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Famous Puntland Doctor Dies In Car Accident. Pay Your Respects North-Easterners

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[Geeri Naxdinleh Dr-kii Ugu Caansanaa Gobolada Puntland ayaa shil Gaadhi ku Geeriyooday


Alla Ha u Naxariistee Dr- Maxamed Yaasin Daahir oo loo Yaqaan Dr- Boob ayaa maanta Juun,08,2009- shil Gaadhi ugu Geeriyooday Halka u dhexaysa Magaalooyinka Xida iyo Waaciye, Shilka uu ku dhintay Dr-ku ayaa waxa ku Weheliyay ilaa 5-Ruux oo kale oo dhaawac soo Gaadhay.


Dr- Boob ayaa loola soo Cararay Maydkiisii Magaalada Bosaaso ee G/ Bari Halkaasi oo AAs Qaran Galabnimadii Maanta loogu sameeyay, Boqolaal Kun oo Ruux ayaa Yimi Qabuuraha ku Yaala duleedka Magaalada Bosaaso oo Marxuunka lagu Aasay, Xubno ka tirsan Dawlada iyo qaar ka mid ah Ururada Bulshada ayaa Joogay Aaska Marxuunka.


Dr- Boob ayaa ahaa Nin Miisaan Culus Kuleh Gobolada PL waxana uu ka mid ahaa Dhakhaatiirka aadka ugu Gar Gaari Jirtay dadka Bukaanka ah, Dr- Boob ayaa ahaa Nin Khabiir ah oo aad ugu xeel dheer arimaha Ja Jabka Lafaha, isaga oo dadka Meelo badan oo Gobolada Pl ah Looga Keeni Jiray.


Dr- Maxamed Yaasiin Daahir ayaa ah dhakhtarkii 3-xaad ee Gobolada Pl ah oo Geeriyooda marka laga Hadlayo Dadka aqoonta u Saaxiibka ah, Sanadkii la soo dhaafay ayaa waxa Geeriyooday Dr- Ciisa Dheer, iyo Dr- Muuse Qaybdiid oo ahaa Rag Aqoon durugsan leh.


Dhamaan Golaha Dhakhaatiirta Somaliyeed iyo kuwa Pl ayaa Tacsi u diraya Dr-ka waxayna Ilaahay Uga Baryayaan inuu Janadii ka Waraabiyo.


Jaamac Feyte


Source: m/article.php?articl eid=7480


Boob will be sadly missed north-eastern man and the contributions he provided for the puntland community. May he rest in peace. I Also send my condolences to his family in this tough time.


Puntland administration need's to learn from this all to common phenonemen on our road's and fix it because we are losing to many lives as it is.


Farole it's time to show leadership and take action on this road issue's and act NOW!!!!!!!!

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Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Illeyhi Rajicuun

Allah uu naxaristo ...amiin!

I knew him personally and also his father abti Yaasin Daahir from Leicester.

Geeridu wa xaq - a very good guy from a very good and strong family.

Even the manner of his death portrays his gentleness and kindness, Dr. Mohamed was officially not on duty and took his family to a resort near Bosaso to escape from the heat season. While in there a man came to him and asked him if he could come with him and check on his sick wife in a distant village from there. The doctor (marxum) took the man in his own car and went with him. Treated his wife and on his way back to his family had the fatal car accident.


Once again Allah u naxaristo...amiin

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Juje, yes it's tragedy and puntland administration need's to address this road issue...maybe it's time to get people taking driving lessons, set up traffic system, and establishing police who monitor speed of traffic and give's fines to ppl who don't observe the traffic laws.


This would beneficial for the administration as they could gain revenue from fines, plus this would be beneficial for the people so there is less traffic problems.

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