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Djibouti and now Bosaaso. Berbera could well be snapped up as well.


Geographically, these are the only ports that are a threat to DXB’s booming ports. A major threat if Djibouti, Somalia & Somaliland were to manage those ports properly and turn them into staging posts for the worlds shipments through the Red Sea and onto the Suez.


Relevant Laws should be in place to stop this occurring.


More to come IA

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Carabahan waxey ka soo horjeedana horumarkeena, weyna ogyihiin inuu dhulkeena strategic yahay, marka anagoon horumar ku sameenin ayey naga faaiideesanayaan ooy kolba dakad la wareegayaan.



Lama yaabayo, Soomaali Maryooleey shilimaad sanuuda hadey arkaan indhaha ayey cirka u taagayaan ayagoo qamaamayo.

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There is nowhere more strategic than Bosaaso and Berbera. Djibouti ports won’t be able to handle as much as the Red Sea is very narrow there. Imagine if things are managed right by SOMALIS for a nationalised ports authority ensuring secure ports are a good price. No one will bother with DXB after that as Somalia/Somaliland cuts out a good 4 or 5 days at sea.


Meesha waxa mara maraakiibta galbeedka iyo chiinaha ku sii socda.

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