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General Duke

Famous former warlords out in the cold....

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I was glad to see Xuseen Caydiid being told to report Howlaha guud iyo guriyeynta....@lol..Asaga iyo dowlad ku sheegaba one day Soomaali waa dhaafi doonaan Dolad Xalaal ahna Ilaah waa na siin doonaa!



By the way, anyone knows why Mr Duke is so excited today?@lol.....Duke you wanna tell us this and the truth, cause sheeko kale oo marmarsiiyo ah cidna kaama qaadanayso!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^You are confusning your self with the generalisation of "warlord". The clans choose their reps in the parliment for example, Qaybdeed is not an MP in the Parliment and thus can not be come a minister.


Yes, Sudi and Co were ministers at one time, thats when they had the guns, they refused to change and got lost with the wind of change. Now they have all been repaced by competent, non "warlord" individuals who reperesent their clans. For example Sudi has been replaced by Afrax who is a highly educated fellow. This is progress noh/


I know very little about Omar Jamal, thus I would not know what he would gain from most things.

Waryaa,I didnt ask for warlordism 101. Just tell me this:

If the GOVT is eradicating warlords,Why is AYDEED still in the cabinet?


I am also waiting for an answer on the earlier question.

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Originally posted by Brown:

Minister or Mp or Xilidhiban or whatever, The question still remains: Why is one Warlord kept as a minister while the rest are snubbed?


What makes Aydeed a special breed of Warlord? More than Qaybdeed,Sudi,Qanyare etc? Do you have an answer for that Taako?/General?


Thats all I asked,Stop side stepping the Question.


Besides,Wasnt Sudi & Qanyare one time Ministers? :confused:


Also,Duke,Please answer my earlier question about what Omar Jamal would gain by picturing Yussuf as a Warlord?

We can play semantics all day long. The facts are these.


Qaybdeed was never a MP. Which = No minister position to be sacked from.


Suudi, Qanyare and the other former ministers refused to come to baydhabo. Aideed jr was always in baydhabo. He never refused to come to baydhabo and work with the government. Geedi said if they wouldn't come they would be sacked. They didn't come and they were sacked. They can't be stripped of their Mp positions for obvious reason, but they can be disallowed from being reput in cabinet positions once again.


Comprende saxiib?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Qaynyare, Suudi, Finish, Dheere, Mr Waal, Musa Sudi Yalaxow
are all in Baidoa, they all came to get some position, and none were included in the reshuffle..


How far we have come..

We have come to an alley that has no exit, and it is dark and no one has a torch except....!

My dear friend Duke....let me remind you that the government build in Dofarey was based on warlords + elders + civic societies. The later two's role was insignificant as they were proposed by the warlords themselves.

Hence eliminating some of the primary actors such Muse Sudi, Qanyare, Finish, Xaran ku Naax, etc. and keeping President Yusuf, Barre Hirrale, etc. will certainly disturb the balance of the TFG. We have come to a day when you and Yeey know what is good for others better than themselves. God save us from the wrath of a collapsing TFG, we have all seen it before, haven we Duke?

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Adeer, you can try to circum-navigate around your load of Bull for all I care. But one thing is definite: Warlords still run this sh1t.


The removal of Qanyare, Qaybdeed and Sudi is hardly any significance. Those (former)warlords were defeated and kicked out of their fiefdoms by the IUC. They do not have any power, money or weapons anymore.


If Geedio is genuine about eradicating warlords from this government, then he should have started with Aydeed. Not some defeated and demoralized demons. Better yet, they should he should have forwarded these criminals to the courts @ the Hague.

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Barre Hiraale, Aideed Jr etc never refused to report to baydhabo when PM Geedi asked them to come. These guys always worked with the government and were neutral. Hence why they still hold their ministerial position and the likes of Xaran ku naax :D , Suudi, Qanyare etc lost their positions.


This is not Abdullahi yusuf asserting his control. This is PM Geedi reshuffling his cabinet. Stop making this a clan thing.

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Originally posted by Brown:

Adeer, you can try to circum-navigate around your load of Bull for all I care. But one thing is definite: Warlords still run this sh1t.


The removal of Qanyare, Qaybdeed and Sudi is hardly any significance. Those (former)warlords were defeated and kicked out of their fiefdoms by the IUC. They do not have any power, money or weapons anymore.


If Geedio is genuine about eradicating warlords from this government, then he should have started with Aydeed. Not some defeated and demoralized demons. Better yet, they should he should have forwarded these criminals to the courts @ the Hague.

Adeer your not making sense. How can he eradicate defeated warlords who were already stripped of their posts awhile back?


Aideed jr regardless of his past/present/future is working with the government. He never said I will shoot you when you come to Xamar. I will not allow the TFG to succeed. He was always in cooperation mode saxiib. That is why he is still present and they are not. How many times do I have to repeat myself?

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Aideed jr regardless of his past/present/future is working with the government.

So long as they don’t denounce this government[Or dare shoot them down, LOL], A Warlord can remain in this government?


Poor Sudi, If only he could just shut up. :D

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

This is PM Geedi reshuffling his cabinet. Stop making this a clan thing.

Unless my memory fails me, Geedi came to power cause another Warlord (Moxamed Dhere) stepped down from his seat in Parliament so that Geedi could become PM.

So let me ask you if Moxamed Dhere today said he wanted his seat back, what will Geedi do?

What you and others are missing is that this TFG was not elected by the people, and the only mandate it has is that of the warlords and its cohorts tribal leaders and civic leaders. Having said that I accept the fact that it is a bridge to the next form of government, one by the people.

However you cannot at this stage rock the boat by dividing them into loveble and unloveble warlords. TFG is a warlord government from top to bottom, now matter how much you disguise it.

There if you want to keep the boat afloat keep them together and lets move on to the next stage.

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Originally posted by Brown:

quote: Aideed jr regardless of his past/present/future is working with the government.

So long as they don’t denounce this government[Or dare shoot them down, LOL], A Warlord can remain in this government?


Poor Sudi, If only he could just shut up.
:DNo but Sudi was always anti-government. Even when Aideed Jr was holding villa somalia in Xamar he was pro TFG pro governance.


Unless you want problems coming from aideed jr so that your denial of todays reality and adeer Turki and Abti aweys will come flying from the air? icon_razz.gif





Mahamed dheere stepped down. He was not forced to do anything. The PM was given his seat and unless the PM wants to step down what is their to argue?

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^War waa
dameer iyo labadiisa dhegood

Adeer, I know they are both dameera.


Balse dhageeso ninkaan Taako la dhaho wuxuu lasoo shir tagay. Malaho,A warlord can remain in this cabinet so long as he doesnt bad mouth it. smile.gif


War ninku indho adkaa? icon_razz.gif

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Juje, I have no idea why you are defending the warlords and going back on the support with which you so heriocly gave the government a few weeks back?


Abwan, I have been a supporter of the TFG from inception, you have been anti TFG from the beggining. Thus what ever I say will not please you, since you belive that you have lost due to some unknown clan reasons..


The warlords are not coming backinsha Allah, there is nothting Mohamed Dheere, Qaynyare can do but to voice their frustration which is their right. Those who thought they were bigger than the institutions of government have no say in its future direction..

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