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Ethiopia Airlines closes its officess in SL

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Ethiopia Airlines oo xirtey xafiiskeedii

5 Mar 5, 2009 - 2:27:16 AM




Shirkadda diyaaradaha Ethiopia Airlines ayaa gebi ahaanba ka guurtay Jimcihii lasoo dhaafey xafiiskii ay ku lahayd caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa.


Xafiiska Ethiopia Airlines oo furnaa sideedii sanno ee la soo dhaafay, ayaa la sheegay in la xirey kadib markii 29 0ct, 2008 qaraxyo is-miidaamin ah lala beegsadey.


Warar la xaqiiiyey ayaa sheegaya in dowlada Somaliland fulin wayday shurudo shirkada diyaaradaha [ Ethiopian airlines] ay ku xirtey sidii dib ugu furi laheyd xafiiskaan.


Shuruudahaan ayaa la sheegayaa in ay ka mid ahaayeen in xayndaab adag lagu wareejiyo madaarka Hargeysa, in dhufaysyo ciidamo galaan laga qodo agagaarka madaarka, iyo in gegida diyaaradaha laga hirgaliyo adeegyo lagu xoojinayo ammaankiisa, sida in la sameeyo qalabkii dadka rakaabka lagu baadhi lahaa iyo kuwo kale.


Xukumada Somaliland ayaa ilaa hada si cad u sheegin sababta xafiiskaas albaabada loogu laabay xili Xukuumada hada jirta la xarbiyeyso sidii dib loogu dooran lahaa taasoo khilaaf xoogan ka dhalisay axsaabta siyasadeed.


Maxamad Jamal, Garowe Online,Hargeysa

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Ethiopian Airlines will be the losers in this new development, and would be welcoming news for many passengers who were charged skyrocketing fares between Addis-Hargeisa, or Dire Dawa-Hargeisa.



The people(qurba joogta) who used to use Addis Ababa as a hub for Hargeisa were avoiding high charges of Daallo & Jubba Airways from Dubai to Hargeisa etc.



Now comes the conclusion, the winners will be Daallo/Juba/Star African AIrline/Gallad, they will see high rise of revenues added to their business, one way ticket 350+ dollar, ethtiopian airline cost 250+ dollar to hargeisa.



And that is the business side, on the political side, Ethiopian Airline is 100% government owned, so no wonder the demands to protect their office and even the airport(inee leeyihiin ayba is moodaan).



Sheeko waxaan maqley in xafiiska ethiopian airline aysan waligood ijaar bixinin, and never pay airport charges for landing and take off fees and other maintenance for their aircraft.



Either way, Kooxda Riyaale waa aamusanyihiin, wax warana kama aysan soo saarin, and that explains many things we don't know yet!!

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Riyaale nin naxa maaha, Ingiriiskuuba iska aaday markey xaaladu ugu kululayd


As for Ethiopian Airlines, awal ba xaaraan bay ku joogeen eydu, hadday nabad ku baxeen wax booskooda buuxiyya la weyn mayyo

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^^^ Xaaji Xiin, Reports say Riyaale used the last Ethiopian flight from Hargeisa en route to Addis for London to honour the closure :D



illeen juuq iyo jaaq laga waa, waa nin helay free ticket to London


Waa runtaa manaxaankuu qabaa, questions and answers time for tomoro.

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^^I doubt i will make it as long Jacayl is the Gatekeeper of that event. But my good friend NGONGE, a decidedly born again lander, will fill us with the latest tommorow insha Allah

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i know the dude who was the gm of this operation.

hes from cali. it so happens the daalo kids, him and i, use to eat at my house in weekend some bbq when daalo was the only airline. cuz u know..

all the xalimoos will be there!! looooool.


i did help daalo with their first internet web page. Then everybody left, some for somaliland...some to join tfg, some i dont know what..but i stayed since i never been africa in my adult life.


now the ethio airline folded...why cuz lil mujaahid from mn showed them watsup. hey, i say it was a good scarifice!! now hopefull, a good ole somali will start somali airlines again!!


u remember that!! it was best airline in the world.

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the unreliable Ethiopian airlines, chaired by Mesfin, TPLF number 2 and Foreign affairs minister, has already stopped its flights to Hargeysa since a while.


Who can complain when one can just as well board Daallo (now bought and modernised by Emiratis) or another airlines from Djibouti to Hargeysa ...this may even be cheaper as well as quicker!


Antara, well said brother!

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Hmmmmm ..... ma iska hubtaan ??

If JB casts doubt on the whole story - then it is dubios - JB asa ah wakiilka gaarka ee fadhiya Hargeysa :D:D

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As long as Ethiopian government does not recognize northern Somalia as a state, they can do business all they want. as matter of fact I would encourage free trade between Somalia and Ethiopia. Somalis are business minded and having Ethiopians with a free trade agreement means we will have more customers to sell our product.

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