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Treachery by some; Glory to others!

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Jay maxuu kugu akhriye

More like maxuu igu akhriyaa? ;)





If all Somalis employed this ideology, we would have had peace, prosperity and a nation; we wouldn't be were we are right now.

Honestly, somali people care about themselves and their qabiil.


I don't mean to sound like I'm wishing harm for innocent children and mothers, where ever they they may be.


I was never one to pick sides, qabiil etc. I wasnt brought up to be hateful, but seems like many of you here have shown just that, time in and time out and I can't begin to describe how that makes me feel.


YOu weep when your qabiil is in harms way, and you sit back when thousands of our somali people have been and continue to be killed and tortured.(some of you even rationalize the killings and rapes that happen daily.Those that I speak off know exactly who they are, so I won't feel sorry for any of you, no matter how close of a family you have are in the middle of the battle field, no way, no how.)

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Castro is way of out line for attacking people of the forum for speaking their mind. No one is above the rules of SOL.


When Puntland was holding onto las Anod, most of you considered it peaceful city, today after those skirmishes it's back to being peaceful city again, stop the warmongering people and hatred which is obviously that is directed to reer Somaliland.

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

^^you dont feel sorry for the innocent people get killed in LA? why, yartu xaasid sana!

I detect hypocricy here.


Tell mr. Dabshid though you weren't speaking to me.


Where were your senses when Xamar was being run over by the XAbashi troops and you were cheering them on.

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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:



YOu weep when your qabiil is in harms way, and you sit back when thousands of our somali people have been and continue to be killed and tortured.(some of you even rationalize the killings and rapes that happen daily.Those that I speak off know exactly who they are, so I won't feel sorry for any of you, no matter how close of a family you have are in the middle of the battle field, no way, no how.)

absulate truth...agreed 100%

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Red Sea, is the party still on? armaa farxad la suuxda.


BTW,nobody hates Somaliland, but again nobody likes secessionists,lol.

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Where is sophist?? Awoowe sophist waxaan kuu sheegayaa. Gabaygaa Cali Dhuux waxaa jawaabtiisu ku socotay Maxéd Cumar Dage. Masii galayo faahfaahintiisa. Laakiin si gurracan ayaad u isticmaashay. Waxaan kuu sheegayaa. Adigu heesaha suugaantooda ayaad dhagaysataaye. Caawa waxaad dhagaysataa oo macneheeda dhuuxdaa. Heestan hoos ku qoran..


Naftu Doqonsanaa

Damac Waalanaa

Waxay Doonto bari

Kuu Diri ogaa

Dantu ka Adagaa

Durba Celin ogaa


Labadoo Is dardarey (pure reer Xamar word excellenct waaku dardaraa ayan maqli jiray )

Dadka dhibi ogaa


Risiq Eebe kuu diidey

Kaa durugsanaa

Nin uu Duunyo Siinaayo

Deeqdiis u dhawaa


Taa waxaa Daliil u ah

Haadka samada duuliyo

Diinkuba usiman calaf


Midna caysha Daayacan

Oon u daal usoo marin

Kama helo duleedada


Siday diintu nagu tidhi

Dayaxana ha dhaaftee

Qayrkaa Darajaduu heley

Rabbi kaama Daahine

Dadaal gaadhi doontide



Naftu doqonsanaa

Damac waalanaa

Dabaylaha cirkeey

hadba kugu dartaa

Durdur kaa durkeey

Dar u xidho kugu tidhaa


Dahab aadan laheyn

ku tidhaa daldalo


Ha ka dayrin waligaa

Nolosha aad u daristahey

Ha u doodin abidkaa

Tu kaloo ku dayasha ah


Taa waxa Daliil u ah

Oo inooga digi kara

Xadiisbaa kusoo dagey


Mar uun la isma garab dago

Dad ma wada sinaan karo

Duni waa isdaba maal


Siday diintu nagu tidhi

Dayaxana ha dhaaftee

Qayrkaa Darajada uu heley

Rabbi kaama daahine

Dadaal gaadhi doontide




The Arabs say, (ma7al shahid shi3ir) the point of this song, waxa weeye.


Qayrkaa Darajaduu helay

Rabbi kaama daahine

Dadaal gaadhi doontide


Sool dadka daggan, waxay ahaayeen raggii sharafta iyo diinta Somali iyo xornimadeeda ku hagoogtay. Markaa saaxiib waxba kaama maqna. Ganbana ma xidhnide, bal waakaase caawa heesta dhag kasiiyoo golaha kusoo laabo!

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The thing is mr. Dabshid,


The city of las Anod is swapped between two somali regions. In those skirmishes not more than 20 people were killed. Now that is in no way to take the death of innocent people lightly but that number is very slim compare to thousands who have perished as result of Ethiopian shelling and the half million who have been displaced and on the verge of starvation. With many among them sick because of all sorts of diseases.


While all this many of you including YOURSELF were celebrating and saying Somalia was reborn again. You and your freinds like Duke, Sophist, etc...were at all time high in excitment.


Now, does all that I mention compare to what has happened in Las Anod in which you have been protesting and calling it 'dark times' as though hell has let loose?


Many of your friends here even went into hiding when they should have mouthed off against the Ethiopian killing spree in Southern Somalia, but they didnt they hid away only to come out and protest when their village is under scrutiny.


I think you know well what I am talking about mr. Dabshid and you know LayzieGirl is telling the truth...when she said you folks put on the mourning shoes on when the circus comes to town.


Somali proverb:


'afeeF hore lahaw, ama adkaysi danbe'.


am out,

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Mujahid, Red-Sea, let me make some points a bit clear. You are beating a tribal drum with a cover here. If Duke,Dabshid and Sophist were cheering the killings of the civilians in the South as you claimed. Why dont you simply look at the possitively side of those who hail from Sool and oppose the Ethiopian envesion. And, let me mention some!






Now, the question to you is. Why you guys from that particuler region have the same uniform, the same opinion, and the same ideas as though you own a little,cossy virtual room. Bal car kala hadha!! Just mention any one of you who possitive say something about Laascaanood. You chased Mansa over one thread, and I wont mention the names. Awoowe spare something. Rag waa kuwa kala hadhee!! I rested my case !!!

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Originally posted by Hunguri:

[QB] Mujahid, Red-Sea, let me make some points a bit clear. You are beating a tribal drum with a cover here. If Duke,Dabshid and Sophist were cheering the killings of the civilians in the South as you claimed.




Let me make something clear here, there is no tribal drum being beaten here, that is when you are exposed, you are looking for something to hang on to.


Moreover, Mr. Xiinfanin and mr. paragon are two nomads which I highly regard as very stable minded individuals who have clear cut stances on all issues. I am very confident that they both see this as two somali adminstrations who had battled over the control of of a city rather than an invasion.


In addition, when it came to Southern Somalia being invaded by Ethiopians, every single somalilander with exception of yoru friend Jacaylbaro.


-Northerner: opposed it.

-Ayoub " "

- Suldaanka""

- I myself " ".


..and many others.


As for the current Las Anod issue. You wont' find I nor Northerner saying that Somaliland has done the right thing in this deal. the point I keep making over and over again is both adminstrations should be blamed or neither of them should be blamed.


Ps: As I understand you mr. Hunguri supported the Ethiopian invasion of south, I am pretty sure of it, so why o why?

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Originally posted by Mslm: Red Sea:

quote:Originally posted by Dabshid:

^^you dont feel sorry for the innocent people get killed in LA? why, yartu xaasid sana!

I detect hypocricy here.


Tell mr. Dabshid though you weren't speaking to me.


Where were your senses when Xamar was being run over by the XAbashi troops and you were cheering them on.
The hypocracy is you seccesionist dont see the innocent pple get killed in LA, I never agreed and wanted innocent pple get killed anywhere in Somalia, and it always hurts me to see my brothers getting killing anywhere in Somalia. You dont know me but you assume that you know me.Everyone here has his/her opinion on Somali affairs.


The bottom line of story is...OOD sida ay u kala sareeyso baa loo kala qaada! Laas Anod is internal matter, and we will have to solve ASAP, There is nothing more wrong than seeing seccenionts claiming,and in the land of Darwish.


While all this many of you including YOURSELF were celebrating and saying Somalia was reborn again. You and your freinds like Duke, Sophist, etc...were at all time high in excitment.

I still beleive SOmalia have the best chance in 17 years now, I want the anarchy, the famine, the killing etc, to end,and the Somali Nation to be reborn, hadiguse bal maxaa rabta? leave the fake wadaadnimo aad ku gabanaysid? what would you do if the ICU won in the last war? and matched to Hargaisa? :D

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Originally posted by Mslm: Red Sea:



In addition, when it came to Southern Somalia being invaded by Ethiopians,
every single
somalilander with exception of
yoru friend Jacaylbaro.


-Northerner: opposed it.

-Ayoub " "

- Suldaanka""

- I myself " ".


..and many others.


As for the current Las Anod issue. You wont' find I nor Northerner saying that Somaliland has done the right thing in this deal. the point I keep making over and over again is both adminstrations should be blamed or neither of them should be blamed.


Ps: As I understand you mr. Hunguri supported the Ethiopian invasion of south, I am pretty sure of it, so why o why?

Saaxiib, you are missing the point. I never cheer or celebrate the killings of innocent civilians. You know nothing of my political stunt towards the South of Somalia. And, you can never proof, where I bluntly supported Ethiopians killing innocent Somalians. Dont sugger coat your words. The point, is that you stood by your administration towards the Laascaanood invesion. And, you say less or almost nothing for its your interest. Ofcourse, most of you oppose the Ethiopian invesion in the South. However, you never say a word when your administration extredites the innocent Somali Galbeed brothers. Somalidaa waxay ku maahmaahdaa (Mayd maxaa u danbeeyey kaa lasii sido ) Abti, shalay ayayba ahayd oo Odayga iyo wasiiradu dhiibayeen oo Xabashiga u dhiibayeen 50 nin oo wada gadh-cad ahe. Why dont you say something about it. Maxaa markaa meesha ka cad. Daacad kama tihide wixii dantaadu ku jirto ayaad support garaysaa. Waxba hadalka maqqaar ha saarin. Xiin iyo Paragon waa ka daacad arrimaha Somalia. Adiguse interest ayaad ku wadataa.




Jacaylbro, waa saxiibkeey waa runtaa. Laakiin he is a very moderate jolly brother. I know him deep down!

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At least,Las Canood is occupied by a group of people who have a common ancestor. A people who have inter married amongst themselves & lived with one another for hundreds of years.


For the rest of Somalia,Unfortunatly the reality is worse. They are occupied by Habashis. In O*Gadenia for instance,villages are burnt down day in day out,young beautiful Somali virgins raped by Habashis day in day out & young Geeljire's robbed off their daily lives. In Mogadishu, The scenario is as worse as in Jigjiga or Dhagaxbuur.


Two fiefdoms fighting over a piece of desert land yeah? :rolleyes:

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