Che -Guevara

Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali says it all

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2 hours ago, galbeedi said:

HE should have kept his mouth shut or asked a good speech writers to organize something to reflect the moment, especially people waving the blue flag and calling for union against the secessionists. WArlord Muuse didn't even even mince his words, and accused him of orchestrating the war. 

This shows being a leader and upholding the idea of sovereign nation or one measuring things through tribal lenses.


It is possible that HSM understands the tactics employed by those waving the 'Somali Flag' was the same tactics employed by the deposed leader in Mogadishu, i.e. Farmaajo. Everyone can see the ugly clannism under the waving of flag antics. 


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Faysal Falaalug oo mudo badan kaymaha ku jiray ayaa aakhir caawa la kulmay Wasiiradda Somaliland si uu isu soo dhiibo. 

Dawladda Somaliland waxay u balan qaaday in wixii kharash ka baxay dib loogu celin doono, lagana wareegi doono teknicals iyo ciidankiisa. 

Wararku waxay sheegayan inu aad uga xanaaqay maamulka Garowe oo ku balan furay. 😂


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19 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

 In other words, bothsidism. True. But like Farmaajo, in the end, when push comes to shove, he has nothing for Khaatumo folks. No leader in Mogadishu can interfere in the Internal affairs of Somaliland, that is just given. The International Community which is contributing not only funds for AMISom but also 70% of Villa Somalia's Budget, will not support anything that will have negative impact on their plans for Somalia & Somaliland to end their dispute in talks.

The reason why Khaatumo is just not feasible is due to the fact that there is no such thing called SSC. Both Sool & Sanaag are shared territories. Who is going to create a clan border? what is a clan border anyway? B/c my clan's camels go as far as they want in any direction. 

The natural home of Khaatumo is Somaliland. That is where it has always been and the majority of the Sool/Sanaag land mass also comes under.

So this "Bothsidism" is really not based on honesty. It is dishonesty. The honest position was Farmaajo's "I don't have a answer". 

Wali waxa iska indho tarisaa heshiiskii madaxweynaha Somaliland Siilanyo la saxeexay Khaatumo oo u ka baxay Muuse. Maad iska cadeysatid ina heshiiskaa diiday oo aad ka baxday, oo Las anod ku fashilantay. Mise maalinba dad ina lq caayo, la ashkadeeyo iyo aflagadeeyo ayaa siyasad u qadatay.  

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20 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

 In other words, bothsidism. True. But like Farmaajo, in the end, when push comes to shove, he has nothing for Khaatumo folks. No leader in Mogadishu can interfere in the Internal affairs of Somaliland, that is just given. The International Community which is contributing not only funds for AMISom but also 70% of Villa Somalia's Budget, will not support anything that will have negative impact on their plans for Somalia & Somaliland to end their dispute in talks.

The reason why Khaatumo is just not feasible is due to the fact that there is no such thing called SSC. Both Sool & Sanaag are shared territories. Who is going to create a clan border? what is a clan border anyway? B/c my clan's camels go as far as they want in any direction. 

The natural home of Khaatumo is Somaliland. That is where it has always been and the majority of the Sool/Sanaag land mass also comes under.

So this "Bothsidism" is really not based on honesty. It is dishonesty. The honest position was Farmaajo's "I don't have a answer". 

Let every community decide their destiny,  you would like to be forced to union? If you want secede, take your habro triangle with you and join Israel if you like.

As for size, these people own land twice or three times size  Galmudug  and 100% possible to form their own state,  but you can not force them to be part of your secessionist agenda

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There are two forces that have equal and opposing views, very much like a coin with two faces.  

1. Self-determination

2. Territorial Integrity. 

Both are equally regarded in Court of law when it comes to these sort of issues. And there are very good example of when the two views were applied to nation states or breakup of nation states.

The following 3 factors give weight to which side of the coin face that lands. These include:

1. Fait Accompli - which means the facts on the ground support way too much one side of the coin-face. For example, in Somaliland's case, territorial integrity of Somalia doesn't apply. As the facts speak for itself that there is no territorial integrity for Somalia that exists. Lets face it, Somalia has completely failed as a state. 

Hence, self-determination face has too much weight. The coin lands on that face.

2. Historic events/issues; i.e. Attempted genocide, uprooting of civilians, Government Pogroms designed to target a specific ethnic group, race, clan or religious sect. And the very likely hood of such historic events to happen again, and There is a clear historic accounts that support why Somaliland wishes to terminate the Union of the 1960. 

3. The overwhelming support of local people for such cause.

Having said the above, with regards to Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer (Buuhoodle being a distrcit of Togdheer). If a vote were to be held today in those 3 regions, the overwhelming majority will choose to remain with Somaliland. 

There is no one that will come here and tell us to break up Sool/Sanaag/Togdheer into clan borders. That doesn't work in International court of law. The legal boundary of region/subregions must remain. 


If you go through the legal way, Somaliland wins. If you see the fact on the ground, Somaliland wins. 


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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

There is heavy fighting tonight.

By now you should know an exchange of small firearm here or there is not going to change anything on the ground.


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11 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Let every community decide their destiny,  you would like to be forced to union? If you want secede, take your habro triangle with you and join Israel if you like.

As for size, these people own land twice or three times size  Galmudug  and 100% possible to form their own state,  but you can not force them to be part of your secessionist agenda

They can’t u can’t form a state based on half a province. That’s what they have have half a province which is sool. Second dont u support somaliland to be under Mogadishu so in any case u are forcing somaliland to stay with Somalia right  if that was the case either u would have supported somaliland self determination to be an independent state 

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15 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

Faysal Falaalug oo mudo badan kaymaha ku jiray ayaa aakhir caawa la kulmay Wasiiradda Somaliland si uu isu soo dhiibo. 

Dawladda Somaliland waxay u balan qaaday in wixii kharash ka baxay dib loogu celin doono, lagana wareegi doono teknicals iyo ciidankiisa. 

Wararku waxay sheegayan inu aad uga xanaaqay maamulka Garowe oo ku balan furay. 😂


Ma gabadh baa siiseen 😂😂😂?

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” Adeerow arrintaas waa cay waana mu’aamaraad uu sameeyay cadowgii aanu dagaallamaynay. Cadowga SNM-na in aan xabbad ku kulanno waxaan ahayn igama suurowdo noloshayda” ayuu yiri Faysal Falaalug


Hoggaamiyaha jabhadda SSC Col. Faysal Falaalug ayaa cay iyo aflagaaddo ku tilmaamay wararka lagu qoray baraha bulshada ee...


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Yesterday the SNM folks was the British protected tribes. They occupied 25% of north Somalia. Khaatumo alone 40% by then. Today they occupied about 35% and Khaatumo 30% and the rest Warsangali, Gudabiirsey and Ciise. They have about 150 km border  with Ethiopia from Buuhoodle district to Wajaale. Khaatumo has 300Km border with Ethiopia alone. They don’t have border either with Jabuuti or South Somalia. They have 250 Km coast less than what Warsangali has. But they still claim the whole north Somalia. Do not worry about it  a united Khaatumo will put them in place. We just going to isolate them 6 months and no body will be able to help them. They will come to  their sense.

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2 hours ago, Duufaan said:

Yesterday the SNM folks was the British protected tribes. They occupied 25% of north Somalia. Khaatumo alone 40% by then. Today they occupied about 35% and Khaatumo 30% and the rest Warsangali, Gudabiirsey and Ciise. They have about 150 km border  with Ethiopia from Buuhoodle district to Wajaale. Khaatumo has 300Km border with Ethiopia alone. They don’t have border either with Jabuuti or South Somalia. They have 250 Km coast less than what Warsangali has. But they still claim the whole north Somalia. Do not worry about it  a united Khaatumo will put them in place. We just going to isolate them 6 months and no body will be able to help them. They will come to  their sense.


According to Google Earth (which you can download and verify yourself), The total area of Togdheer, Sanaag and Sool is 126,872 sqkm. 

Of that, the Isaaq own: 67886 sqkm. The Harti own 58986 sqkm.

In terms of population, Burco alone has more population than the whole of Harti inhabited area.

In terms of land mass, Somaliland wins, in terms of population again Somaliland wins.




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9 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:




Can you get a copy of Khaatumo declaration from Taleex conference? 

This won't change anything on the ground. Within the next few months, no one will remember anything of this. The harsh reality on the ground will always win over wishful-thinking. 


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