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C/llaahi Yuusuf oo hadallo dardaaran ah u jeediyay Golaha wasiirada

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The New Prime Minister has now made a political decision that might lead us to a new path.

He made significant changes into his cabinet and replaced all the emasculated warlords that held major posts to enhance the competence, experience, and expertise of his cabinet .

Although this new cabinet waits the approval of the Parliament, the president has counseled, forewarned, and given his PM one year to recuperate the Nation and make up the lost time of the mandate , which missed target priorities due to conflict.

Hard task but doable.



C/llaahi Yuusuf oo hadallo dardaaran ah u jeediyay Golaha wasiirada;

Muqdisho, December 03, 2007 (WDN) - Madaxweynaha xukuumadda kmg ah Md. C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo la dardaarmayay xubnaha golaha wasiirada ee xalay lagu dhawaaqay ayaa sheegay in xukuumadda cusub looga baahan yahay in ay muddo hal sano ah oo maanta ka bilaabmaysa ay ku qabato wixii dawladda federaalka u qabsoomi waayay mudadii seddexda sano ahayd ee laga soo gudbay.


Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed waxaa uu sheegay in aanu cidna ku eedeyneyn waxqabad la’aanta seddexdii sano ee la soo dhaafay ee xukuumadda, balse waxa uu carrabka ku adkeeyay in haatan iyo wixii ka dambeeya la iska doonayo in si xoog leh loo shaqeeyo, isla markaana mudadaas sanadka ah wax badan lagu qabto.


“Mudadaas sanadka ah marka ay dhamaato waxa dalka uu u gudbayo waxay noqon doonaan doorashooyin madax bannaan oo ay dadku doortaan ciddii ay doonayaan. Waxaase loo baahan yahay si doorashadaas waqtigeeda ay u dhacdo in laga shaqeeyo oo la sii diyaariyo dastuurkii federaalka, maamul goboleedyadii dalka, markaas ka dibna la sameeyo guddi madax bannaan oo doorashadaas qaabilsan” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed.


Madaxweynaha oo sii watay hadalkiisa ayaa sheegay in haddii aan waqtiga u harsan dowladda aan lagu gaarsiin dalka doorashooyin in aysan xukuumadda federaalka meesha ka tegi doonin.


“Annaga ma dooneynno in aan sida xukuumaddii TNG-da aan meesha iska fadhino. Kuwaasi oo sidii ay isaga fadhiyeen k adib la yiri shir dib u heshiisiin ah baa la qabanayaa ee ka soo qeyb gala” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf oo sheegay in uusan aaminsaneyn in shir dib u heshiisiin ah oo kale Soomaaliya loo qaban doono.


Ugu dambeyntiiba madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed waxa uu ugu baaqay beesha caalamka, shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo hay’adaha kala duwan ee dawladda federaalku in ay wada shaqeeyaan oo markaasina meel looga soo wada jeesto sidii Soomaaliya looga dhigi lahaa sidii ay ahaan jirtay.


Dhinaca kale Wasiirkii hore ee Isboortiga iyo dhalinyarada Md. Mowliid Macaane Max'ud oo xalay iska waayay liiska Golaha Wasiirada ee xukuumadda cusub ayaa ka dhawaajiyay in xukuumadda Nur Cadde aysan ahayn mid u hogaansantay sharciga wadaagga awoodda ee hab beeleedka.


Mowliid Macaane Max'ud waxaa uu sheegay in uu aad uga xun yahay xilkiisii wasiirnimo in uu ka waayo xukuumadda cusub isla markaana aan lagu bedelin shakhsi kale oo ka soo jeeda beeshiisa Jareer Weyn.


''Aniga ma diidayo xukuumadda, mana ka soo horjeesanayo go'aanka ay isku raaceen madaxweynaha iyo r'iisal wasaaruhu laakin beesha Jareer Weyn ayay u taallaa. Taas oo degta 9 gobol, 7 kursina ku leh Baarlamaanka in la duudsiiyo xaqeeda ''ayuu ku cataabay Macaane.


Wasiirkii hore ee dhalinyarada iyo Isboortigu waxa uu sheegay in ay kulan degdeg ah la qaadan doonaan Md. Nuur Cadde si ay ula socodsiiyaan arrinta ku aadan golaha cusub ee wasiirada.


Mar wax laga weydiyay Mowliid Macaane waxa uu sabab uga dhigayo in xilkii uu hayay uu waayo ayuu sheegay in taasi ay tahay la safashadii ay la safteen ra'iisal wasaarihii hore Md. Cali Max'ed Geeddi.


Jamaal Cismaan

WardheerNews, Muqdisho

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C/llaahi Yuusuf oo hadallo dardaaran ah u jeediyay Golaha wasiirada:


The Somali government has prevented food aid being distributed in the crisis-hit Lower Shabelle region, international officials have said.


The head of the national security service said President Abdullahi Yusuf had ordered restrictions to be imposed on the region immediately


Welcome to Peace and Democracy, courtsey of Ethiopian Tanks!

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Gj, as in the news, the restriction charge is political because it came a day after John Holmes, the U.N.'s top aid official objected to Yusuf's landmark speech of the U.N.s conflicting policy and practice. Mr. Holmes said that he would seriously sit down with the president and his prime minister to discuss on issues of obstacles to the aid delivery. But how can the goverment guarantee the security of the food delivery when it is hampered by the activities of the insurgents and lack of jurisdiction over the administration of the aid.


The U.N. food agency, WFP, has its own Somali team in Somalia, which handles all the day to day affairs and the administration of this Aid, and which might end up in the wrong hands. The president is concerned of the accountability of this critical operation because he thinks the misdirection of this aid helps fuel Somalia's instability by giving life and sustenance to the insurgency. His government, which enjoys the benefit international recognition, wants to be in charge together with the U.N. agencies.

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Somalian President’s Illness Raises Fears on Stability




December 5, 2007


NAIROBI, Dec. 4 — The president of Somalia was abruptly hospitalized in Kenya on Tuesday, adding a new set of worries to an already very jittery and troubled nation.


There were conflicting reports about how serious his condition was, with the president’s aides playing down concerns by saying he just needed ``a checkup” while one Western diplomat said ``he’s very sick.”


The president, Abdullahi Yusuf, is in his 70s and has been hobbled by chronic health problems ever since he received a liver transplant 10 years ago. Mr. Yusuf, a former warlord, is one of few figures in Somalia’s weak transitional government who has any sort of following, and many Somalis are constantly on edge about his health.


Because doctors said he will be hospitalized for at least another day, Mr. Yusuf will miss an important meeting with Secretary of State Condeelezza Rice, who is scheduled to arrive in Ethiopia on Wednesday to discuss the rising instability in East Africa, where internal conflicts are raging in Somalia, Ethiopia, Congo and Sudan.


Mr. Yusuf’s doctor at Nairobi Hospital, where he was admitted Tuesday afternoon, said that x-rays showed the president had a mild chest infection but that he was fine otherwise. ``This is not a big deal,” said Mauro Saio, the president’s doctor.


Dr. Saio said that Mr. Yusuf had flown from Somalia to Kenya on Tuesday morning and was planning to continue onward to London for his annual physical. But the president had a bad cough and decided to consult a doctor before making the long trip to Europe, Dr. Saio said. Mr. Yusuf would probably spend another day or two in the hospital in Kenya, Dr. Saio said, before going to England.


Many Somalis questioned the timing and wondered why the president would skip the event with the American secretary of state, who is scheduled to meet several of the region’s top leaders, unless it was absolutely necessary.


Muhammad Ali Nur, Somalia’s ambassador to Kenya, said that the president had already decided to send Somalia’s newly-appointed prime minister in his place.``He’s delegating,” Mr. Mohammed said.


The sudden death or incapacitation of the country’s president is about the last thing Somalia needs. Despite more than a year of reshuffling the cabinet and making promises to reconcile with opposition groups, the transitional government remains weak, divided and utterly dependent on the tens of thousands of Ethiopian troops in Somalia.


Ethiopia invaded Somalia last December and installed Mr. Yusuf’s shaky government in Mogadishu, the capital. Both the United States and Ethiopia considered the Islamist movement that had seized power in Somalia last year to be a regional security threat, and the United States gave Ethiopia prized intelligence to overthrow the Islamists.


But since the Ethiopians have arrived, Somalia, which has been without a functioning central government for 16 years, has plunged deeper into chaos, with near-daily battles between insurgents and the Ethiopians. Poor rains, disrupted markets and one of the world’s worst piracy problems have imperiled the country’s food supply and put Somalia on the brink of starvation.


Though his support tended to be limited to members of his clan, Mr. Yusuf is at least seen as a figure with some gravitas. He commands one of the largest militias in the country and fought for years against Somalia’s previous dictator, Siad Barre. He is well-connected to Ethiopia’s military and was chosen in 2004 by Somali politicians to lead the country.


On Tuesday, many Somalis said they were afraid of what might happen if Mr. Yusuf became very ill or died. ``The gloomy days of clan war will come back,” said Abdulkader Mohammed Abdi, a shopkeeper in Mogadishu. ``If Yusuf goes, many politicians and warlords will struggle for the leadership of this country. We know what this will bring.”



Source: NYtimes

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Originally posted by Caamir:

[QB] Gj, as in the news, the restriction charge is political because it came a day after John Holmes, the U.N.'s top aid official objected to Yusuf's landmark speech of the U.N.s conflicting policy and practice.



So food is being blocked to thousands of allegedly malnourished people because of a meer political disagreement?



Originally posted by Caamir:

[QB]But how can the goverment guarantee the security of the food delivery when it is hampered by the activities of the insurgents and lack of jurisdiction over the administration of the aid.


Exactly, they don't have the capabilities, infrastructure or the knowhow to adminster the process. Thus, they should let the experts get on with it rather then playing with peoples lives to score a meer political point!



Originally posted by Caamir:

[QB]The U.N. food agency, WFP, has its own Somali team in Somalia, which handles all the day to day affairs and the administration of this Aid, and which might end up in the wrong hands.


What do you mean by " wrong hands", you mean the so called insurgents will get hold of the food? Or the "insurgents" will take over and overrun these agencies? Do let us know when your president has a change of mind and feels like some malnourished need to be fed today!

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