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Ciidamada MMI oo la wareegay degmada Cabudwaaq iyo Xiisad ka taagan Halkaas

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Ciidamada MMI oo la wareegay degmada Cabudwaaq iyo Xiisad ka taagan Halkaas

Posted to the Web Nov 21, 10:55



Muqdisho:-Ciidamada golaha MMI ee gobollada dhexe ayaa saakey gaaray magaalada Cabudwaaq ee gobolka Galgaduud, ayadoo halkaasi dadka ku dhaqan si diiran ay ugu soo dhaweeyeen ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga.



Culimaa’uddiin iyo waxgarad ku dhaqan degmada Cabudwaaq ayaa dhawaan halkaasi ka soo saaray warmurtiyeed ay ku cadeeyeen in dadka ku dhaqan degmada ay isku raaceen in shareecada islaamka ay ku dhaqmaan,ayadoo go’aankaasi ay taagaeereen culimaa’uddiin ka soo jeeda beesha **** oo ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho.



Xasan Bulxan oo jooga magaalada Cabudwaaq ayaa u xaqiijiyay shabakada wararka Halgan in ciidamada soo gaaray magaalada ay yihiin dhalinyaro ka soo jeeda deegaanka oo ka yimid dhinaca magaalada Cadaado,kuwaasoo wata hal gaari oo tikniko ah.



Waxa uu intaa ku daray in haatan xiisad yar ay ka jirto magaalada kadib markii dhalinyaradaasi ay sheegeen in maxkamad islaami ah ay ka furayaan,ayadoo taasina ay ka soo horjeesteen sida uu sheegay odayaasha dhaqanka si aaney halkaasi rabshado uga dhicin.



Warar kale oo laga helayo magaalada Cabudwaaq ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga oo gaaray halkaasi,waxaana haatan socda dhaqdhaqaaqyo ay wadaan culimaa’uddiinka iyo waxgaradka kudhaqan degmadaasi oo lagu taageerayo maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed.


Degmada Cabudwaaq ayaa waxaa dhawr jeer oo hore tagay ciidamada Ethiopia oo wata gaadiidka dagaalka,ayadoo sidoo kale ay tageen Cabdi Qeybdiid iyo saraakiil ka tirsan maamulka Puntland.

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Somali news captions are amazing. :D "La wareegey".


These are a dozen sons of the city from the same sub-subclan who came back peacefully in two teknikos.


No one has a right to refuse them entrance, it is their city of course, but the old men of the city have told them they cannot and should not entertain declaring a court that comes under Mogadishu. If they go down that road, the old men have told them it is war.


What is interesting to note is the Ugaas of the Clan, Galgaduud chapter, who has been away for a while has also made an unexpected entrance that will be detrimental to the Court's cause.

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Duke, this report also contained some of the facts.


Xasan Bulxan oo jooga magaalada Cabudwaaq ayaa u xaqiijiyay shabakada wararka Halgan in
ciidamada soo gaaray magaalada ay yihiin dhalinyaro ka soo jeeda deegaanka

xiisad yar ay ka jirto magaalada kadib markii dhalinyaradaasi ay sheegeen in maxkamad islaami ah ay ka furayaan,ayadoo taasina ay ka soo horjeesteen sida uu sheegay odayaasha dhaqanka si aaney halkaasi rabshado uga dhicin.

For whatever reason, both Ugaas Ciise and former ambassador Cabdi Shire Warsame, Barre Hiiraale's uncle, both made an unexpected and immediate surprise visit to the city. We wait to see what happens.

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^^^The question is why are the reports saying, the courts have taken over the city?

It seems like some peple are trying to deflect the agenda from otehr areas, Qad banning and problems in capturing Galkacyu and so on..

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Ok, all I can see is they been armed to the neck and of course they are welcome if they are coming back to their homes, however, lets see what is their intention and program. Waxay yiraahdaan ayaanu wax ka oran! Note: majority of **** community are sceptical about UICs.



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