look at him, just look at the fella he's clearly enjoying and the handshake is firm and the big grin. He's clearly enjoying the occasion.


One would think he would get on with it quietly but he's even posing to the camera's smiling and grinning whilst enjoying and shaking the women's hand for a very long duration as he's trying to give the photographers a chance, or is he?

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It's not that we are questioning the handshake but what we are rather questioning is Sharif's principles in here. Before he would not shake hands with any Somali women and now he's all over the place getting closer and closer!

I think it means Somali women are dumb, and those who belived him and carried AK 47s for his cause were dumber..

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I wonder if Sharif's ablution is still intact after this greeting. The man turned obsessive women handshaker as before he would not even touch women that are not immediate family let alone shake hands with them he's clearly out of his ways for someone with that past. But Sharif is a quick adjuster.



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Duke the guy is an opportunist who clearly know's where his interests lies unfortunately the women and children he mislead and brainwashed in the past aren't getting away lightly as he did nor are they living his high life at the moment.


From this eng_somalia_teaser__744782p.jpg


To this



The man is principle less with no moral whatsoever. He should be ashamed of himself for the lies he used to spew out and the young men he led to their early graves and the madness that is now all over us.


The men will as truly seen before jump ships again when the mandate of his term ends in August 2011 and retire somewhere peaceful and beautiful enjoying more Armani suits and maybe shaking more women's hands. A careless and care free life awaits him the young and gullible were not that lucky.


No wonder why he looks so down at them.

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He guys, it's not our president's fault, if white women can't keep their hands off of him and freely offer themselves up like dat. And besides, it is only natural: the president is a "brotha" after-all! :D






You guys mean to tell me you wouldn't tap dat a$$, if given a chance? :D If it was me, I'd make the defense minister of Spain dance the flamenco to get my soldier to salute, instead of simply settling for a petty handshake, damn it! ;)

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