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Abdirahman Nuunow ----- The Suicide Bomber

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Wargyska ugu afka dheer dalka Dermark ayaa so bandhiigay sawirkii ninkii isku qarxiyay, xafladii ardayda lagu gudoonsinayay shahaadooyinka. iyadoo maalintaas goobtaas ay ku naf-waayeen in ka badan 22 qof, oo iskugu jiray arday, dhaqaatiir, Wasiiro, iyo weliba waaliidiinti ardaydaas xaflada ka so qeyb gashey.



Sawirkan shaashada ka muuqda ayaa ah ninkii isku qarxiyay HOTEL SHAMOOW ee magaaladda Muqdisho. kaas oo lagu magacaabi jiray Cabdi Raxman Nuunow isla markaana ka mid ahaa Soomaalida wadankaas magangelyada ugu noolaa in muddo ah.


Arrintani ayaa waxa argagax ka muujiyay shacabka reer Danmark kadib markii ay ka war-heleen warbixintan ku sabsan Cabdi Raxman Nuunow oo isagoo 5-sanno jir ah la geeyay wadanka Dernmark.



Qaar ka mid ah dadkii sida weyn ninkaani is qarxiyay u yaqaaney ayaa waxay isku raaceen inaysan waligood is oran ninkaas ayaa ku kicii doonaa fal argagax gelin karra umadda Soomaaliyeed, hasse yeshe marka ay aarkeen ay ka murugodeen,

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waxaaan maqli jiray dadka galiya cadaabta iyo jannada kuwo galaya labada waxaa hogaaminaya shiikh , marka nimanka wadaada sheeganayaa oo waxaas inta ay dadka masaakiinta ah diinta uga dhigaaan u herseedaya halaaga naftooda iyo ummada kalaba, waa ku hadhow dadka cadaabta hor boodinaa baan filayaa. ninkaan is qarxiyey waxay badan tahay in uu diinta wax aad u yar ka yaqaanay oo laga fiidaystay jaahilnimadiisa, haddii kale ma yeeleen waxaas inuu sameeyo.

ama qof wax u dhiman yihiin oo garaadkiisu aad u hooseeyo

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yes indeed ya Majnun al Leyla.


they tell us that Ethiopia is the source of all evil and she features in alshabaab rhetoric but mysteriously never gets bombed for all of her crimes while poor Somalis die in the rate of hundreds, not to mention the exodus alshabaab’s mindless effort causes to the inhabitants of Somalia’s urban centers.


a food for thought, is it not!

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What is far worse are the leaders who have brainwashed these young men to committ mass murder in the name of religion while they themselvess are unwilling to do the same and instead enjoy life.

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JB, you are not doing justice to Artan guy. Put his name under the first photo for he is not the killer. It is big shame you put his face to show as if he is the dead one.


By the way, wax Nuunoow la yidhaa oo reerka ah majiro.

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What is wrong with JB's Danish...or why is he against this Artan Guy?...FYI Artan(the 1st picture) claims to have been the bombers best friend.

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A&T: Durbaba preliminary database search baad suubisay. Walee kii yaraa ee farta kugu fiiqay the other day walwal weyn buu ku galiyey. Ma hubisay inaadan misspell suubin?

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