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Xildhibaan lagu dilay Magaalada Garowe

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Xildhibaan lagu dilay Magaalada Garowe

November 11, 2009 filed under NEWS IN SOMALI · Comments (0)

Xildhibaan lagu dilay Magaalada Garowe | read this item Horseed Media



Waxaa caawa magaalada Garowe ee caasimada Puntland lagu dilay mid kamid ah Xildhibaanada Golaha Wakiilada ee Puntland oo kamid ahaa Xildhibaanadii ugu horeeyey ee kamid noqda Baarlamaanka Puntland.


Xildhibaan Ibrahim Cilmi Gaab ayaa caawa lagu dilay bartamaha magaalada Garowe, xili uu kusii jeeday gurigiisa magaalada.


Marxuum Ibrahim Cilmi oo kasoo jeeda Gobalka Mudug, ayaa kamid ahaa Xildhibaanadii ugu horeeyey ee kamid noqday dhismihii Baarlamaanka Puntland 1998dii. Wuxuuna kamid ahaa Xildhibaanada sida weyn looga qadariyo Golaha Wakiilada ee Puntland.


Taliyaha Booliiska ee gobalka Nugaal ayaa Horseed Media u sheegay in Xildhibaanka lagu dilay bistoolad ayadoo shan xabo lagu dhuftay, weerarkan ayaa gacan ku dhiiglihii geystay aan weli la soo qaban.


Booliiska ayaa sheegay inay baaritaan dilkan ku wadaan, ayadoo ciidamada magaalada Garowe, heegan la galiyey.


Dilkan ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili caawa weeraro kale oo qorsheysan ay ka dhaceen magaalooyinka Bosaso iyo Gaalkacyo.


Weeraradan caawa ka dhacay sadexda magaalo ee ugu waaweyn ee Puntland ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili ay dowlada Puntland digniino ka bixineysay in gobalada Puntland kusoo wajahan yihiin kooxo doonaya inay khal khal geliyaan amniga gobalada Puntland.


Waxaa caawa magaalada Bosaso lagu dilay Shiikh Maxamed Cabdi Awaare oo ahaa Guddoomiyaha Maxkamada magaalada Bosaso. Halka magaalada Gaalkacyo bambaano lala beegsaday xarunta dowladaha hoose, halkaasi oo uu hal qof ku dhaawacmay.


Horseed Media

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Goor dhowayd ayaa Waxaa lagu dilay Magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada Puntland Mid ka mid ah Xidhibaanada Dowlada Puntland oo Wakhtigaasi ku sugnaa Goob Makhaayad ah oo lagu shaaheeyo.


Dilkaan loo Geystay Xidhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi l ayaa Waxaa uu dhacay Wakhti ay saacadu ku beegnayd 1:40 Fiidnimo Waxaanu lagu dilay rasaasta ka dhacda baastoolada


Wax yar kadib Cisbitaalka ayaa loola cararay Sid aan ku helayno Warar lagu kalsoon yahayna Waxay Tilmaamayaan in uu Geeryooday Xilibaanka.


Macada in lahayo Cidii ka dambeysay iyadoona ay haatan Goobta Ciidamadu heegan sare ugu jiraan amaankeeda Waxayna ku soo beegmaysaa Xili Caawa fiidkii lagu dilay bosaso Gudoomiyihii Maxkamada Gobolka bari Maxamed Cabdi Awaare oo isna Cidii dishay ilaa hada lahay.


Abdirahman Mohamed koronto



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waa wareerkii saddexaad oo caawo kaliya dhaca marka waxaa ay u muuqataa in wareeraradan dhamaaan wada xiriiraan. kollo puntland waxabay ka qaban doontaa arrintaan insha allah

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There seems to be a soft spot for the extremists in Puntland, the Maamul should round the perpetrators and take taugh measure, even if they have to kill them.


It is reported that a bomb went off in Galkayo now. An MP killed in Garowe, and today they killed a great man, Mahamed Abdi Awaare in Bosaso.


Puntland should stop the soft take on things and go on a killing spree of the criminals.

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^^^Indeed, its time to take calculated actions, regardless of who it is. I doubt this is Al Kebaab group, there is a sinister motive going on.


A state of emergency is in order and the much vaunted PIS should be let loose.

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A major state of Emergency is need. The PIS needs to be addressed aswell, but in the end they fall under the government, who can say who leads it or not. The most important thing is that the people need to be mobilized, through elders and other ways. The government needs to make radio addresses, if they get serious now, something can be done.

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Every area in Somalia had it's issues. In Hargeysa several foreigners were assasinated within this decade.


The people will get their act together. They remember the lesson of 1991.

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Good points. For once I agree with you, my senile secessionist friend. Puntland needs a unified central command for ALL its armed forces. For starters; the pirates who freely roam the streets of many of our cities, with impunity, protected by their clansmen, must no longer be tolerated. So too must those that profit in the illegal migration of people across the gulf of Aden and anyone else for that matter who is involved in any form of criminal activity, must be brought in front of the law.


Come hell or high water-- this government must bring EVERYBODY, including itself, underneath the law of the land. Only true justice will guarantee genuine peace in the long run.

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