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Secesionist stopped clapping when Xasan Turki entered the room...

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Its funny a few weeks ago the secesionist were laughing and claping and singing. Now why the sudden fear?


It Is About Time To Stop The New Al-Qaida Terrorists In Mogadishu!

Osmon Jama — --- — 30 September, 2006




It is about time to stop the new Al-Qaida terrorists in Mogadishu!


Somaliland friends in North America are hereby condemn the baseless fabrications, the enemies of Somaliland, spear-headed by the Taliban-like radicals based in Mogadishu are spreading. We were happy for the people of Mogadishu to break the grip of the warlords. But it is clear the new pretenders in Mogadishu may even be more dangerous than the warlords. They already alarmed all the nations of the Horn of Africa, with their threatening rhetoric and the introduction of foreign Al-Qaida terrorist to the Horn of Africa. The former high official in Siyad Barre's dictatorship, a man called Hassan Turki whose militia has captured Kismayo few days ago, has boasted about the presence of foreign fighters among his militia. If that is true, it is a serious escalation of hostilities in the Horn of Africa.


They also waged a vicious propaganda campaign against the Republic of Somaliland. I would like to warn the ICC that their Waterloo will begin, when they interfere with the internal affairs of Somaliland. Somalilanders who still have fresh memories of the Siyad barre's attempted genocide on them will retaliate very hard, had the Taliban-like extremists in Mogadishu dragged them into a a war they don't want. Instead of focusing to consolidate the fragile peace in Mogadishu and its surroundings, they keep on waging wars of of aggression against the other regions of Somalia. Their conquest of Kismayo on the 24Th of September was wrong and illegal. These new tribal Jahadists are also threatening all the Horn of Africa, including Somaliland, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya. Wake up Somalilanders, the war for our total liberation is not over yet.


Osmon Jama

Somaliland Friends

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Security Threat To Somaliland From Islamic Courts

Rashid Nur Gaaruf — Virginia, USA — 28 September, 2006




The Somaliland people have always been vigilant and extremely sensitive to threats that might endanger the sovereignty of Somaliland ever since Somaliland has withdrawn from the illegal Union with Somalia; that was until the Islamic Courts captured Mogadisho, Kismayo and Southern Somalia. Judging by the news reports from Somaliland in the daily papers, web sites, radio stations, television, government news briefs, parliamentary news briefs, Guurti news briefs, letters to editors from people, morning café chats in big cities and small towns; one can not see a credible concern from Somaliland people about security threat to Somaliland sovereignty from Islamic Courts in Mogadisho - and it is both surprising and disturbing at the same time.

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Brother we know what we face and in Mudug even Aydeed Sr suffered, Xasan Dahir still has nightmares about his last visit to Puntland.


Also I have not heard from the courts any Galkacyu talk lately, they need to get past A/qaybdeed in Galinsoor..

But alas I dont get why you guys are so scared? :D

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