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A common front against the external players

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A common front against the external players


The dilemma of the Somali today is that he does not know which fights to pick and which to hold of on.


This time we must all support the TFG, the creation of a single unified security force run by the government for the capital.


Those in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the Arab world must return and take part in the national development.


A clear signal must be sent to Ethiopia that their latest activity of "arresting" and arming Somali's is not warranted nor is it in support of this government and its interests. The old excuse is out and their new ones are not acceptable. If anyone needs to crackdown on militants it will be the national and state security forces.

To the young commanders and soldiers across the country, join your local security forces or travel and become part of the central ones. Do not take up arms against your cousins and fellow countrymen. Your are the future and a stable one is in your interest.


To the outside world we must demonstrate that we are not a threat to their security and that no Somali citizen has ever taken part in a terrorist attack anywhere in the world. Our people are not extremists and they will not become radicalized over night.


Recent media attention is another way to create more barriers against attaining peace.


The Pirates must become part of the system, those thugs within them must be marginalized the rest should hunt for illegal fishing boats under the command of national and state governments.


To the powerful NGO's the time you used to get rich on the misery of the people of Somalia is coming to an end.

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