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Markay dumarku Wallacaan.

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Assalamu calaykum walalahayow,


Waxaan rabaa in aan su'aal aan idinka waydiiyo arin yar oo dumarka khusaysa. Ulujeedo kalena majirto. markaa fadlan iiga jawaaba.





Markay dumarku wallacaan waxaa dhacda in:


Dumarka qaar ka mid ah ragooda ayey nacaan aragtidiisa, hadalkiisa, caraftiisa i.w.m, Xaga qaarna si xad dhaaf ah ujeclaadaan.


Sidee ku dhacday? is there a pattern that we can tell beforehand?


Can this be controlled, so that my wife can love me extra hard when she is going through wallac instead of the other way around?


Gabdhaha discuss...

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Baxrul Mayyit, sxb waxaan kuu sheegayaa ineysan gabdhaha su'aashan kaaga jawaabeenin adoon wali guursanin, marka hore gabadh soo xera gali, kadib jawaab waad heli.



By the way, they also hate all kinds of food, and avoid to cook as well, they starve themselves, and starve their husbands as well!

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Why do you think I was asking questions about Walac the whole last week. I prefer if they hate me, runtii. Because that will allow you to do your work, and hopefully, things will get back fine later. If it is the opposite, and you are a working man, waa mushkilo weyn!

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Congrats to Baad Cas!


Anywho,not all women are the same.Each and one has their own way of coping with the changes that are going through in their bodies while pregnant.


Some will get depressed,moody,easily irritated, will experience exhaustion all the time etc ...

and some might be eagerly anticipating,overwhelmingly jolly about the whole pregnancy[i was nausiatingly excited,even after the baby was born,would not put the child down for months]


Either way,just be patients and keep in mind she needs nurturing rather then critism.


Nuune,what you said is definetly what is recommended not to say to a pregnant woman 'where is the food?'blah blah icon_razz.gif


A&T,enjoy the attention before the highs of the hormones wear off when the baby comes and you take second,third place in her list of those whom she loves most. :D

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they can turn on their own kids too. When mom was pregnant with the last child, i had to live in another house because mom always said "you smell...go away!" and honest she'd start gagging if i came around her. *sigh* i was angry or upset much of the time...but alhamdulilah it passed.



I do feel sorry for the men who have to deal with such treatment everytime their wife is pregnant.

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I cannot truly relate to Wallac having never gone through it myself, but each and every person is different and have reactions that are sometimes more severe than others.


is there a pattern that we can tell beforehand?

Yes [i think], if it's easier to get along with her when she's "PMSing".. she will be the type to love you to bits markay Wallacayso. Kuwa she-wolf ka noqdo ka carar, look for the nearest exit. I know it's natural to get hormonal and all but to make others suffer it ain't right. Explains why some men completely disappear on business trips naagahoodoo uur leh.. L0L.

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LOL@REdka. Doing research now? you shall get browny points for that. :D


I knew a lady that loved the smell of her husband, when he was not present shaatigiis bey iska dabawadey and would sniff it all day :D . I don't know what causes. But if you do the following your wifey shall love ya .


1.Some women wey dhareeran so carry around extra hanky/kleenex and little weel for her to spit in.


2.Some women eat non-nutritional things like Dhuxul.SO give her the damn dhuxul or whatever it is :D .


That's all i can think of now.But this whole wallac thing is BS.They all prima donnas to start with :D

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Don't know anything about this but congrats smile.gif


I guess being there for her should show her how much she means to you.



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