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Somali Phds token mouth-pieces for warlords

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Somalia’s Self-Styled Intellectuals Need To Be Free of Clan Allegiance.


Like many of the forward-thinking but disheartened Somalis in the Diaspora who have became acquainted on how the progressive and developed intelligentsia in civilized world handle matters of public sensitivity, I have been disappointed by the heightened passion of shaming harangue, and personal accusations directed to prominent Somalis. What is worse is this kind of blaming game is all based on the Somalia’s cursed clan loyalty and is perpetuated by none other than individuals with scholarly doctorate distinctions and with advanced university degrees.


As if this concentrated accusations and character assassination were not enough, it seems that much of the malice is being spawned and strewn by a group of learned men whose ideology is aligned with one warlord or the other. But it seems that the current warlord-president’s camp is by far winning this vilification battle and the other camp is unwearyingly on the self-defense.


Isn’t the education of these self-appointed intellectuals demand a level of maturity that acknowledges and understands the complex nature of Somalia’s clannish system? And because of their education, aren’t these educated individuals supposed to be over and above clan allegiance? Unfortunately, this is not the case as we have just recently read yet another piece of character assassination directed to our honorable speaker of Parliament Shari if Hassan Sheikh Aden by one of these infamous self-styled PhD holders. (Refer to the article titled: A Clueless speaker by some PhD holder)

It is worth to mention that the honorable speaker is not the only singled target of these character assassination offense here but he has some renowned men in company such as Dr.Mohamud Jama Sifir, the veteran United Nation’s diplomat and current deputy prime minister (refer to the article titled Dr. Zero and politics Duplicity), the two distinguished professors, the Samatar brothers ( refer to Samatar’s destructive grand delusion) and Yusuf Garaad of the BBC (refer to Be aware of the BBC Somali Service). These notables have been the distinguished recipients of such venom from our biased ostensible critics. Another recipient of this kind of character assassination who hasn’t been spared less than his fellow friends is Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh, the ex-prime minister of the Arta government. ( refer to the recent Startribune article by none other than Omar Jamal, Minnesota’s self appointed Somali advocate and fervent cheerleader clansman of president Yusuf: This Somali government mustn't fail) well done Mr. Jamal by advocating the use of force to solve Somalia’s problems and by the sudden metamorphosis into a clannish lobbyist. It seems that we haven’t learned anything from our destructive history.


It is not my intention here to defend any prominent Somali personality and I am not trying to belittle the reputations of certain individuals or politicians. However, I believe that there will be time and place where each Somali will be able to give details for whatever good role he/she may have played in dismantling our primitive clannish creed. Are our self-styled intellectuals up to task? Definitely not, all they could write and compile is just a biased clannish propaganda by propping up and siding with notoriously illiterate ruthless warlords because of clan allegiance at the expense of others who oppose such a favorite warlords of theirs.


My apprehension here is that this obsession of vilification of other Somalis whether reasonable or not is not helpful at all. This smear campaign has the proclivity, at this dangerous time of transition, to create more discord and division. It already impairs our hurt psyche and mocks our frail intellect. I think these so-called intellectuals and scholars should focus to find common solutions to reversing the downhill social and political destruction our country is in. I am pleading with these self-styled scholars to take a pause and think about their actions. Concentrating such negativity solely as a means of antagonizing some and discrediting others is in no way helpful in the long run.


Honest objective discussions and differences of opinion are very relevant and constructive in formulating a way out of our nightmare but I believe that instead of the campaign of vilification, our self-styled intellectuals could best come up with encouraging and progressive ways to identify realistic options for our nation’s resurrection. I believe that today's discussions should be geared towards revisiting and repositioning of clannish sentiments for better course. They should at least strive in ways to relinquish this primitive clannish culture for the advancement of our people.


Let us just think about it: what and how long it would take for Somalis to regain a respectable and dignified status in the community of civilized nations if their educated class is behaving this way and is still hostage to the abysmal clan creed? What kind of society do these self-styled intellectuals envision if high academic achievement automatically qualifies them token mouth-pieces for ruthless illiterate warlords? I hope that our self-styled intellectuals will take note and will re-evaluate their current short-sighted approach which most of the ordinary folks consider as adding more firewood to an already blistering bonfire.


BY: Shaacir Ali Mataan

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