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Is-Aamin Warran

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Some in here would be in danger of
'loosing' their respect in SOL
because questions would be furious

Awoowe, its funny that you would think


bafoons,Door-mats, daba-qoodhi, Door knobs and


and Drop-Outs have any respect left let alone


having one in SOL. All the Daba-Qoodhis and


any-one else who thinks we should sit down


with "Kuwa-Nijaasoobey" waa inaa la


dhufaano si ayna udhaalin kuwa lamid ah

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Liqaye its a matter of organisation. I believe that this project must involve some kind of 'time-pressure'!


If it can't be done in real-time, then why can't go for the next possible option!


I myself will put my reputation and respect on the line by volunteering to become a guinea pig of this project!


I will answer questions posted in this thread from exactly 21:00 GMT in roughly less than three hours!


I'd have then to finish answering the questions by 21:45 GMT and with no delay at all! Answer to the best of my ability and honesty!


So if you've got questions post it to Puja! This is only a piloted and testing episode folks not the real thing! If it works then inshallaah we shall continue it and if it flops then we'd had to change/adjust it to make it work inshallaah!


Puja asking questions is only temporary because he said he's ready so post your questions to him via pm inshallaah!


The time limit stands! Puja post all the questions you have both your personal ones and that of other Sol members on this thread at exactly 21:00 GMT inshallaah!


The reason being is that I want to give members the time needed to get in their questions to Puja! So let's test it inshallaah!


Puja if you have any objections then kindly raise them here inshallaah, I will be around inshallaah!

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Project has been put on a hold! Prime reason being the natural chariness of us Somalis!


Secondly, Why should one engage in such event/project, when we can easily resort to fingerpointing, falsely accuseing, mocking and verbally assaulting each other!


It's more amusing/entertaining that way, then to have to explain yourself adequately before a harsh and unfunny panel!


I'd personally like to have had the chance to get to know the views of some nomads in here, especially detailed questions put to the supporters of the former ICU!


How they see the recent changes in Somalia?

Why they cannot get behind the government? What their evidences are for an Iraqi-like insurgency springing up in Somalia? Where their support for a dismantled ICU originates from etc?


But I guess those questions will never get justice or will be answered!


Mostly people try to engage in sentimental wishful thinking, I must say some more than others prime examples would be Xiinfaniin and Castro!


Baashi posted some valid questions to brother Xiinfaniin, but he didn't answer them!


This is the norm of this website people are running away from answering difficult questions, I must say 'kudos' to brother General Duke and give him credit and my upmost respect because he is the only one, who will not shy away from answering questions. He will tackle every question and answer it to the best of his ability! Maashallaah, I hope you continue that way brother!


All others are not really addressing questions, either they will answer it for you by pretending to be sarcastic and calling you names but still their bitterness shines through or they'll give you a sentimental and emotional outburst in a violently manner and still call you by names without actually answering the question!


The above criticism is extremely acute to UIC supporters, opportunists or people who jumped the bandwagon and who are resisting the new changes in Somalia for their own selfish reasons or because of unfounded clannish feelings!

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