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Kismayu: US Ambassador local clans captured it not Al Shabaab

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Nayroobi: “Al-Shabaab ma qabsan Kismaayo” Safiirka Mareykanka ee Kenya

12. september 2008


Nayroobi(AllPuntland)- Safiirka Mareykanka ee dalka Kenya Michael Ranneberger ayaa ka hadlay xaalada Kismaao xarunta Jubada Hoose & cida ay aaminsan tahay in ay qabsadeen Magaalada Kismaayo.


Safiirka Mareykanka ee dalka Kenya Michael Ranneberger ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay Magaalada Kismaayo ku dagaalameen qabaa’ilo mudo isku hayay gacan ku heynta Magaalada Kismaayo, wuxuuna sheegay in Qabaa’ilkii qaar ka mid ah Magaalada laga saaray.


Wuxuu Safiirkan siweyn uga horyimid in ay Magaalada Kismaayo galeen Kooxaha diidan dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan wax lug ah Al-Shabaab ku laheyn Xaalada Kismaayo.


“ Al-Shabaab wax lug ah kuma laha Magaalada Kismaayo waxaa qabsaday Beel ka mid ah Beelo ku dagaalamayay Magaaladaasi tan iyo markii ay dhacday dawladii Hore ee Soomaaliya, lugumana sheegi karo qabsashada Kismaayo in ay qabsadeen Kooxaha Mayalka Adag” Ayuu yiri safiirkaasi.


Safiirkan oo la hadlayay Idaacadaha Muqdisho

mid ka mid ah ayaa sidoo kale wuxuu ugu baaqay Kooxaha Magaalada Kismaayo qabsaday in ay nabad dhowraan, wuxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay in ay magaalada amaankeeda sugaan ayna ilaaliyaan amaanka guud ee Magaaladaasi.


Mr. Michael wuxuu soo qaaday arimaha Burcad Badeeda, wuxuuna ugu baaqay dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya & dawladda Puntland in ay talaabo isku mid ah ka qaataan arimaha Burcad Badeeda ayna la dagaalamaan.


Isagoo sheegay Qaraarkii ay soo saareen Golaha amaanka ee QM ahaa mid siweyn xaalada wax uga badaley, wuxuuna cadeeyey in ay Bulshada caalamku mawqif mideysan ka qaadatey arimaha Burcad Badeeda.


Hadalkan ka soo baxay Safiirka Mareykanka ee dalka Kenya Michael Ranneberger ayaa ku soo beegmayah xili xaalada Magaalada Kismaayo ay degan tahay, ayna sidoo kale Kooxihii Magaalada laga saaray wadeen dadaalo ay ku doonayaan in ay ku helaan ciidan & saanad ay dib ugu qabsadaan Magaalada Kismaayo.


F. C. Geylan



Warar La Xiriira

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Al-Shabaab wax lug ah kuma laha Magaalada Kismaayo waxaa qabsaday Beel ka mid ah Beelo ku dagaalamayay Magaaladaasi


Safiirka Mareykanka ee dalka Kenya Michael Ranneberger ayaa ka hadlay xaalada Kismaayo xarunta Jubada Hoose iyo cida ay aaminsan tahay in ay qabsadeen Magaalada Kismaayo.


Safiirka Mareykanka ee dalka Kenya Michael Ranneberger ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay Magaalada Kismaayo ku dagaalameen qabaa’ilo mudo isku hayay gacan ku heynta Magaalada Kismaayo, wuxuuna sheegay in Qabaa’ilkii qaar ka mid ah Magaalada laga saaray.


Wuxuu Safiirkan siweyn uga horyimid in ay Magaalada Kismaayo galeen Kooxaha diidan dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan wax lug ah Al-Shabaab ku laheyn Xaalada Kismaayo.


“ Al-Shabaab wax lug ah kuma laha Magaalada Kismaayo waxaa qabsaday Beel ka mid ah Beelo ku dagaalamayay Magaaladaasi tan iyo markii ay dhacday dawladii Hore ee Soomaaliya, lugumana sheegi karo qabsashada Kismaayo in ay qabsadeen Kooxaha Mayalka Adag” Ayuu yiri safiirkaasi.


Safiirkan oo la hadlayay Idaacadaha Muqdisho

mid ka mid ah ayaa sidoo kale wuxuu ugu baaqay Kooxaha Magaalada Kismaayo qabsaday in ay nabad dhowraan, wuxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay in ay magaalada amaankeeda sugaan ayna ilaaliyaan amaanka guud ee Magaaladaasi.


Mr. Michael wuxuu soo qaaday arimaha Burcad Badeeda, wuxuuna ugu baaqay dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya iyo dawladda Puntland in ay talaabo isku mid ah ka qaataan arimaha Burcad Badeeda ayna la dagaalamaan.


Isagoo sheegay Qaraarkii ay soo saareen Golaha amaanka ee QM ahaa mid siweyn xaalada wax uga badaley, wuxuuna cadeeyey in ay Bulshada caalamku mawqif mideysan ka qaadatey arimaha Burcad Badeeda.


Hadalkan ka soo baxay Safiirka Mareykanka ee dalka Kenya Michael Ranneberger ayaa ku soo beegmayah xili xaalada Magaalada Kismaayo ay degan tahay, ayna sidoo kale Kooxihii Magaalada laga saaray wadeen dadaalo ay ku doonayaan in ay ku helaan ciidan iyo saanad ay dib ugu qabsadaan Magaalada Kismaayo.

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Duke, waxba ha is xiijinin locol or not, the question is can the TFG go there or the least have a say there. Stop kidding yourself adeer we all know Kismayo has been and still is a TFG-free zone smile.gif

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^^^ True,



And this Faasiq or Safiir ku sheeg, wuxuuba doonayaa iney fitnada Kismaayo sii socoto!


But the Safiir is also signalling the Tigreey Government not to go there, waa no go zone.


Mareekanka bal maxaa ka galay kismaayo, habartii meel ku dhuustaba iney ka hadlaan miyaa.

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I think Nuune is right. If this is true, then it means the U.S is providing excuse to prevent the Ethiopians from being forced to venture there because reports of "Islamist" takeover.


Something the U.S would not be doing if the Ethiopians were able to conduct military exercises there. This is proof of the fact the Ethiopians are very much over-extended and bogged down elsewhere in the battle-ground regions. They cannot afford to fight a strong insurgency elsewhere particularly so in the dense and forested Jubba Valley.


The fact that both Abdullahi Yusuf and his advisor Azhari spoke out saying the opposite of the American ambassador is proof of the American/Ethiopian strategy.


All in all, this is a cause for relaxing--it means no surprise aerial assaults!

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^^^lol@ "it means no surprise aerial assaults!"

Inleen wadnahaad farta ku heesay saaxiib. :D


Saaxiib, the TFG will never meddle in the affairs of Kismayo, as long as the local populace is in charge. But if the Yasser Arafat raghead wearing deviants from galgaduud, ever take control, wax badan aerial and ground assaults waad ka gaban doontaan. smile.gif


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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MR DUKE still talking? whats with the copy and pasting all the time? DUKE, i thought xasan turki was with shabaab, not with local clans. we all know al shabaab captured it as they have 3 seats and I.C.U have 3 seats and one local clan have one seat.

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^ no you wrong there adeer, the TFG has only one seat and rumor has it that the tfg not happy with that and would be lodging an appeal against this decision to the new boss, Red Sea's uncle. Hope Duke will update us the latest. Duke...

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The equation of the locals in the fall of Kismaayo can't be ruled out. I know some clan-driven folks would hint it otherwise or make it seem like the locals have no military or administartive significance in the recent fall of of Kismaayo but what can't be denied is the fact that the traditional inhabitants of the city, who had experienced ethnic cleansing or forceful expulsion over the last 8 years, have returned to their homestead. Does it matter if they decided to rule themselves in Pure Shariah Law? With justice served, they are confident enough to overturn the city's 8 years of decline and mayhem. They are confident to return the glory of the city and swim it back to the shore of irreversible peace and prosperity.

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Before we jump to any conclusions, is there any independent verification of these statements by the American Ambassador? is notorious for inventing stories! So once again, is there another non-Puntland associated verification of this interview? After all the statements of this Ambassador are closely monitored by all Somalis, since he holds the Somali portfolio.

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