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General Duke

Thug Indacade Vs Abu Qutaybe.....Qad + clan killing...

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MUQDISHO: Yuusuf Indho-cadde iyo Maxkamadaha oo qarka u saaran inay isku dhacaan, iyo Yuusuf Indho-cadde oo ka baxay Muqdisho

Posted to the Web Nov 18, 15:09



Muqdisho (PP) - Maamulka Maxkamadhaa Midoobay ee Muqdisho iyo Yuusuf Indho-cadde ayaa la sheegay inay isku khilaafsan yihiin joojinta jaadka iyo cunistiisa, waxaana Yuusuf Indho-cadde uu diiday in jaadka la joojiyo.


Warar hoose oo ay puntlandpost ka heshay xubno ku dhowdhow mas'uulka dhanka Ammaanka u qaabilsan Maxkamadaha Yuusuf Indho-cadde ayaa waxay sheegayan in Yuusuf Indho-cadde uu si dhab ah uga hor caddeeyay Madaxda Maxkamadaha in jaadka la joojiyo.


mas'uuliyiintaan oo diiday in magacyadooda la xuso ayaa waxay sheegeen in Yuusuf Indho-cadde uu qorsheynayo in gobolkii uu madaxda ka ahaa ee Shabeelada Hoose uu dib ugu laabto isla markaana uu isaga baxo howlaha Maxakamadaha.


Arrintaan oo ah khilaaf soo cusboonaaday una dhexeeyay maxkamadaha iyo Yuusuf Indho-cadde ayaa warar ay shacabka Reer Muqdisho isla dhex marayaan waxay sheegayaan in laga yaabo inay dagaallo isaga horyimaadaan.


Yuusuf Indho-cadde ayaa haatan ka maqan Magaalada Muqdisho; waxaana magaalada uu ka baxay isagoo careysan sida ilo ku dhow-dhow Maxkamdaha ay tibaaxayaan, waxaana si dhab ah aysan u garanayn Madaxda Maxkamaduhu halka uu dhab ahaan u abbaaray Yuusuf Indho-cadde.


Khilafkaan ayaa wuxuu sababi karaan isku dhac fudud oo dhex mara Maxkaamdaha iyo Yuusuf Indho-cadde waxaa isku dhacaan uu saameyn ku yeelan karaan howlaha nabadgalyo ee ay wadaan Maxkamadaha Midoobay.



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Degmada Afgooye oo noqotay meesha loo qaad tago koonfurta Somaliya ka dib markii muqdishu laga joojiyay ka gacansiga Qaadka

Posted to the MOL November 18, 2006, 7:40 am



Muqdishu:- Wararka ka imaanaya degmada Afgooye oo 50km u jirta magaalada Muqdishu ayaa la sheegayaa in halkaasi uuka socdo ganacsi aad sareeye oo dadkii Muqdishu Qaadka ku cuni jirey ay halkaas u tageen si ay Qaad uga soo gateen ka dib markii shalay si rasmi ah Maxkamadaha Muqdishu u joojiyeen keenida, cunida iyo ka ganacsiga Qaadka oo ah maandooriye fara ba’an ku haya shacabka Somaliyeed meel walba oo ay joogaan.


Haddaba waxaa la yaab noqotay in maxkamadaha Islaamiga Muqdishu ay qaadkii ka joojiyaan magaalada Muqdishu iyo Kismaayo balse wali si toosa u soo galayo oo looga ganacsanayo degmada afgooye oo Muqdishu u muuqata.


Arintaas ayaa dad badan u fasirteen naas nuujis maadaama uu afgooye ka taliyo nin lagu magacaabo Cirfe oo uu adeer u yahay Sh. Aweeys oo madax ka ah maxkamadaha Muqdishu. Tuhunka ah in maxkmadaha Muqdishu aysan si is le’eg u fulin sharciga ayaa wuxuu isa soo tarayay bilahaan dambe. Iyadoo Muqdishu ay maxkamaduhu ku gubeen Qaad aad u tiro badan oo dad badan qasaare weyn ka soo gaaray ayaa haddana Afgooye wali lagu gadayaa.


Dhinaca kale degmada Marka ayaa wali waxaa gacanta ku haya Sh. Indhacade oo ka mid ahaa dagaal oogayaashii Muqdishu dadka ku badi jirey haaatana loo dalacsiiyay inuu noqdo u qaybsanaha arimaha amniga ee maxkamadaha Islaamiga isagoo walina maamula magaalada Marka oo sidii hore maleeshiyadiisu dadka masaakiinta ah u baado.

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General DUke keep the good work ,


puntland and tigrey lovers propaganda wont work any more . Why are your working so hard to find ways to break the clans of south , Are you goin to impose abdulahi yusuf on us , we dont wont him ,that so called president is same men thats arming the mens who destroyed the city and killed innocent people.


If you think divide rule is gonne work thise time you are lost , that policy dident work when loose warlords were keeping abdulahi sheyden hostage in baydhawa , tell your adders stop wasting thier times sxb.


Tell us whats happend abdi qabiid disowned kid and Puntland ciyaals milites , whats taken them some long to take back bandiirly >>>>>

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Bambo-Xumbo, Bendiraadley isn't ours! It belongs to the disowned old man called Abdi-Qaybdiid and his kin, first thing first!


Second part marka aad leedayahay: 'puntland and tigrey lovers propaganda wont work any more . Why are your working so hard to find ways to break the clans of south , Are you goin to impose abdulahi yusuf on us , we dont wont him ,that so called president is same men thats arming the mens who destroyed the city and killed innocent people.


During the early ninties, when Aydiid and Ali Mahdi were burning their own city, was it Abdullahi Yusuf that gave you the weapons to destroy xamar cadeey?

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Bambo, whats in Badiradlay? The aim was to secure Mudug and Galkacyu from the clan courts.

It is on the agressor to fullfill his aims and the defender to take their responsabilities, Puntland has..


On the issue, why is IndaCade and Cirfo above the law of the clan courts?


Why is it difficult to ban the Qad industry in Afgoyee, while it was easy for the one in Mogadishu to be banned?


Give us a break the people need to see justice, dont bully the poor merchants in Xamar while ignoring the real evil of your sub-clan warlords.


Justice to the people of lower Shabbele should be a prerequisite to anyone taking the clan courts seriously.

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