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Somaliland president arrives home

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building that bridge is a good cause and I will Insha Allah.


And no silly, I have no faith in Rayaale or any politician but I do have faith in people. All I ask is for them to stay out of the people's way.


They do more harm than they will ever do good.


ps. I am not going to anounce what I have done for Somaliland. It doesn't serve any purpose for me to say it here.

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XRed Sea

We know you think Rayaale is totally useless, but what do you want and how do you want to achieve it? You still haven't answered these questions for a start. If it's about Rayaale, the people will have their say Inshallah. If it's something else, what is it and how shall we solve it?

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Red See,


Waa runtaa the government should do oversight regarding the bridge however, the project was given to private sector and they (private sector)'re saying the money given to them wasn't sufficient due to the inflation which impacted the construction material heavenly. I think more could be done.


As far as the roads in the city, The central government has nothing to do with it. The mayor of the city, who was elected by his peers, is fully responsible the beautification of the city. Jiciir is the worst mayor in our young history. Thus, roads are being build in Hargeisa more than you assume, thanks to the local businessmen.


Have seen what Dahabshiil did in those round-abouts in Hargeisa? Simply breath taken. While you at it, check out the airport. New VIP, Departure area and fully equipped and paved parking lot that holds 130 cars are constructed recently. The opening ceremony will take place soon.


As far as the port is concern, the current sitting government failed us there. Thanks to Cawil.


Now lets talk about the accomplishment of Rayaale.


*154 schools were built under his adminstration.


*The Somaliland army is stronger than ever.


*The Somaliland Navy is operating in our sea shore


*Awdal, Sool and Sannag are all under the umbrella of The Somaliland leadership.


*He is the only president who held multiple elections


*Our foreign affairs improved dramatically


I thought I had to mansion this points above since we're doing constructive criticism.




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Originally posted by xRed Sea:





No one is accusing of him working under Siyad Barre. Don't be paranoid now.
What I am accusing him is what majority of people in Somaliland accuse him and that is being deceptive and bankrupting the nation without giving anything in return.


Can you prove this? We will like to see you prove this please? or stop with your silly nonesense already.


Dude..You support the people that killed the innocent people of Hargeisa, and Somalilanders should take you seriously? C'mon


You don't even know why you support the party you support..We know you're oppose the government, but I ask you - what is the party that you show support for doing to change what you don't like about this current government?

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

However, Somalilandpress has learned that while the president was in Addis Ababa, he expressed worry about the Ethiopian government’s plans to widthdraw its forces from Southern Somalia.

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^^Whoever wants an occupation to continue for selfish reasons and self interest is a xasid, period. The names aren't particularly important.

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